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Did anyone else not watch the inauguration at ALL?


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Yeah, totally feel you on that. I had an argument about its position in history, especially compared to the election (which I think is much easier to see as history). That said, it's obviously history - there shouldn't be any doubt that the first African-American President's inauguration is history.

Still, it was waaaaaaaay overblown and overhyped. This is coming from someone who steadfastly avoided Pulp Fiction for like 10 years for the same reason. So, yeah, I have that problem.

right....I don't dispute the fact that it is history or an historic event... I just chose not to participate.

I do the same thing- purposely not watch hyped movies because I'm too stubborn.

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right....I don't dispute the fact that it is history or an historic event... I just chose not to participate.

I do the same thing- purposely not watch hyped movies because I'm too stubborn.

See, at least this is intellectually honest...yes, it's historic, but just didn't want to watch.

I watched Nancy Pelosi's swearing in ceremony because she was the first woman Speaker of the United States House of Representatives...I hate Nancy Pelosi lol...but I understood the significance of the moment.

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See, at least this is intellectually honest...yes, it's historic, but just didn't want to watch.

I watched Nancy Pelosi's swearing in ceremony because she was the first woman Speaker of the United States House of Representatives...I hate Nancy Pelosi lol...but I understood the significance of the moment.

obviously I'm not too stubborn to watch Frailty, though ;)

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Yeah, I missed it too. I slept in because I got back from my trip so late last night and I'm getting sick. I woke up and went immediately to work then class. I realize it is a historic event in our nation's history...which is why I'm banking on the fact that there will be lots of replays on the news tonight. :)

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I didn't watch it.

I'm sorry, but I'm just tired of the hype. I understand the historical significance, but I'm just tired of it all.

Then again, I don't think I've watched any inauguration.

Too much hype turns off a LOT of people when it comes to just about anything, yeah...The inauguration, to me, didn't live up to the hype, but I wasn't hoping that it would, so...

For me, I refuse to watch shows like Survivor and American Idol because I'm so damn tired of hearing about either!! :mad:..."Who did The Bachelor choose?"...who gives a ****?!?!...

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Yeah, I missed it too. I slept in because I got back from my trip so late last night and I'm getting sick. I woke up and went immediately to work then class. I realize it is a historic event in our nation's history...which is why I'm banking on the fact that there will be lots of replays on the news tonight. :)

...or YouTube.:)

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Well I had considered starting a thread debating the historic significance of the election v. the inauguration. I understand the election's historic significance.

See - historic events aren't generally fabricated or created, like the media seemed to want to do here. They happen. The election was like that. No matter how sure people were that Obama would get elected, until he got the appropriate number of electoral votes, you just didn't know for sure. That was history - he was due to be the next President of the United States as a consequence of that. The inauguration was a direct consequence of that.

That the media and various people decided to hype up the event and celebrate it - that's cool, but I'm not one to usually join into those types of parties unless I think it's really warranted. I'm sure the vibe was great, and I do like that kind of thing, but the numbers of people involved and hype compared to what I thought the real worth of the event was... that really shut me down on it. I did plan on watching it on tape later though (probably tonight - not 10 years later - although work ended up having an op to watch it so I did that).

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Too much hype turns off a LOT of people when it comes to just about anything, yeah...The inauguration, to me, didn't live up to the hype, but I wasn't hoping that it would, so...

For me, I refuse to watch shows like Survivor and American Idol because I'm so damn tired of hearing about either!! :mad:..."Who did The Bachelor choose?"...who gives a ****?!?!...


Same reason I've rooted against Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Bret FaRve, Joe Montana etc... Hated the media lovefests they received.

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Well I had considered starting a thread debating the historic significance of the election v. the inauguration. I understand the election's historic significance.

See - historic events aren't generally fabricated or created, like the media seemed to want to do here. They happen. The election was like that. No matter how sure people were that Obama would get elected, until he got the appropriate number of electoral votes, you just didn't know for sure. That was history - he was due to be the next President of the United States as a consequence of that. The inauguration was a direct consequence of that.

That the media and various people decided to hype up the event and celebrate it - that's cool, but I'm not one to usually join into those types of parties unless I think it's really warranted. I'm sure the vibe was great, and I do like that kind of thing, but the numbers of people involved and hype compared to what I thought the real worth of the event was... that really shut me down on it. I did plan on watching it on tape later though (probably tonight - not 10 years later - although work ended up having an op to watch it so I did that).

I get what you're saying, but I guess I saw Obama's inauguration as the very first day/minute/second that he actually becomes the president. Up until then Bush was still president. So in my eyes, both were historic (the election being more important than the inauguration, though)...

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Same reason I've rooted against Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Bret FaRve, Joe Montana etc... Hated the media lovefests they received.

Trust me, I understand that feeling lol...I guess I draw the line when that feeling leads to comments like "Micheal Jordan really wasn't any better than any other player in the league, he just got hyped more."

By the way, I'm a Lakers fan and have heard that about Kobe for years lol :mad:...

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Dude, careful with the chantex. A girl I used to work with went off "the deep end" while on chantex. It started out with the insomina and ended up with her in the psych ward. No joke!

Yea, i've been VERY moody since i started taking it, i told my wife i think im going to stop for a few days to see what happens, but then shes like "i would rather have you moody, than to have cancer" Maaaaan just having to hand wash 3 dishes/pots that wouldnt fit in the dish washer just now got me pissed off, IDK.

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I think the coolest part was watching Obama and Bush walk towards Bush's copter. Bush put his hand up, Obama put his out and Bush slapped Obama five. It was a very human moment for both men. A good reminder that at the end of the day we're all on the same side. For those of you who missed it I'm sorry you did.

It was a fun day. I always like watching these things. And I have to admit there seemed to be an uncommon sense of excitement surrounding this one. I could have let it annoy me I guess, but it was more fun to ride the wave. I'll worry about policy and the Cult of Personality tomorrow. Today, it was fun watching the USA pull out all the stops. We really can throw a hell of a party around here. :)

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Well I didn't vote for him, but I am not so ignorant not to see that this is the biggest day in history for blacks and whites since Abraham Lincoln made a tiny little proclomation. People, that's pretty big. Like it or not. This is huge. Who knows, maybe this will bridge a gap between whites and blacks in America. Even if it closes the gap just a little. Maybe it will help us all work together instead of working as two different entities.

You guys kinow where I stood on this, but

Mr. Obama, good luck and God speed. I'll be with you (bighting my lip) a hundred percent.

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I didn't watch it at all. I have never watched an inauguration. I did attend the George H. W. Bush inaugural parade as a kid. That's the most I've ever seen of any presidential inauguration. I have become turned off by politics. I still pay attention enough to vote. But I just think all the speeches now are so canned. They rarely say anything of substance. And when they do tell you what they will do, they never explain how they will do it. I just don't enjoy listening to any politician give a speech, no matter how historical.

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I appreciate everybody's enthusiasm and hope, I do.... but I also feel like despite the fact that Obama got voted in unanimously, he's not the right man for the job. I don't like the fact that this election is so historic for the sole reason of him being black. I welcome a black president and have no qualms about that fact, but I can't drink the kool-aid, I just can't. I will stand behind Obama and America, but the people that are texting me about how they feel so patriotic now and how the change brings a new meaning of patriotism....

the man hasn't done anything!

Are you kidding me? I'm with Michelle Obama, for the first time in my life I'm proud to be an American. America is finally free! If you didn't hear, according to all the speakers at the multi million dollar concert being paid for by the same Americans that are losing jobs, homes and education for their children, you know the ones Obama speaks so passionately about. Anyway, he's already right there along side Abe, George, FDR, Kennedy and Ronnie. This was before he even swore in. The man hadn't even took office yet! :doh:

Anyway, I didn't watch it. Well I'm lying, it was on mute at the food court while I ate lunch so I saw 10 minutes of CNN's subtitles. "Oh my, he's going to come out that door any minute"! That door right there, that's the one. For ten minutes.

They kept talking about the furniture being moved in and the note Bush left. I think they would have have had a news flash about Obama taking the first dump in the White House. "Oh my, was is Charmin triple layer"? "I wonder if the Messiah even poops"?

Historic? Yes

Knee wobbling, tennie bopper fainting worthy? Not so much.

This is a man people, flesh and blood like the rest of us. Or is he?

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As a teacher I would expect you to have a better grasp of historical significance.

This is a country where black people were used as slaves less than 200 years ago, which is nothing more than a blink of an eye historically speaking.

To be frank, your attitude towards the whole thing is off-putting to me.

Sounds like you let your political views stop you from witnessing a once in a life time historical event.

Today you get an F and I hope you don't spread this attitude to your students.

History? Who determines what is historical? You?

"Those people down there in the South" To quote the current President "Have monuments of people that killed my people" Meaning the Kenyan half of him I guess. Anyway those people feel that their ancestors fighting for the rights of the Southern way of life was historical, in a good way. Yet their shamed for being proud of their "people" taking up arms to defend their way of life.

I think John Brown storming the National Armory to get weapons for the purpose of arming the slaves so they could free themselves pretty damn historical. Funny thing is I've been serving my country for 19 years in Europe, Asia and the US. When people ask where I'm from and I say Harpers Ferry I'm typically looked at with a blank stare. I don't know why, after 19 years I should be used to it but I find it kind of crazy that the American public, black and white don't know the significance of Harpers Ferry and the role it played in Americas history. Why don't people know about the white man from Kansas who took up arms against the US gov't in order to free the slaves? Should that be of historical significance? Who determines what's historically significant?

Just asking. Since you're cramming your "historical significance" down peoples throats why don't you educate us on what is or isn't historical.

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