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Obama smokes cigs and trying to quit?


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Does anyone care?

Not sure what I think on that one...

Ok I'll bite ...

Yes I care, I think it shows weakness in character and judgment. People know the damaging side effects of smoking now a days. He has kids and a family, let alone the most important job in the country.

His health should be a priority to himself and to those that depend on him.

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Ok I'll bite ...

Yes I care, I think it shows weakness in character and judgment. People know the damaging side effects of smoking now a days. He has kids and a family, let alone the most important job in the country.

His health should be a priority to himself and to those that depend on him.

well said. with all of the anti smoking laws in effect in our country to have our leader smoke a cigarette seems like he is above the law or doesnt care about the image he puts out there.

plenty of people are looking at him as a role model and leader. he needs to be smarter then this and quit.

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He actually promised his wife that he would quit smoking as a condition to her agreeing with him running for office. Shame that he's apparently failed to keep his agreement. I'm also not impressed. I quit 21 years ago, and put down drinking and other things a year later. If I can do it, anyone can.

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If I can do it, anyone can.

What makes you say that? I've tried and tried and I can't make it last even though I have reasons stronger than the normal ones to quit. I think the only way I'd be able to quit is if I went to rehab. Shame that an addiction to pain meds, alcohol or MJ can justify rehab or some kind of help but cigs, which will kill you with at least as much certainty and are MORE addictive, don't.

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well said. with all of the anti smoking laws in effect in our country to have our leader smoke a cigarette seems like he is above the law or doesnt care about the image he puts out there.

since when is smoking against the law?

and ohhhh the irony of a Republican whining about a president who thinks he's above the law. hahaha

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since when is smoking against the law?

and ohhhh the irony of a Republican whining about a president who thinks he's above the law. hahaha

did i say smoking itself? no. but you cant smoke indoors in california and most of the stadiums here have totally gotten rid of smoking there as well. there are specific places that smokers can go to in order to smoke.

and dude, you can keep that whining repub bull**** to yourself. nobody is impressed with your ignorance.

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did i say smoking itself? no.

haha, no you just strongly implied it, and then denied it when called out (you learn that from how bush handled the iraq/al qaeda link? bravo). you said Obama being a smoker makes it seem like he's above the law, which makes utterly no sense since smoking cigarettes is perfectly legal.

and dude, you can keep that whining repub bull**** to yourself. nobody is impressed with your ignorance.

Nixon is synonymous with the term "president who thinks he's above the law". to deny that is to deny the sky is blue.

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haha, no you just strongly implied it, and then denied it when called out (you learn that from how bush handled the iraq/al qaeda link? bravo). you said Obama being a smoker makes it seem like he's above the law, which makes utterly no sense since smoking cigarettes is perfectly legal.

Nixon is synonymous with the term "president who thinks he's above the law". to deny that is to deny the sky is blue.

called out? dude you are a true idiot. you arent calling a damn thing out and you look like a complete tool thinking you "caught" me doing something. yeah, i did say that and if you tried to just read what i wrote instead of acting like a school girl all excited to throw out the same ol bull**** you could have asked me what i meant.

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He actually promised his wife that he would quit smoking as a condition to her agreeing with him running for office. Shame that he's apparently failed to keep his agreement. I'm also not impressed. I quit 21 years ago, and put down drinking and other things a year later. If I can do it, anyone can.

Congrats on quitting and sustaining it. I think quitting is not the same degree of difficulty for different people. If you quite 20 years ago then you were probably in your 20s which means you weren't an addict for all that long. Obama has been an addict for 20-30 years. I think that makes it a lot harder. Of course he brought that on himself, so no excuses there really.

But I think there are also hereditary factors that might make it more difficult for some folks to quit.

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