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Cooley's blog: "Its all Bull ****"


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I wonder what Riggo would have written in 1981 on his blog.


LMAO! Now THAT is some serious food for thought, z. I've also gotta wonder if, like some posts I've seen at times here and elsewhere, his, err, typing might not fall off the edge of a cliff after say, his 13-14th brewski...

-either way I would love whatever the Diesel put into writing. I'm sure of it. :)

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Chris Cooley so far

Tied for 1st in receptions with 14.

3rd in receiving yards with 151.

Currently tied for 7th with 1 TD behind 6 way tie for 1st with 2TDs

I'd say he's shown it pretty damn well.

And that is why I said, "What I would say to the team,"...not "....to Chris".

I don't give a rip how hard the team is working. They're better than three field goals against the Rams, and if they don't improve *a lot* fast, it is not BS. It's fans being understandably upset with a bunch of underachievers (coaches and players).

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How hard would making this into a poll be? I do think its more then 50% of the people here that are unhappy with the way the players are calling out the fans. Sorry I have just never done a poll before and I've been here a long time! Thanks

I would not mind seeing a poll, I'm curious myself. I know Im not real happy about the comments Cooley and Portis made.

Cooley saying its all BS, are you kidding me? Grow up man, you said it yourself "my job is to play tight end". So go do that, win us a title or championship, and then after that if the town acts like this when we are 1-1 next season then you can tell us all to chill out. I gurantee you if DC had playoff winS and division titles in this decade people would not be so fed up. So Chris stop being such a pu**y and catching feelings from fans and the media, and go out and win some damn games, then we will talk.

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Can anyone please poll this, we had a few extreme members over tonight for our bi-weekly poker night and this was the only thing talked about. To a man we are all sick and tired of the players ripping the fans, some life long fans at that, 35+ years here. JCS can you put a poll up? Not lazy just have never done one and dont want to get BOOOOO'd

The latest statment from CP is just to much IMO.....:logo:

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Can anyone please poll this, we had a few extreme members over tonight for our bi-weekly poker night and this was the only thing talked about. To a man we are all sick and tired of the players ripping the fans, some life long fans at that, 35+ years here. JCS can you put a poll up? Not lazy just have never done one and dont want to get BOOOOO'd

The latest statment from CP is just to much IMO.....:logo:

haha sorry man, like you I have been a member for a couple years but rarely post on here. I mostly just look at what people have to say, so I am not sure how to create one either.

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Your whole post describes me as too hardcore of a fan and you as more of a casual fan, and then in the last sentence you claim I am a fair weather fan? Sorry it is obvious I am more passionate about the team then you are which there is nothing wrong with, and you did not even address the argument I was making regarding Cooley's comments. All you did was talk about my first sentence which is a fact, you can not argue that this is not serious if a large majority of the fanbase is upset about it. What are you even trying to argue exactly? My first sentence said that this was no joke because a stadium full of people booed this team after a win, so obviously you are wrong this is a big deal, many people are not happy. That was not even my main point that was one sentence. I am glad that you go into every season looking at the redskins as competitive and seeing them winning the division as "icing on the cake", but a lot of us want a superbowl win and dont look at it as freaking icing on a cake just to win the division.

I am more into the Redskins than you, thats fine, but stop throwing it is "just a game" crap at me. This board is called "extremeskins", I am a passionate Redskin fan who does not just sit back and expect the team to go 8-8 every season and look at a division win as a bonus like you do. What about any of my posts suggests I am fanatical?

At least argue the point I was trying to make instead of going on about how I am too obsessed with the team, something my previous posts don't even show like you suggest.

You've completely missed the point of my post....COMPLETELY!!

Let me first address the whole calling you specifically a fair weather fan.....

Where in that post did I specifically call you a fair weather fan? I beleive I said "sounds like a bunch of fair weather fan'S to me". Plural.....meaning more than one....not you specifically! Second if had taken the time to truly read it "objectively" and "understood" what I was saying, you'd realize I was making a generalized statement about everyone's reaction. Merely quoting yours as an example. I'm pretty confidant in the amount of passion I have for this team. I know that my commitment to this team outweighs yours a great deal. I also believe that our frustrations are equal.

A True fan....would be just that a fan! Who enjoys watching their team and not criticizing it to the point that we are seeing it here. Criticizing when most of us know that none of us have enough talent to fill a thimble in order to play on the same field as them is stupid. What I and so many here are witnessing this year are a lot of fair weather fans........those who constantly try and compare us to let's say the Patriots and Steelers of the league. When they know full well how much this franchise has been turned every which way every couple of years. Our problem, and it will continue to be a problem is stability. We had stability with Gibbs. Since Danny has taken over we haven't had much of that at all. He tried Gibbs part 2 but Joe couldn't do it any longer. The game passed him by. Until we finally settle down and allow someone adaquate enough time to get something started we are going to continue to flail around like a fish out of water.

Cooley is ticked off, ticked of at how they appear to the media, the rest of the league and fans. Ticked off that no one appears to be the slightest bit happy that even won the game regardless how ugly it looked. True mark of a good team is finding a way to win a ugly game! Remember that!! Pissed off over having to answer the same stupid ***** question over and over again. They know what the problems are and to insinuate that he needs to shut his mouth and just make it happen is crazy. Cooley hasn't been a problem for this franchise he's been an asset. Really we haven't had too many people that were problems to the team. He's right to be ticked off about "Fans" assuming they know what the hell the problem is and how to fix it. Get this, half the crap I read on this board is regurgitated crap someone else said weeks ago in the news paper, on the radio or on Sportscenter about some other team. Just change the name and post it. All this crap I'm reading you can say for the Titan, Lions, Rams and Bungles. Our boys put in work every week and to insinuate that they need to work harder as if they aren't already probably feels like a slap in the face. I'm pretty sure a lot of us would react the same way if confronted with the same crap they are putting up with and hearing. I love my Skins....always have always will. Booing them when they won the freaking game is down right ridiculous.

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Long drives does not = suck, it = excellent. Not all of offense is putting points on the board. It's almost as much about making sure the other team can't score points by controlling the clock and keeping your defense fresh. We did well in TOP this week and it made all the difference from the week before. You bring up the dolphins, I'll bring up the Titans, who scored on a bunch of quick drives and still lost in part because they got crushed on TOP. Scoring points doesn't do anything if the other team scores right along with you and controls the ball for the final minutes that matter most.

Long drives are great at the right time but eventually that 1 Turnover in 40 plays on 4 drives that equal 9 points will end up being why we lose a game or several games. Then everybody will being blaming Betts, or Campbell for a single turnover that cost us the game because we don't get any big plays, we play to drive down the field and settle for 3 points and still don't get that every time.

You need to also be able to score some points quickly without always relying on a long 10 play drive to get you 3 points. Remember, statistically a TO is worth about 4 points, right? So if we only get 3 on 3 of 4 long drives the other team always has an advantage. They get the ball back after every 3 and after every turnover or punt. We can't have any turnovers at all to win this way and that's even taking a great defense into consideration.

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Long drives are great at the right time but eventually that 1 Turnover in 40 plays on 4 drives that equal 9 points will end up being why we lose a game or several games. Then everybody will being blaming Betts, or Campbell for a single turnover that cost us the game because we don't get any big plays, we play to drive down the field and settle for 3 points and still don't get that every time.

You need to also be able to score some points quickly without always relying on a long 10 play drive to get you 3 points. Remember, statistically a TO is worth about 4 points, right? So if we only get 3 on 3 of 4 long drives the other team always has an advantage. They get the ball back after every 3 and after every turnover or punt. We can't have any turnovers at all to win this way and that's even taking a great defense into consideration.

Well the idea is to have long drives where you control the ball and time of possession, and then score touchdowns at the end and not field goals. This keeps your defense fresh, keeps the ball out of the hands of the other team's playmakers, and lets you dictate how you want to play the game.

Of course, this is all predicated on the ability to actually score touchdowns.

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long drives mean absolutely nothing if you cannot score. the colts proved that very notion on monday night. they had the ball for 14 minutes. if you can score quickly it doesnt matter.

this whole idea that we need to control the clock has become somehow more important than controlling the score.

points > time

What the Colts proved is that a bad defense makes it damn near impossible to win football games... if you are playing the Colts. Do you know how many teams win games in which their total score includes one or more field goals? Damn near every winner every damn week.

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What the Colts proved is that a bad defense makes it damn near impossible to win football games... if you are playing the Colts. Do you know how many teams win games in which their total score includes one or more field goals? Damn near every winner every damn week.

im not clear on what you mean. which team had a bad defense? because last i checked miamis defense was pretty solid, not great but they went 11-5 with it.

the colts just showed if you can make big plays you dont need 15 play drives. scoring on 3 plays is just as good as scoring on 15. a score is a score.

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You've completely missed the point of my post....COMPLETELY!!

Let me first address the whole calling you specifically a fair weather fan.....

Where in that post did I specifically call you a fair weather fan? I beleive I said "sounds like a bunch of fair weather fan'S to me". Plural.....meaning more than one....not you specifically! Second if had taken the time to truly read it "objectively" and "understood" what I was saying, you'd realize I was making a generalized statement about everyone's reaction. Merely quoting yours as an example. I'm pretty confidant in the amount of passion I have for this team. I know that my commitment to this team outweighs yours a great deal. I also believe that our frustrations are equal.

A True fan....would be just that a fan! Who enjoys watching their team and not criticizing it to the point that we are seeing it here. Criticizing when most of us know that none of us have enough talent to fill a thimble in order to play on the same field as them is stupid. What I and so many here are witnessing this year are a lot of fair weather fans........those who constantly try and compare us to let's say the Patriots and Steelers of the league. When they know full well how much this franchise has been turned every which way every couple of years. Our problem, and it will continue to be a problem is stability. We had stability with Gibbs. Since Danny has taken over we haven't had much of that at all. He tried Gibbs part 2 but Joe couldn't do it any longer. The game passed him by. Until we finally settle down and allow someone adaquate enough time to get something started we are going to continue to flail around like a fish out of water.

Cooley is ticked off, ticked of at how they appear to the media, the rest of the league and fans. Ticked off that no one appears to be the slightest bit happy that even won the game regardless how ugly it looked. True mark of a good team is finding a way to win a ugly game! Remember that!! Pissed off over having to answer the same stupid ***** question over and over again. They know what the problems are and to insinuate that he needs to shut his mouth and just make it happen is crazy. Cooley hasn't been a problem for this franchise he's been an asset. Really we haven't had too many people that were problems to the team. He's right to be ticked off about "Fans" assuming they know what the hell the problem is and how to fix it. Get this, half the crap I read on this board is regurgitated crap someone else said weeks ago in the news paper, on the radio or on Sportscenter about some other team. Just change the name and post it. All this crap I'm reading you can say for the Titan, Lions, Rams and Bungles. Our boys put in work every week and to insinuate that they need to work harder as if they aren't already probably feels like a slap in the face. I'm pretty sure a lot of us would react the same way if confronted with the same crap they are putting up with and hearing. I love my Skins....always have always will. Booing them when they won the freaking game is down right ridiculous.

Well thanks for atleast giving a more in depth opinion. Do not talk to me about true fans though, you are in no way a better redskin fan because you follow them team with less passion, see a divisional win as icing on a cake, and dont boo them. I am sorry, just because you didnt boo does not make you a better fan, even if you are convinced it does. Arguing this is not really worth my time as I have my stance and you have yours. I assure you I am in no way a fair weather fan, and most that are on this site are not. IF they were they would not be on the site, they would be off doing something else not football related. I care just as much about the skins as you do, and just because I am more critical of my team does not mean I am any less of a fan. Booing means you care, just like punishing your kid means you care. Keep having your blind faith like a snyder sheep and I will keep being critical of this team until they show me a reason not to be. Frankly you just have no idea what the hell you are talking about. I can respect how you view the skins, but dont even try telling me or anyone else what kind of fan they are because they are mad at this team right now.

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im not clear on what you mean. which team had a bad defense? because last i checked miamis defense was pretty solid, not great but they went 11-5 with it.

the colts just showed if you can make big plays you dont need 15 play drives. scoring on 3 plays is just as good as scoring on 15. a score is a score.

So you think Miami's defense was "solid" against the Colts?

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What the Colts proved is that a bad defense makes it damn near impossible to win football games... if you are playing the Colts. Do you know how many teams win games in which their total score includes one or more field goals? Damn near every winner every damn week.

Do you know how many teams win games in which their total score includes nothing but field goals? Damn near none. And we've proven nothing more than that, so far.

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Do you know how many teams win games in which their total score includes nothing but field goals? Damn near none. And we've proven nothing more than that, so far.

i dont know what he was trying to say with that comment. the colts kicked two field goals in their win over miami the other night. FGs are a big part of the game. touchdowns are bigger.

last time i checked, 7 was a bigger number than 3.

*pulls out calculator to verify*

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Well the idea is to have long drives where you control the ball and time of possession, and then score touchdowns at the end and not field goals. This keeps your defense fresh, keeps the ball out of the hands of the other team's playmakers, and lets you dictate how you want to play the game.

Of course, this is all predicated on the ability to actually score touchdowns.

And we haven't seen the Redskins do this once this year.

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im not clear on what you mean. which team had a bad defense? because last i checked miamis defense was pretty solid, not great but they went 11-5 with it.

the colts just showed if you can make big plays you dont need 15 play drives. scoring on 3 plays is just as good as scoring on 15. a score is a score.

From an offensive perspective you're right, but from a TEAM perspective you are way off. Quick strikes are in no way a bad thing, but playing a game like the Colts played put their defense on the spot big time. Just look at their defense by the 3rd quarter. They were burnt out because they had been on the field all night. A longer drive keeps your defense fresh for the entire game. The Colts were fortunate Ginn dropped that ball at the end and the Dolphins mismanaged the clock, because their defense was done. It's much smarter to plan your offense with your defense in mind. This means that sometimes that 15 play drive IS better than that quick strike.

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From an offensive perspective you're right, but from a TEAM perspective you are way off. Quick strikes are in no way a bad thing, but playing a game like the Colts played put their defense on the spot big time. Just look at their defense by the 3rd quarter. They were burnt out because they had been on the field all night. A longer drive keeps your defense fresh for the entire game. The Colts were fortunate Ginn dropped that ball at the end and the Dolphins mismanaged the clock, because their defense was done. It's much smarter to plan your offense with your defense in mind. This means that sometimes that 15 play drive IS better than that quick strike.

and we have a better defense than they do, which is why its even more disheartening that our offense is so inept.

the dolphins are incapable of scoring quickly, which is why they lost in the end. did you see how slow they went at the end of the game? theyre not a fast paced offense at all, its all short throws and good running for 4-6 yards a click. no big play ability.

the ability to make the quick strike is what we need. we cant rely on 15 play drives because its more room for errors and as you know any small error can cost us the drive. big plays are also momentum shifters and put pressure on the other team. we put no pressure on other teams with our offensive ineptitude. ted ginn is a prime example of how 15 play drives can hurt if youre not 100% perfect. when you can rely on big plays, you dont need to worry about getting every single play perfectly correct every time. it leaves some room for error, which our offense and the dolphins offense do not have. peyton manning can have a guy drop a pass, and you know hes gonna have the ability to make up for it with a potential huge play. we dont have that.

imagine if this team could score from anywhere on the field? we'd be a beast of a team with this defense.

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