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Did anyone else not watch the inauguration at ALL?


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Well, I had to work today....and the tv in my classroom does not get reception. Add that to the fact that I don't have speakers on my computer, so I couldn't stream it (with sound, anyway). My school actually set up something in the gym where teachers could take their classes to go watch it, but I don't have a first period class (9am west coast) and didn't want to give up my prep time to go over there.

They did play Obama's speech over the announcements, but that's all I heard. I'm still at work now and I guess I will see some tidbits later, but I'm not going to actively look for it, and I didn't TIVO it.

Anybody else completely miss it?

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didn't want to give up 45 minutes of prep time to witness history?


classroom teachers are so fickle about their planning.

I think I'm too stubborn....this whole "witness history" thing and how everyone has been going on today about "change" and "live your dreams" is off-putting to me

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I appreciate everybody's enthusiasm and hope, I do.... but I also feel like despite the fact that Obama got voted in unanimously, he's not the right man for the job. I don't like the fact that this election is so historic for the sole reason of him being black. I welcome a black president and have no qualms about that fact, but I can't drink the kool-aid, I just can't. I will stand behind Obama and America, but the people that are texting me about how they feel so patriotic now and how the change brings a new meaning of patriotism....

the man hasn't done anything!

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I didnt watch it either. I just dont see how its "history"....just the changing of the guard.


Seriously? The first non-white President in a country where those of color haven't even been secured the right to vote for 50 years yet or the right to walk into any public building when they want. It's history buddy...

And no he hasn't done anything yet so let's not calm his Savior just yet...

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I appreciate everybody's enthusiasm and hope, I do.... but I also feel like despite the fact that Obama got voted in unanimously, he's not the right man for the job. I don't like the fact that this election is so historic for the sole reason of him being black. I welcome a black president and have no qualms about that fact, but I can't drink the kool-aid, I just can't. I will stand behind Obama and America, but the people that are texting me about how they feel so patriotic now and how the change brings a new meaning of patriotism....

the man hasn't done anything!

I agree 100%. I just cant wrap my head around how people act and think the way they do. Its like they think starting tomorrow, Obama will have checks in everyone's mailbox to pay the bills

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I think I'm too stubborn....this whole "witness history" thing and how everyone has been going on today about "change" and "live your dreams" is off-putting to me

As a teacher I would expect you to have a better grasp of historical significance.

This is a country where black people were used as slaves less than 200 years ago, which is nothing more than a blink of an eye historically speaking.

To be frank, your attitude towards the whole thing is off-putting to me.

Sounds like you let your political views stop you from witnessing a once in a life time historical event.

Today you get an F and I hope you don't spread this attitude to your students.

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I agree 100%. I just cant wrap my head around how people act and think the way they do. Its like they think starting tomorrow, Obama will have checks in everyone's mailbox to pay the bills

I agree with this too in that he hasn't done anything yet and expectations are too high but his becoming President is still historic.

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