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Obama smokes cigs and trying to quit?


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called out? dude you are a true idiot. you arent calling a damn thing out and you look like a complete tool thinking you "caught" me doing something. yeah, i did say that and if you tried to just read what i wrote instead of acting like a school girl all excited to throw out the same ol bull**** you could have asked me what i meant.

OK, but going back to your analogy, Obama doesn't really appear to be above the law just by smoking. If he defies the laws and smokes in places where other people are not allowed to smoke, THEN I would agree with you that he is giving the appearance of thnking he is above the law (although I don't think his residence should count).

Otherwise the same could be said for drinking. We have all sorts of restrictions on drinking. Is the President allowed to have a glass of wine?

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OK, but going back to your analogy, Obama doesn't really appear to be above the law just by smoking. If he defies the laws and smokes in places where other people are not allowed to smoke, THEN I would agree with you that he is giving the appearance of thnking he is above the law.

Otherwise the same could be said for drinking. We have all sorts of restrictions on drinking. Is the President allowed to have a glass of wine?

true, and that makes sense. above the law might not have been the right phrase but i pictured him smoking inside the white house and that wouldnt be cool and against the law in CA.

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Who the F cares really?? It's his own personal choice and I am in no position to criticize him. It didn't affect my decision in voting.

I agree with that but it is kind of a big deal because the fact that the kids who are looking at him like someone they want to model themselves after might look at smoking like its not a big deal either.

and smoking is.

but it wouldnt stop me from voting for him or thinking he was incapable of making good decisions. unless he was having a serious nic fit :silly:

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I think he's stupid but not in the universal sense. I know plenty of brilliant people that smoke cigarettes, and very smart people can often find ways to justify doing very stupid things. I don't know if Obama is very smart or not, but I'm speaking about people who smoke in general...millions of Americans do it, and pretty much all of them know it's very bad for them and do it anyway.

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haha, no you just strongly implied it, and then denied it when called out (you learn that from how bush handled the iraq/al qaeda link? bravo). you said Obama being a smoker makes it seem like he's above the law, which makes utterly no sense since smoking cigarettes is perfectly legal.

Nixon is synonymous with the term "president who thinks he's above the law". to deny that is to deny the sky is blue.

Chill out man, Mike has been giving Obama a fair shot since he's been sworn in and was just stating opinion - a fair shot is all you can ask for.

It's also kind of hard to talk about a Republican President from decades ago when you have the Illinois governor and all the tax problems on the Dem side right now.

In regards to the OP, I'd prefer he quit - but everyone has flaws and I hope he is successful in quitting eventually.

If he's a successful President, I doubt most people will care.

Also, SKINSFAN89, I hope that was one of your difficult-to-detect use of sarcasm. :)

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I agree with that but it is kind of a big deal because the fact that the kids who are looking at him like someone they want to model themselves after might look at smoking like its not a big deal either.

and smoking is.

but it wouldnt stop me from voting for him or thinking he was incapable of making good decisions. unless he was having a serious nic fit :silly:

I would agree with you if he openly smoked. From what we know, he has been quitting for a while now. And if he does have a cigarette from time to time it is completely away from any public whatsoever. So its not like kids even can see it.

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I agree with that but it is kind of a big deal because the fact that the kids who are looking at him like someone they want to model themselves after might look at smoking like its not a big deal either.

and smoking is.

but it wouldnt stop me from voting for him or thinking he was incapable of making good decisions. unless he was having a serious nic fit :silly:

I get what you're saying Mike. Everyone has their vices and hopefully he can quit his.

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I would agree with you if he openly smoked. From what we know, he has been quitting for a while now. And if he does have a cigarette from time to time it is completely away from any public whatsoever. So its not like kids even can see it.

have you seen pictures of him smoking?

I havent but I hope they arent out there. But I did know about him smoking and it is as simple as a google search to know he does and my son is as good with the internet as most adults I know.

thanks JMU, I have been supporting my CIC and will continue to do so no matter what jabs may come at me for who I voted for. :cheers:

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true, and that makes sense. above the law might not have been the right phrase but i pictured him smoking inside the white house and that wouldnt be cool and against the law in CA.

But even if he smokes in the White House that doesnt make him above the law. Are you telling me that you can not smoke in your own home in CA ?

For the next 4 years at least that is his home.

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But even if he smokes in the White House that doesnt make him about the law. Are you telling me that you can not smoke in your own home in CA ?

For the next 4 years at least that is his home.

I don't think he should be smoking in the oval office or where his co-workers will be exposed to second hand smoke. But if he wants to smoke in his bedroom or other private residence areas, I don't see why not.

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have you seen pictures of him smoking?

I havent but I hope they arent out there. But I did know about him smoking and it is as simple as a google search to know he does and my son is as good with the internet as most adults I know.

thanks JMU, I have been supporting my CIC and will continue to do so no matter what jabs may come at me for who I voted for. :cheers:

True. I guess when I was that age (impressionable early teen) I was too busy trying to download naked pictures of Pam Anderson from the internet off of my 56k modem AOL account. Looking up what the President was the LAST thing on my mind.

By the time I started caring what politicians were doing, I was old enough to make my own decision.

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Congrats on quitting and sustaining it. I think quitting is not the same degree of difficulty for different people. If you quite 20 years ago then you were probably in your 20s which means you weren't an addict for all that long. Obama has been an addict for 20-30 years. I think that makes it a lot harder. Of course he brought that on himself, so no excuses there really.

But I think there are also hereditary factors that might make it more difficult for some folks to quit.

Agree that it's different for each individual. I smoked for 30 years. Was over 4 packs a day when I quit, cold turkey, 7-8 years ago. (Quit once for a few years when I was 19-20)

Personally don't by the hereditary angle, or the "I can't" that most use. It's harder to be honest with oneself when it comes to quitting. Saying you want to, or convincing yourself you do, is not the same as actually "wanting" to. If you really want to, you will.

As for the President, wouldn't bother me in the least if he lit up during a press conference. Not a big deal, IMO.

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Ok I'll bite ...

Yes I care, I think it shows weakness in character and judgment. People know the damaging side effects of smoking now a days. He has kids and a family, let alone the most important job in the country.

His health should be a priority to himself and to those that depend on him.

regardless anyone's political affiliations, this is a very valid argument and should not be dismissed.

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regardless anyone's political affiliations, this is a very valid argument and should not be dismissed.

George Burns smoked and drank every day until he died. He certainly outlived most of his friends.

Smoking does do damage, but so does fat, and almost everything else.

I used to know a girl that was orange. All she drank was carrot juice. Now it might not kill you but it will change you.

And yes I have seen the opposite.

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Personally don't by the hereditary angle, or the "I can't" that most use. It's harder to be honest with oneself when it comes to quitting. Saying you want to, or convincing yourself you do, is not the same as actually "wanting" to. If you really want to, you will.

I agree with this. Because I used to use the same excuse when I was having trouble quitting. "It's harder for me"

Well, even if it is, doesn't matter. Just do it and stfu. That's it. It's called controlling your own actions, end of subject.


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