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Cooley's blog: "Its all Bull ****"


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My point was the we played bad; our players were dropping balls, our QB was almost sacked for a safety, we couldn't get into the end zone. It took some luck (Horton causing the fumble) for us to be able to escape with the win.

Cooley is right we aren't that bad. But a 8-8 team ends up watching the playoffs just like a 2-14 team. We finished last in our division last year. We aren't playing sound football. We aren't playing the kind of football that will take our team deep into the playoffs or to the playoffs at all.

sgf21....giving Elk his due as an optimist.....the problem I have with the quoted post is that is what we observe every season. when is this team going to move from learning mode into contender (if not championship) mode? it's just been one unending litany of excuses every year. it's well past time to move off that stick and into professional mode where bonehead penalties, dropped passes, QB fumbles, etc., are the seldom seen freak ocurrence....not the "needs improvement" focus area we have been observing for what seems like forever.

we have been watching this same act forever....long before JC ever arrived on the scene.

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i have no problem with cooley saying what he said. as far as I'm concerned, Cooley's one of the few who's actually doing their job and living up to expectations.

But you keep holding on to your precious 2 point wins, and hope for better. I'll keep demanding this team return to being anything other than the laughing stock of the NFL.

Players come here to get paid - not to win. Players take paycuts to go to the patriots and steelers. They leave the team they've been with for 5-8 years to come here for a bigger contract.

Lavar said it himself - someone who loves the redskins, and the players on it. Thats the way the other players in the NFL look at the redskins.

Yeah, you keep being ok witht he current ownership. Let me know how many years you need - personally 10 is enough for me.

You really read a lot into what I've actually said.

Really. I've never said even ONE of the things you're alluding to.

Far as I'm concerned you've said you plan on shooting the Pope. Don't deny it. Its all right there in what you've not said.

And until you own up to it, I see no point in continuing a discussion if all you'll do is fall back on what I haven't said to try and make your point.

Once more, with feeling.

I have no problem with fans booing. I don't think booing after a win is good form. I don't see it as the time or the place.

With me so far? I hope so, but in case you still don't understand I will be publishing Cliff's Notes.

As it is, we the fans in our demand for better have caused one big fat distraction for a team that has a lot of work to do.


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All I would say to the team, in response to Chris, is, "Show me, don't tell me."

If the offense lays another egg like that, you'll have to seriously reconsider your "Bull****" position.

Chris Cooley so far

Tied for 1st in receptions with 14.

3rd in receiving yards with 151.

Currently tied for 7th with 1 TD behind 6 way tie for 1st with 2TDs

I'd say he's shown it pretty damn well.

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thats not all we can do.

those of us that go to the game can do more.

we can show our frustrations to the organization, in person, on game day.

i don't think you get it...

do you remember what the lions fans did? how they turned their owner/organization into an embarassment?

the same can, and probably will, be done to snyder if things don't change. 18 years is a long time... and people are getting fed up. People are already abandoning season tickets, teh skins are struggling to fill seats, and if this continues for another few years I would seriously expect blackouts - hell it might not even take that long. the stadium had WAY too many open season for an home opener... and thats because the people with tickets didn't even bother to come. They ate the cost, and just didn't even come. I'm not talking about the cheap seats either, there were plenty of open seats in the lower levels all game long.

when people start wearing bags over their heads, and the stadium is empty, snyder will have turned this organization into a laughing stock - and will be forced to fix it one way or another.

like you, i pray that doesn't happen - i really really really do. but to think that the fans are helpless to force/spark change, is a little naive. Washington plays a lot of prime time games this year at home. 3 against division rivals. there is plenty of oportunity to embarass snyder if we (the ticket holders) choose to do so.

I dont think the right way to spark change is calling players and coaches idiots, terrible, overpaid morons.....ect.

It just makes all of us fans look totally retarded as a whole. It sucks we are getting made fun of on almost every messege board and radio station out there. Not the players or the organization......but the fans.

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Well considering most have been fans since birth....

It would appear rather shady to stop being a fan now all of the sudden. We should be use to this. Look at the Cleveland Fanbase they have been mediocre for a while, fans still line up and go ApeS%!t on Sundays.

Cleveland won't put up with the losing forever.

I have a feeling that when November rolls around and Lebron is putting up triple doubles while Brady Quinn is throwing passes to himself, the Dawg Pound is going to be a little quiet.

Cleveland has a long-time, dedicated fanbase. And it was energized when the team was taken away.

But give them two or three more years of awful football and see if they still want to fill that joint?

This is not 1978. Fans are smarter, more fickle and have a lot more options now.

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I will have to say two things, after commenting in a wide variety of these threads:

1. If any player on the current Redskins roster thinks that the fans last Sunday were "booing" because the team "won" the game, they are too damn stupid to be wearing the Redskins uniform on gameday. I am sure that the players did not like to hear that (I know I wouldn't), and I am sure that they were very upset and angry at the end and directly after the game. They should reflect on their favorite cliche "This is a business". Well guess what, the customers spontaneously told them what they thought of the currently offered product. Now the organization can fix it, and get back to offering effort commensurate with the Product the fans want. I can totally guarantee they wouldn't be booed putting in the type of effort (win or lose) that fans expect.

2. Passionate fans and customers often offer feedback that is uncomfortable or difficult to hear. It is because they are passionate that they spend the effort to provide that feedback. Blindly accepting what you are offered as a consumer, regardless of your expectations or the diminishing quality/suitability of the product is just, plain dumb as well.

It's time for the organization and fans to be united again. Alas, only the organization can make the initial improvements.

Good post. Sunday's booing wasn't about winning, or not winning by enough points. Of course we like winning and are not taking it for granted. Sunday was about the whole damn product being piss poor.

When you go to a boxing match, you want to see a good fight - or at least one guy get his ass beat. Thats what you're paying for. When you go to an NFL game with all its inconveniences - the ticket costs, the parking, the traffic, the crowd, the walking, the heat, the TV timeouts (oh, God! the TV timeouts!) - the very least you expect is to see two teams fight it out for glory. I witnessed two girls in an open-palmed slapping contest on Sunday. Boo.

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I love my man Cooley.. But man, show some professionalism. We haven't won a Divisional Championship in this century. Do you think we have reason, Mr. Cooley!?

How can we get Haynesworth and still be atrocious, yet the Giants get a scrub like Canty and they are world beaters.

And what's up with that dude Manningham on Sunday nite? Did someone do a stem cell transfer, from the Manning brothers Momma, and put it in his cool aid? That kid is no joke.

Now if only Cooley can drink from the same bottle...which i am going to do now -- Snyder has me going back to AA meetings...

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You know, I think KingGibbs is right... I am just gonna start ignoring the folks who want to piss and moan the entire time... I am tired of trying to convince people that they don't need to sit in their own cesspool of misery.

I myself will continue to be optimistic that things can and will turn around. I will still critique things after games and after the season is over (no not with rose colored glasses), but I will not let it turn me into a bitter fan and I will never boo my team.

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This is a team that's scored 3 touchdowns in their last 5 home games, and just beat conceivably the worst team in the NFL by 2 points while yet again not getting into the end zone.

At some point the people associated with the team have to realize that there is going to be gross fan dissatisfaction. If it weren't for our defense over the past few years, this team would be being mentioned in the same sentence as the Lions, Raiders, Rams, etc.

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It just makes all of us fans look totally retarded as a whole. It sucks we are getting made fun of on almost every messege board and radio station out there. Not the players or the organization......but the fans.

most other teams fans know that the general consensus in redskins land is that we always think everything is ok and "getting better", which is why we get laughed at when we fail.

and the media isnt making fun of the fans, the fans didnt score 9 points against the rams.

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I love my man Cooley.. But man, show some professionalism. We haven't won a Divisional Championship in this century. Do you think we have reason, Mr. Cooley!?

How can we get Haynesworth and still be atrocious, yet the Giants get a scrub like Canty and they are world beaters.

And what's up with that dude Manningham on Sunday nite? Did someone do a stem cell transfer, from the Manning brothers Momma, and put it in his cool aid? That kid is no joke.

Now if only Cooley can drink from the same bottle...which i am going to do now -- Snyder has me going back to AA meetings...

Nice try, go back to the Giant's message board.


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It's been pointed out already' date=' but if you want to see what the future could possibly hold for the Redskins...just drive an hour north to Camden Yards.

In 1996, the Orioles had a fanbase that seemed impossible to alienate. Angelos did it.

We may still be a decade or ten years away from that...and in the NFL, you have to try very hard to stink for ten years...but it's possible that at some point, the fans will just say "Enough of this!" DC is not the city it was in 1980. You have baseball and basketball and a real hockey team and more entertainment options and more transplants than ever. The Skins don't own the South anymore thanks to Carolina and New Orleans and Atlanta and Tennessee. The Ravens keep pushing their fanbase further south. (If I am ten years old and live in a Maryland suburb, I might become a Ravens fan at this point). The Steelers keep pushing further west. (Harrisburg and the Eastern Panhandle of WV seem to be firmly in Steeler Country right now).[/quote']

I'm an Orioles fan. The differences between Snyder and Angelos are legion.

Snyder actually tries. We can debate all day to his methods, but he tries.

Angelos quit. He decided that having the team was enough to make him happy, and he spent five years getting rid of every single decent prospect that ever came to Baltimore. He wanted to keep payroll low, and make a higher profit as a result.

There's HUGE differences between the two.

Now, if anyone wants to claim that the Redskins aren't trying, that would be laughable. They have plenty of problems, but I really don't think anyone is just loafing it.


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Well, my blood pressure is fine, thanks for the concern.

Everyone has every right to boo the players after a win that isn't up to standards. Fans have every right to try and send messages to ownership.

And fans should expect that when they do, they run the risk of alienating the very players we claim to cheer for.

And here we are.

Like I said earlier,, people love this team so much that now it is beginning to hate them. What a lovely state of affairs.


I think this hits the nail on the head.

Fans pay good money and can choose to conduct themselves any way they see fit. But they have to be OK with the consequences. You can't have it both ways...booing the team and ripping them on message boards and then always be referred to as "the best fans in the NFL" by players, coaches, and ownership.

It's a free country so you can boo all you want...but nobody has to like it or respect you for doing it.

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Cleveland won't put up with the losing forever.

I have a feeling that when November rolls around and Lebron is putting up triple doubles while Brady Quinn is throwing passes to himself' date=' the Dawg Pound is going to be a little quiet.

Cleveland has a long-time, dedicated fanbase. And it was energized when the team was taken away.

But give them two or three more years of awful football and see if they still want to fill that joint?

This is not 1978. Fans are smarter, more fickle and have a lot more options now.[/quote']

thats whats even worse about having the ravens down the street, who now seem to have some high powered offense from out of nowhere. the younger kids who have no loyalty yet are going to shift to them because theyre the better team which is what young kids generally do without parental guidance of who to root for.

im praying this is a wake up call for snyder. i know that gets said every season, but i dont remember this much disappointment early on in a season.

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most other teams fans know that the general consensus in redskins land is that we always think everything is ok and "getting better", which is why we get laughed at when we fail.

and the media isnt making fun of the fans, the fans didnt score 9 points against the rams.

I agree. I refuse to sit in the corner trying to convince myself that everything is going to be fine.

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I'm an Orioles fan. The differences between Snyder and Angelos are legion.

Snyder actually tries. We can debate all day to his methods, but he tries.

Angelos quit. He decided that having the team was enough to make him happy, and he spent five years getting rid of every single decent prospect that ever came to Baltimore. He wanted to keep payroll low, and make a higher profit as a result.

There's HUGE differences between the two.

Now, if anyone wants to claim that the Redskins aren't trying, that would be laughable. They have plenty of problems, but I really don't think anyone is just loafing it.


being an O's fan, dont you think bringing in mcphail who seems completely dedicated to restocking the farm system proves that he "cares"?

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I think this hits the nail on the head.

Fans pay good money and can choose to conduct themselves any way they see fit. But they have to be OK with the consequences. You can't have it both ways...booing the team and ripping them on message boards and then always be referred to as "the best fans in the NFL" by players, coaches, and ownership.

It's a free country so you can boo all you want...but nobody has to like it or respect you for doing it.

You know what the ironic part is? Philthy fans boo their team any chance they get even when they are winning. Yet, they are considered some of the most loyal and diehard fans out there. Go figure.

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You know, I think KingGibbs is right... I am just gonna start ignoring the folks who want to piss and moan the entire time... I am tired of trying to convince people that they don't need to sit in their own cesspool of misery.

I myself will continue to be optimistic that things can and will turn around. I will still critique things after games and after the season is over (no not with rose colored glasses), but I will not let it turn me into a bitter fan and I will never boo my team.

I might have to join you bro. It's becoming way too tiring trying to share optimism with people who'd prefer to assume the worst is about to happen. Things are far from perfect, but I'd rather hope and think that the good times are right around the corner.

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being an O's fan, dont you think bringing in mcphail who seems completely dedicated to restocking the farm system proves that he "cares"?

Yes it does, finally. I was talking about the years in which he flat out let the team flounder. Angelos finally figured out that winning made more money then just showing up.

The difference between him and Snyder isn't results, it's methods. Snyder has tried, we have to give him that. Again, we can argue his method all day long, but he does try to field a competitive team, which is something Angelos couldn't be bothered with for a good while.

(one of the first things Snyder should do is take a cue from Angelos and hire a real GM)


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