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Yahoo/Ap:Obama scoffs at Ahmadinejad's demand for apology


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Obama scoffs at Ahmadinejad apology demand

By BEN FELLER, Associated Press Writer Ben Feller, Associated Press Writer 35 mins ago

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama scoffed at the idea that he should apologize to Iran's leaders for criticizing their violent crackdown on demonstrators and said Friday it was President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who must answer to his own people.

Standing next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Obama said the United States and Germany share "one voice" in condemning the Iranian effort to crush dissent. He said Iran's leaders cannot hide the "outrageous" behavior of clamping down violently on their people.

"We see it and we condemn it," Obama said.

Said Merkel: "We will not forget this."

Obama spoke in a joint White House appearance with Merkel after they conferred privately. The two leaders have met three times since Obama took office, allies linked by such international troubles as the war in Afghanistan and a worldwide recession.

Obama said it was too soon to tell how potential direct contact between the United States and Iran will be affected by the recent events. Attempting to break from his predecessor George W. Bush, Obama has sought to loosen the diplomatic freeze with Iran, but that effort is now in question — at best.

*Click link for rest of article.*

There. Much better. :)

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The story title actually sounds a lot better than the thread title.

100% agreed.

I'm all about it. I like Obamas stance.

Everything going on in Iran is such BS. Unfortunately, we saw some BS similar to this with Florida voters several years ago but whatever.

The Iranian government needs to be overthrown, period.

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Amawannajihad is just angry that Obama has been restrained n what he has said, and that didn't make a bunch of speeches calling for the overthrow of the Iranian government (speeches that Amawannajihad would have used to show that the protestors were puppets of the "Great Satan" and turn the country against them).

This is best he can do now -complain that Obama is opposed to shooting protesters in the streets. :laugh: I'm sure that will rally the Iranian people to him. :silly:

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This is best he can do now -complain that Obama is opposed to shooting protesters in the streets. :laugh: I'm sure that will rally the Iranian people to him. :silly:

Didn't you get the memo?

There are no protesters, simply subversives, criminals and terrorists.

Kinda like that no gays thing;)

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Not bad, for the senile man the media and so many posters wanted us to believe he is.

Playing directly into the hands of the enemy and giving them every reason to scream we're meddling again....

Yeah, sounds reasonable to me.


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