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Hilarious: Daily Show Looks At 24 Hours of Fox News (and random DS bumps) MET


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Liberalism is not one and the same with this government. So far, Obama has stayed pretty moderate and the new members of the House and Senate would be considered moderate to conservative by most.

Also, has everyone wuzzed out lately? There is NOTHING wrong with saying you don't want a policy to work if it goes against your ideals or you believe it would damage YOUR country in the long term.

Dissent is the highest form of patriotism!!!!!!

I agree, and I know.

But the overall tone lately has been anything but dissent.

Wait til he screws up and dissent. Could be he won't. Most likely there will be reasons for some dissension, but as usual, those who profit from our bickering will only keep us doing it. Pre-emptive dissension doesn't make much sense to me.

As I've said before, i try very hard to stay in the middle and look objectively at both sides, because both have merit, and neither one is right all the time. I think most of the time the answer to a problem lies somewhere between the edges.

I view our government officials as untrustworthy and self motivated. I view the talking heads that exist on the extremes the same way.

My belief is the power lies within We the People, but as long as they can keep us at each other's throats, they will because that gives them the power.

Their power comes via our grace. And this is what we shouldn't forget. We're in this together.


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Haha, that's pretty funny. While some of that stuff was taken out of context (as what always happens no matter which side is doing that), I do agree that there are some real "pinheads" on that channel...

1. Hannity has steadily been declining into some vortex of bitterness, at least from what I've noticed in the past 1.5 to 2 years. Rush Limbaugh is the same, except he's been declining, um, forever; I almost compare his act to Michael Savage's.

2. The FoxNews morning crew is a bunch of morons, they (well, especially the blonde chick) say some of the most moronic, boneheaded, unprofessional crap on national TV that I've ever heard. Sometimes I flip the channel on when I'm getting ready in the morning and am running around getting ready and hear something so asinine I have to do a double-take and see if what I heard was correct...which it usually is.

3. I've seen Redeye which could quite possibly trump Tyra Banks's talk show for most idiotic show on television.

4. O'Reilly vacillates between some signs of common sense and complete overreaction to stuff such as the war on Christmas and the whole stupid Washington state Christmas vs. Atheist signs in the capitol. Seriously, come on. Who the hell cares? And that body language segment he has on his show with that blonde chick is stupid as ****.

That being said, there are quite a few people I respect on that channel. I liked Brit Hume. I liked Tony Snow before he passed away. I think Greta Van Susteren is pretty level-headed...and her legal correspondents are good, like Megan Kelly, Janine Piero, Juan Williams and that one red-headed dude with glasses (Bernie maybe?) who is really quick-witted and sarcastic which I love. I also respect Alan Colmes a lot...I may not agree with everything he says, but he is pragmatic and is always nice to his guests.

So there you have it boys and girls...my personal take on FoxNews. :)

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Haha, that's pretty funny. While some of that stuff was taken out of context (as what always happens no matter which side is doing that), I do agree that there are some real "pinheads" on that channel...

1. Hannity has steadily been declining into some vortex of bitterness, at least from what I've noticed in the past 1.5 to 2 years. Rush Limbaugh is the same, except he's been declining, um, forever; I almost compare his act to Michael Savage's.

2. The FoxNews morning crew is a bunch of morons, they (well, especially the blonde chick) say some of the most moronic, boneheaded, unprofessional crap on national TV that I've ever heard. Sometimes I flip the channel on when I'm getting ready in the morning and am running around getting ready and hear something so asinine I have to do a double-take and see if what I heard was correct...which it usually is.

3. I've seen Redeye which could quite possibly trump Tyra Banks's talk show for most idiotic show on television.

4. O'Reilly vacillates between some signs of common sense and complete overreaction to stuff such as the war on Christmas and the whole stupid Washington state Christmas vs. Atheist signs in the capitol. Seriously, come on. Who the hell cares? And that body language segment he has on his show with that blonde chick is stupid as ****.

That being said, there are quite a few people I respect on that channel. I liked Brit Hume. I liked Tony Snow before he passed away. I think Greta Van Susteren is pretty level-headed...and her legal correspondents are good, like Megan Kelly, Janine Piero, Juan Williams and that one red-headed dude with glasses (Bernie maybe?) who is really quick-witted and sarcastic which I love. I also respect Alan Colmes a lot...I may not agree with everything he says, but he is pragmatic and is always nice to his guests.

So there you have it boys and girls...my personal take on FoxNews. :)

Some of you already know that my father is in the White House press core. Anyway, he told me that whenever a women is going for Fox they bring in fans to have the "sexy" effect of the blonds hair slighlty blowing in the wind. :rolleyes:

I thought it was funny..and so pathetic.

I agree with you Keestman on pretty much everything. I watch O'rielly on occasion and find myself agreeing with him more often than not. But, man is he out there on some topics. Most of the time I watch the factor, I am hoping to wintess a nervous breakdown. The body language segment is absolutely retarded. If this women knew anything the average joe doesn't she should start playing poker. Everything she says is common sense.

I think Shepard Smith is one of the best cable news broadcasters on any channel.

Redeye is probably the least funny comedy show I've ever seen.

As for Hannity, he has his own hotline where you can call him up and leave a message. The last ten minutes of his show is him playing messages of liberals tellling him to go **** himself, calling him a hack, *****, etc

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At the end of this episode the "moment of zen" was unbelievable.

They have a puzzle of Obama and after every day for 100 days they are going to remove a piece, revealing a picture behind it which is the "true Obama"


Sorry I forgot to mention this was on Fox.

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mathews has continuously slid down to rival olberman as an amazing goofwad. they don't seem to have the ugly braindead hateball thingy down like savage, rush, hannity, coulter et al, but they take no back seat in sheer igwad /dumbass bias.

Here's Matthews on the Daily Show.


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Look, The Daily Show is suppose to be funny a comedy. The sad thing is, it gets taken seriously...

That's probably the only thing that bothers me: that people take the Daily Show segments and treat them as if they're PBS documentaries lol. Stewart's pieces like this are meant to be funny, not accurate. People should simply laugh at them, not treat them as evidence of anything.

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mathews has continuously slid down to rival olberman as an amazing goofwad. they don't seem to have the ugly braindead hateball thingy down like savage, rush, hannity, coulter et al, but they take no back seat in sheer igwad /dumbass bias.

I really dislike Mathews, who seems to suffer from diarrhea of the mouth a lot. (The whole thing with "those are our viewers" during the inauguration was pretty darn egotistical.)

I actually like Olbermann. Yes, he's biased as hell and he's a firebrand, but he doesn't always take himself all that seriously and seems to have no problem calling himself out when he screws up.

Going back to Jon Stewart, it is obvious that the only person he respects on MSNBC is Rachael Maddow (which I think she earns for the most part, if just for the fact that he gets Pat Buchanan to actually sound like a rational human being.) Course, she's been on both shows now.

As for the Daily Show, I get amused when people say that everything was about the Bush administration, when there is always stupidity to be made fun of. While the host may lean liberal, his stance has always seemed to have been about doing what is right and calling people out when they are wrong. While it is a comedy show, the comedy often puts a light on the hypocrisy that is out there. While most of the time he's just having fun, there are times when he goes out there and says, "what's the friggin deal?" That's why I probably will almost always choose to watch Stewart over a talking head like Olbermann.

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Most assuredly she didn't mean "fisting" the way I'm thinking she meant it, surely there is something else, although for the life of me I wouldn't know what that was.

Asbury, I knew what she meant, but I think she could of said "fist-jab" instead of fisting. When I heard that, I was like, did she just say that.

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Asbury, I knew what she meant, but I think she could of said "fist-jab" instead of fisting. When I heard that, I was like, did she just say that.

Oh the touching of knuckles like at a basketball game or something! Oh my, yeah if that's what she meant then that makes much more sense, I would suggest however that she figure out what that is really called before going on the air with it, lest someone get the wrong idea.

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Hey, give us fogies a break. It's hard to stay current... I mean jiggy. So what if we get a little awkward when we try to pretend we are "with it"

Besides, I always heard it called a fist bump and not a jab. ;)

LOL, it reminds me of the time one of my Old Testament professors was confused why the whole class burst out laughing when he said that the "Israelites were not to touch God's booty." I'm not sure he ever figured it out.

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The Soup nailed it when talking about Fox News. "Good Morning America took the whole youth vote thing to an extreme and asked seven year olds to comment on politics, which by the way, is still more insightful than Fox News."

Hahaha, so true, so sad, but so true.

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Put me in the small minority who likes Chris Matthews but only when he is not doing the standard interview segments. He is admittedly terrible as a Bill O'Reilly clone. But when he can just do his weird stream of consciosness stuff, he is great because he has a fascinating mind.

I've always said that there needs to be a show called "Chris Matthews has been broadcasting for 16 straight hours." But you only air hour 15. That would be the greatest show ever.

Example. At around Hour 10 of the Inaugural coverage, Matthews starts dropping this fascinating JFK anecdotes: JFK called the Naval Acadamey to ask why the band had no black cadets. JFK told Daniel Patrick Moynihan that Pennsylvania Avenue was a dump, which led to Moynihan taking on a 30-year project of revitilization of Pennsylvania Avenue.

As a conventional talking head, he is annoying. As a strage historian/storyteller, he is great.

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You didn't see the reaction the day Rush made the comments that he wants Obama's policies to fail? A good portion of what I read attributed that desire to him being a racist. Which is totally untrue, but gets to his point that if you don't support Obama some will call you a racist.

Just because you don't support Obama, that doesn't make you a racist. But when people are rooting for him to fail, that makes me scratch my head. I don't ever remember anyone EVER rooting for another president to fail.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Instead of starting a new thread, thought it would be good in here.

This almost made me pee my pants. Starting at the 2:45 min mark it is comedy gold. The unedited footage is amazing.

Bill O'Reilly's Right to Privacy 2/9/09:


Duckus that is hilarious!

The hypocracy is unbelievable!

Best Ambushes of Justice.

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