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Which party engages in more extreme distortion of facts?


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oh boy this can get ugly. :munchout:

I'll go with the Republicans as of late, but I guess it depends on the individuals perception of the facts.

I think republican, "what happened to America, give me back my country, freedom, capitalism, what about the troops, the terrorist win if you don't do what we want and if aren't for us then you're against us" set of slogans annoy me.

The demos are good at, "you don't care about poor little X, then you're evil, being rich is evil (oh wait I'm rich), anything with green in it is worth spending money, and you're being exploited" set of slogans annoy me as well.

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A friend of mine had a quote above his desk at work (I don't remember who said it) that read:

In America, there is only one party - the Industrial Party. The Democrats and Republicans are only different wings.

I believe this is basically correct. Sure, if you lean more to the left, you think the GOP is bad and distorts issues more often. Just like if you lean more to the right, you think the Democrats are bad and distort issues more often. In the end, both parties are FAR more interested in keeping power (and specifically, the politicians are mainly concerned with getting elected and staying in office) than they are interested in helping the country.

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Both parties rely on distorting the truth. That said, I think the GOP has been much better at reducing policy proposals to slogans that tend to oversimplify complex issues and appeal to emotion. On the one hand, I've got to admire the GOP for its organizational skills and effective politiking. On the other hand, I think it's kind of sad that so many people actually end up buying into the crap they sell. Some of their positions can be defended on intellectually honest grounds, but they usually find support based on stupid, hollow, and oftentimes dishonest catchphrases.

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Some of their positions can be defended on intellectually honest grounds, but they usually find support based on stupid, hollow, and oftentimes dishonest catchphrases.

You mean like Pro-Choice?


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FWIW, I haven't voted. I don't know if it's possible to "score" this one. I'll say that my unscientific, uncalibrated, gut says it's the GOP. But I also suspect that part of that is because I have a really short memory, and tend not to remember anything but the latest outrage.

For example, what's going through my mind, right now, is "1/4 of Republicans believe that Barack Obama is not a natural born citizen of the US, and another 1/4 say they don't know." To me, that's some serious delusion going on.

But then I wonder what a similar poll, eight yours ago, would have said about "Did George W Bush win the election?"

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I consider myself a Democrat, but I'm pretty open-minded. I have thought about this question quite a bit in the last few years. I have tried to see where Dems are as bad as the GOP in dishonesty, but I just haven't been able to see it... There are definitely plenty of examples of Dems being dishonest, but to me it seems like Republicans base their whole platform on lies. Maybe I'm just biased, I don't know. But to me it seems like voting Republicans in this poll is a no-brainer.

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Without a doubt, in recent days, the GOP. No language from the Democrats can match the slander coming from the right. You may say, "The Democrats are fear mongering about the affects or the private insurers," or, "the Democrats are lying about the costs of H.R. 3200," but this is a bit different then the claims coming from the right-wing.

Politics does suck, but after watching politics for the last few decades, I think the answer is very easy for anyone who doesn't want to appear biased.

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You know, the corporate elite must be laughing their way to the bank. Divide and conquer is one of the oldest political, sociological and military strategies in the world. We spend all our time fighting, lying, and cursing amongst ourselves and what have we gained?

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I would like to see some examples from both sides in this thread. Preferably from this century.

Just listen to many of the GOP claims during this health care, and there you have it. Now, what have been the Democratic counter claims?

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You know, the corporate elite must be laughing their way to the bank. Divide and conquer is one of the oldest political, sociological and military strategies in the world. We spend all our time fighting, lying, and cursing amongst ourselves and what have we gained?

Sitting on the fence isn't very exciting. Sometimes you have to jump into the fray! ;)

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