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ESPN SN: Is Changing Allegiance Ever Ok?


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Page 2 is looking for SportsNation's stories about how favorite teams come to earn such status. Did you inherit your allegiances from family members? Did geography settle things? Those plastic helmets from Dairy Queen?

But while you continue to send in your stories, you've got us wondering about a related issue. Is it ever all right to give up on a franchise?

I can see changing teams if you move away from the area and can't see your team as often as you'd like and start rooting for the local team. Say if you've been an O's fan your life and now you move to Arizona. Of course you aren't going to see many O's game so you'll prolly start pulling for the D-backs because you watch them more often.

Other than moving, I can't see why chaning allegiances would be allowed. Why would you give up on a team? Maybe you'd stop watching them as often, but to start rooting for another team...you must not have been a "true" fan to begin with.

What do you guys think?

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When I was a little kid I liked a different NFL team. I don't remember why I started liking them but I wasn't big on the Redskins for whatever reason - maybe because I just wanted to like a different team than my dad.

Anyway, that continued into high school until I finally just decided that I was stupid for not liking a great local team like the Skins and I've been a fan (fortunately or unfortunately) ever since.

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I personally think that allegiances once made, should be set in stone. But thats not to say you can't have multiple allegiances, for those people who have lived in various places their lives.

I think geographic location plays the biggest role, I was born in Northern VA and have lived here to this day so naturally I'm Skins and Caps.

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I personally think that allegiances once made, should be set in stone. But thats not to say you can't have multiple allegiances, for those people who have lived in various places their lives.

I think geographic location plays the biggest role, I was born in Northern VA and have lived here to this day so naturally I'm Skins and Caps.

:yes: Went to GMU so a Patriots fan.
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It is never okay. If you switch allegiances that means you are not a real sports fan. I can possibly see cheering for a local team if you move there, but that doesn't mean you switch allegiances, it just means you have a cheering interest for that team.

For instance, I don't give a damn about the Lakers, USC, UCLA, or the Dodgers. An I've been living here for 10 years almost.

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Changing allegiance? Never ok. But I take no issue with someone who moves and supports the new home team in addition to their real team, so long as the new team is not in direct competition (and so long as they are not a rival) of the real team.

Example: If I move to Houston, I'd have no problem supporting the Texans so long as they're not playing the Redskins. But if I move to Dallas...well, you know. Of course, just thinking about the prospect of moving to Dallas makes me want to throw up.

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What if the team you following starts doing things you don't support? Whether it be signing players or changing their attitude towards the fanbase etc.

I wrote a column on this topic a couple of years ago. I had a list of four things that, if they occured, you would be "allowed" to abandon your franchise. I remember it because all four easily applied to the New York Knicks (who I still haven't abandoned, just because I love that team for some strange reason.) I'm trying to remember what they are. Too bad the website I posted it on isn't around anymore. I'll look for it when I get home tonight.

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50% of marriages end in divorce and yet there's a stronger stigma to leaving your football team for another.

The Redskins under Snyder have put me through more heartache than a wife ever could. For the past decade, they've been a constant disappointment and I've had to defend their actions even though I never agree with many of the things they did.

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Up until I was 8 years old, I was a Philadelphia Flyers fan, due to my dad's allegiance. Then, the Caps started and I switched to the home team. Now, I hate the phylers with a red hot passion.

I think that rule, when your home gets a franchise of X sport, you can legitimately switch to them.

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Up until I was 8 years old, I was a Philadelphia Flyers fan, due to my dad's allegiance. Then, the Caps started and I switched to the home team. Now, I hate the phylers with a red hot passion.

I think that rule, when your home gets a franchise of X sport, you can legitimately switch to them.

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I didn't know anything about football in the mid 90's when the Cowboys were dominating. Obviously as a kid who doesn't know better you root for the team that always wins.

It hurts me to say but I called myself a Cowboys fan at that time. The skins were sucking hard while the cowboys were winning superbowls.

I grew up and I got some sense knocked into me. **** the Cowboys.

Also, who wasn't a Bulls fan in the 90's? Come on now...

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Well I'm really at odds trying to "jump ship" from one team to another....

Long story short I'm a bigtime Washington sports fan EXCEPT that I am also a Mets fan. The reason I like the Mets is because my Mom's entire side of the family is Puerto Rican, and she grew up in the Bronx with my Grandfather. My Grandpa has always been a HUGE Mets fan, and we used to watch Mets games together all the time on TV via MLB Extra Innings.

Now, all my friends in the area are Washington fans through and through, and I'm starting to question my own baseball fanhood. I'll be honest, the Mets being a huge embarrassment does weigh in a bit, but really it's more that I just don't watch the Mets that much anymore since my Grandpa is back in PR, and it's kind of alienating that all my DC area friends are Nats fans and I'm a Mets fan.

So I'm pretty torn on if I should just drop the Mets and root for the Nats.... What do you guys think?

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Never OK and, honestly, I can't understand how it can happen to someone.

My devotion and loyalty to the Redskins is involuntary (as I'd assume is the case for most avid fans). I suppose a casual fan could switch up easily, but I just literally can't understand how you could even do it as a true fanatic.

I even tried to switch from the Orioles to the Nationals a few years back and was unable to do so. I despise everything Baltimore except my O's. I just could not make myself care about the Nats/not care about the O's.

So, no, I don't think it's ever OK or even possible if you are truly a fan of a team.

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My dad is from Baltimore and I was raised on stories of the Baltimore Colts and, as such, was a Baltimore Colts fan. I was young enough that when they moved I became an Indianapolis Colts fan while my dad remained a fan of the Baltimore Colts and disavowed anything they did after the move. When the Browns moved to Baltimore and became the Ravens I thought he'd at least become a marginal Ravens fan, since they're Baltimore's team now and folks like Unitas and Berry have "adopted" them, but he didn't. His allegiance is still to the team of his youth despite their nonexistence. I asked him once if the Colts had moved and become the "Racers" and the Browns had become the Colts upon their arrival in Baltimore if he'd be a fan of the "new" Baltimore Colts and he told me, maybe but that it still wouldn't be the same as if they'd never left.

He remains a football fan and watches games but I discovered recently that it's mostly because he has a number of friends who serve as officials and he likes to see if he can spot them on TV.

As far as college goes I'm a fan first and foremost of the school I went to undergrad for but I also root for the teams from the school where I did my postgrad work so long as they're not in direct competition with my undergrad alma mater.

That's my story as far as the question at hand, I'm conflicted. On the one hand I don't really care but on the other Duke fans who went to another school with a basketball program (like the guy I know who went to Virginia Tech and was a Tech football fan and a Duke basketball fan) drive me nuts as do Red Sox fans who've never been to Boston (but the latter may just be that their recent success has made the bandwagon fans particularly obnoxious).

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For me, Football is the ONLY Sport and if someone switches teams, they are a complete loser. I live in Cincy and the Bengals, despite sucking hard (though I have really enjoyed Hard Knocks) might as well not exist. It's the Redskins only.

I have a buddy who still lives in DC but always hated the Skins because theywere crammed down his throat growing up. He was a Raider fan, then Houston oilers and switched now to Philly. That is some of the biggest posing I have evern seen in my life!

Baseball is ok and I have always been a casual Reds fan - but I used to be a huge O's fan as well but just cant watch them. So my NL team is Cincy and the AL team is Balt. I am a light Nats fan as well b/c I was so jazzed when DC finally got a team.

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I'll be honest, the Mets being a huge embarrassment does weigh in a bit...So I'm pretty torn on if I should just drop the Mets and root for the Nats.... What do you guys think?

I did for that very reason. I've always wanted a baseball team in DC...consider it like breaking up with the Mets and start seeing the Nats...

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