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Obama smokes cigs and trying to quit?


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George Burns smoked and drank every day until he died. He certainly outlived most of his friends.


Well sure. Keith Richards is still alive, but thats not exactly a ringing endorsement for Heroin.

I don't really have an issue with young singles who smoke. But when I see a guy with a wife and children still huffing away, quite frankly I wonder about his judgement and his self-worth, as well as his commitment to his family.

Maybe thats not fair, but it's the way it is in my eyes.

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I don't think he should be smoking in the oval office or where his co-workers will be exposed to second hand smoke. But if he wants to smoke in his bedroom or other private residence areas, I don't see why not.

Isn't the White House ours?

It's a tax funded government building. That is the last place (except the lung cancer ward at a hospital or a propane filling station) that you are allowed to smoke.

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But even if he smokes in the White House that doesnt make him above the law. Are you telling me that you can not smoke in your own home in CA ?

For the next 4 years at least that is his home.

I could care less if he smokes or where, but there are laws against smoking in federal buildings as well as in some homes(apts/condos) in Cali.

Hell I can't legally smoke in my own business anymore,and thats in Texas

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I could care less if he smokes or where, but there are laws against smoking in federal buildings as well as in some homes(apts/condos) in Cali.

Hell I can't legally smoke in my own business anymore,and thats in Texas

Thanks for the answer. I haven't been out to Cali in nearly 20 years.

I would venture to guess that smoking in the White House does not break any laws, no matter who the President is/was.

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Umm? That's news to this Californian.

It was one town who banned it... Or at least tried to, I'm not sure of the outcome, but they said that the smoke could come through the ventilation system into someone else's home...

Either way, I don't think that he should smoke in the White House... It'll make it a less desirable place to live for the next person... I mean who wants to move into a smoke smelling house? And I've noticed a trend, most people don't live in that house for over 8 years... Some even move out after 4...

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well said. with all of the anti smoking laws in effect in our country to have our leader smoke a cigarette seems like he is above the law or doesnt care about the image he puts out there.

plenty of people are looking at him as a role model and leader. he needs to be smarter then this and quit.

maybe we should care a lil bit, considering we will be paying for his health care for the rest of his life.

My grandmother smoked for 30 years. Not a heavy smoker, maybe a pack a day. She spent 20 yrs dying, AFTER quitting. Emphysema, diabetes, heart problems, then finally alzheimers. to watche her on 24 hr oxygen for 10 years, her breathing machine...all of the hospital visits....crazy. My issue w/ the smokers, is that when you get old, and get sick...the rest of us pay for it.

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. From what we know, he has been quitting for a while now.

this made me laugh. It's like saying, "I'm sorta pregnant."

You either quite or you don't. if you smoke a pack a day, or one cig a day, you're still a smoker.

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