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Cooley's blog: "Its all Bull ****"


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that is all we can do!


thats not all we can do.

those of us that go to the game can do more.

we can show our frustrations to the organization, in person, on game day.

i don't think you get it...

do you remember what the lions fans did? how they turned their owner/organization into an embarassment?

the same can, and probably will, be done to snyder if things don't change. 18 years is a long time... and people are getting fed up. People are already abandoning season tickets, teh skins are struggling to fill seats, and if this continues for another few years I would seriously expect blackouts - hell it might not even take that long. the stadium had WAY too many open season for an home opener... and thats because the people with tickets didn't even bother to come. They ate the cost, and just didn't even come. I'm not talking about the cheap seats either, there were plenty of open seats in the lower levels all game long.

when people start wearing bags over their heads, and the stadium is empty, snyder will have turned this organization into a laughing stock - and will be forced to fix it one way or another.

like you, i pray that doesn't happen - i really really really do. but to think that the fans are helpless to force/spark change, is a little naive. Washington plays a lot of prime time games this year at home. 3 against division rivals. there is plenty of oportunity to embarass snyder if we (the ticket holders) choose to do so.

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Well, my blood pressure is fine, thanks for the concern.

Everyone has every right to boo the players after a win that isn't up to standards. Fans have every right to try and send messages to ownership.

And fans should expect that when they do, they run the risk of alienating the very players we claim to cheer for.

And here we are.

Like I said earlier,, people love this team so much that now it is beginning to hate them. What a lovely state of affairs.


Therein lies the problem Bang. We love this team so much it hurts. Which is why I can understand the frustrations some fans are showing. I guess I'm an open-minded person.

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They have made so many attempts to fix it, that it is almost mind boggling.

We have had a coaching carousel since Snyder has come here trying to find

the right one to lead the team... He has gone out and paid probably upwards

of billions of dollars trying to bring in stud players. Now here is the thing... do

I agree with every decision that has been made? Hell no.... Do I criticize

these? Hell yes! Do I wallow in that over and over in every single post I have

here... no. I look forward... I pray that a player, or a coach has a

breakthrough, and things start clicking.... that is all we can do!

I understand. But I "wallow" because nothing positive is coming out from it. I mean bringing in a QB coach as an O-Coordinator is one thing, but then anoint Zorn as the head coach of the washington redskins is ridic. This is the washington redskins. Thats like saying you brought in a teacher and because you had no other choice gave him the position of the president of the university. These types of decisions by the front office is what is killing this organization. Who does that? Are we that bad of an organization that we could hire someone who was qualified to be a head coach. Zorn is over his head. He is clueless and you can see that in how the team performs. Those are the decisions that piss me off and a lot of other fans.

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Well, my blood pressure is fine, thanks for the concern.

Everyone has every right to boo the players after a win that isn't up to standards. Fans have every right to try and send messages to ownership.

And fans should expect that when they do, they run the risk of alienating the very players we claim to cheer for.

And here we are.

Like I said earlier,, people love this team so much that now it is beginning to hate them. What a lovely state of affairs.


It's been pointed out already, but if you want to see what the future could possibly hold for the Redskins...just drive an hour north to Camden Yards.

In 1996, the Orioles had a fanbase that seemed impossible to alienate. Angelos did it.

We may still be a decade or ten years away from that...and in the NFL, you have to try very hard to stink for ten years...but it's possible that at some point, the fans will just say "Enough of this!" DC is not the city it was in 1980. You have baseball and basketball and a real hockey team and more entertainment options and more transplants than ever. The Skins don't own the South anymore thanks to Carolina and New Orleans and Atlanta and Tennessee. The Ravens keep pushing their fanbase further south. (If I am ten years old and live in a Maryland suburb, I might become a Ravens fan at this point). The Steelers keep pushing further west. (Harrisburg and the Eastern Panhandle of WV seem to be firmly in Steeler Country right now).

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Well, you and your buddies been very productive this week, haven't you? Managed to piss off our best offensive player, eh?

As I said numerous times, I don't have a problem with booing. But there's a time and a place, and after a win is neither.

But hey, what do I know. Cooley's just a dumbass jock who should just do his job and shut up.

And when he decides to go do it elsewhere, oh well.

How stupid of the team to let him get away!



i have no problem with cooley saying what he said. as far as I'm concerned, Cooley's one of the few who's actually doing their job and living up to expectations.

But you keep holding on to your precious 2 point wins, and hope for better. I'll keep demanding this team return to being anything other than the laughing stock of the NFL.

Players come here to get paid - not to win. Players take paycuts to go to the patriots and steelers. They leave the team they've been with for 5-8 years to come here for a bigger contract.

Lavar said it himself - someone who loves the redskins, and the players on it. Thats the way the other players in the NFL look at the redskins.

Yeah, you keep being ok witht he current ownership. Let me know how many years you need - personally 10 is enough for me.

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It's been pointed out already' date=' but if you want to see what the future could possibly hold for the Redskins...just drive an hour north to Camden Yards.

In 1996, the Orioles had a fanbase that seemed impossible to alienate. Angelos did it.

We may still be a decade or ten years away from that...and in the NFL, you have to try very hard to stink for ten years...but it's possible that at some point, the fans will just say "Enough of this!"[/quote']

Well considering most have been fans since birth....

It would appear rather shady to stop being a fan now all of the sudden. We should be use to this. Look at the Cleveland Fanbase they have been mediocre for a while, fans still line up and go ApeS%!t on Sundays.

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I think that that process was well on its way already.... they realized something was wrong... I think the walkout could have had some impact, but I think our situation is different...

I don't think (based upon the majority of the types of fans at fedex) that a walkout would ever happen. Too many casual fans at fedex field...

what makes you think that process was on its way? millen had been failing for almost a decade with no change in sight. same with the orioles and angelos was going on almost 15 years of failure.

and what makes our situation any different than the lions situation? i think its pretty much degrees of failure, and remember the lions did go 7-9 two seasons ago.

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If the players get hurt by the boos, then they should do something about it and win some games and not just eek out a victory on poo poo teams. They deserve to get booed. If they don't like it they can grow some thick skin or actually work harder and perform better. The workplace for them is not suppose to be all about fun and games. Its a job, sometimes heat is applied and you have to climb out of it.

You shouldn't boo your damn team after a win. You should celebrate that you won the game, we'll ****ing take it.

I swear to god, half the stadium who was booing was doing so because we were kneeling, because they're that stupid. There was legit people in my section BOOING because we weren't running the ball on the last play.

I was doing it right, I was in section 200 something and was not effected by the boo's because I didn't hear them. I was too busy running up and down my isle high fiveing everyone. I don't want to come off as an *******, but that's what fans DO when you win.

A win doesn't have to be perfect, a win doesn't have to not be questioned, all that matters is that there's a ****ing W next to that team you played on your schedule.

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I will have to say two things, after commenting in a wide variety of these threads:

1. If any player on the current Redskins roster thinks that the fans last Sunday were "booing" because the team "won" the game, they are too damn stupid to be wearing the Redskins uniform on gameday. I am sure that the players did not like to hear that (I know I wouldn't), and I am sure that they were very upset and angry at the end and directly after the game. They should reflect on their favorite cliche "This is a business". Well guess what, the customers spontaneously told them what they thought of the currently offered product. Now the organization can fix it, and get back to offering effort commensurate with the Product the fans want. I can totally guarantee they wouldn't be booed putting in the type of effort (win or lose) that fans expect.

2. Passionate fans and customers often offer feedback that is uncomfortable or difficult to hear. It is because they are passionate that they spend the effort to provide that feedback. Blindly accepting what you are offered as a consumer, regardless of your expectations or the diminishing quality/suitability of the product is just, plain dumb as well.

It's time for the organization and fans to be united again. Alas, only the organization can make the initial improvements.

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It's been pointed out already' date=' but if you want to see what the future could possibly hold for the Redskins...just drive an hour north to Camden Yards.

In 1996, the Orioles had a fanbase that seemed impossible to alienate. Angelos did it.

We may still be a decade or ten years away from that...and in the NFL, you have to try very hard to stink for ten years...but it's possible that at some point, the fans will just say "Enough of this!" DC is not the city it was in 1980. You have baseball and basketball and a real hockey team and more entertainment options and more transplants than ever. The Skins don't own the South anymore thanks to Carolina and New Orleans and Atlanta and Tennessee. The Ravens keep pushing their fanbase further south. (If I am ten years old and live in a Maryland suburb, I might become a Ravens fan at this point). The Steelers keep pushing further west. (Harrisburg and the Eastern Panhandle of WV seem to be firmly in Steeler Country right now).[/quote']

(sigh). My two favorite sports teams. :doh:

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Well, you and your buddies been very productive this week, haven't you? Managed to piss off our best offensive player, eh?

As I said numerous times, I don't have a problem with booing. But there's a time and a place, and after a win is neither.

But hey, what do I know. Cooley's just a dumbass jock who should just do his job and shut up.

And when he decides to go do it elsewhere, oh well.

How stupid of the team to let him get away!


I love Cooley but if that is why he leaves, so be it. That's the rub - he can leave to another team if he so chooses at the end of his contract. I will be a Skins fan long after he retires.

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Surprisingly enough (or not surprisingly) he does seem to attend games and goes to away games, as do many people who are supposedly "haters". Meanwhile, it's usually the people who throw around the term "haters" that don't attend games.

I guess it makes sense. It's easier to root for your team no matter what if you have no vested interested in them, whether it be time or money.

i travel to philly every year for the skins game in full skins gear and take a verbal beating for four hours with my brother in the upperdeck.

but im not really a fan. lol

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Hey King...Bang......I can't speak for others.....but I know I have been following this team longer than 90% of those on this board. I find all the gibberish about "loving the B&G"...."B&G until death"..."speaking as one fandom".....to be silly. I grew up with these cats. There is loyalty. There are emotional runs up and down the spectrum. But there is the appreciation for execution...for well laid plans...for athletic excellence......I demand the most from myself in everything I do and expect the same from others. This is my team...born into them you might say.....but that doesn't mean I drop my standards and ways of approaching life. this team has achieved very little of substance for nigh on 17 years now. it is high time we all started demanding execellence and stopped making excuses.

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I'll say it again. The booing was the result of unrealistic expectations. People really believed this team might be good. And a good team shouldn't struggle in their home opener against the lowly St. Louis Rams.

As the players have told us, our expectations were too high. We should have been happy for that win.

And now we know that this team really isn't very good, that they will have to fight hard for any win they get, regardless of the opponent. I'll still root for them every Sunday. The difference is that now I know that they really aren't a very good football team, so I won't be quite so frustrated when they do struggle to pull out a win against the Lions.

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Really, to me what it looks like, is the players recognize the need for improvement, but they also recognize they aren't as bad as some people are claiming. I think that's a healthy way to look at things. I also think their comments about needing to improve are being glossed over because players like Cooley are saying they aren't that bad.

Can a player not believe the team needs to improve while also beleiving the team is pretty good?

And if you want to play the "If this happened then this would have happened" game as you've done with the Rams game, I can just as easily claim had receivers held onto passes in the redzone, the booing doesn't even happen.

My point was the we played bad; our players were dropping balls, our QB was almost sacked for a safety, we couldn't get into the end zone. It took some luck (Horton causing the fumble) for us to be able to escape with the win.

Cooley is right we aren't that bad. But a 8-8 team ends up watching the playoffs just like a 2-14 team. We finished last in our division last year. We aren't playing sound football. We aren't playing the kind of football that will take our team deep into the playoffs or to the playoffs at all.

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It seems like the booing has had an impact on the players and maybe they'll be fired up on Sunday.

No. No it didn't.

The only thing the booing did was prove that drinking and cheering is a dangerous combination: It's easy to get it wrong.

Nothing the Redskins do this season will be the result of what a small number of fans with questionable intelligence did last Sunday.

If the Redskins go on a winning streak where they consistently put points (TDs?) on the board, then it is because they are a legitimately good football team that has been working out some "kinks."

The boo-birds get credit for nothing except for discrediting Redskin fans.

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It is really unusual for me to line up on the homer side of the ball but lately I've had no choice. Things need to get back to normal before I get used to this.

I can't support booing the team AFTER they win they game however. Cooley is 100% correct in his statement.

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No. No it didn't.

The only thing the booing did was prove that drinking and cheering is a dangerous combination: It's easy to get it wrong.

Nothing the Redskins do this season will be the result of what a small number of fans with questionable intelligence did last Sunday.

If the Redskins go on a winning streak where they consistently put points (TDs?) on the board, then it is because they are a legitimately good football team that has been working out some "kinks."

The boo-birds get credit for nothing except for discrediting Redskin fans.

Wow, this one really got a laugh out of me. Thanks.

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Again, fans aren't just mad at week 1 and 2 of this season

Its the entire picture of how this team has been run for a decade.

The frustration of the fans is just starting to really come out and rear its ugly head

Thats why I say the organization has lost the fan base. We are all pissed now

But Zorn and Cooley and Portis and Robert Henson shouldn't have to answer for things that went on before their time here. I understand you feel that Snyder does which is much more reasonable...but when you boo the front-office, it's going to seem like you're booing the guys on the field.

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