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Did anyone else not watch the inauguration at ALL?


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But see because of our age we don't understand what a significant step this is. We've known that a person should be judged by his intentions rather than his skin color for ages but if it's that simple we should've had a legitimate African-American candidate a while ago. Again, talk to blacks who lived back when they couldn't drink from the same fountain as you, who couldn't go grab a burger at any ol' restaurant, who couldn't have faith in the police in their own neighborhoods (still sounds familiar). This is a big deal. If you can't see that, I'm shocked. He isn't Messiah, he isn't Thomas Jefferson reincarnated, he hasn't done anything to move us forward in a bipartisan manner yet, but he is symbolic for a race that at one point was considered 3/5 of a person. taking Oath on a building and living in a building built by slaves.

We were raised to look at race without bias so of course we say, well so what, I don't care his race, but it hasn't always been like that. You realize that blacks haven't even been secured the right to vote for a full 45 years yet?


He gets it, this goes beyond what everyone here thinks for themself, everyone has started a post or a comment with "I,I,I,I" that is the problem with the world we live. We need to take as step back to understand the importance, maybe not for us, but for our friends and neigbors. For anyone that seriously does not understand ask ANY minority tomorrow what this means. You may then stop always thinking about "I" and think more of everyone.

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Our teachers would rather sit there and just teach the kids to pass a test, not what history is all about.

Wait wait wait. Teachers would RATHER sit there and teach to the test???? That is complete BS. If I could teach History all day and analyze historical events, I would be one happy camper. I would do it in a heartbeat.

Fact is, if I want to keep my job, I HAVE to teach to the test. What is sad is that the students at my school, since it is a program improvement school, only get social studies and science every OTHER day. They get no electives unless they were proficient or advanced on the previous year's state test, and they are forced into taking tutorials in the morning and tutorial classes during the school day.

Add that to the fact that my principal SCRUTINIZES our benchmark scores. The kids are tested to death as it is, but when the big benchmark comes around, he pulls as much data as possible from these benchmarks and has "data talks" with the teachers, basically saying, "if your scores are low, you suck as a teacher." Not getting into the argument that the benchmarks are horrible tests and do not correlate with the state test and not getting into the FACT that the two male teachers on my team SHOW THE KIDS THE BENCHMARK BEFORE GIVING IT (and when I informed my principal of this because it is UNETHICAL and UNFAIR, he tried to give me some BS that one of the guys had been an Eagle Scout, so he wasn't quick to believe that he did it. Nevermind the fact that both of the men admitted it to me a week before AND right after the meeting.) Sigh. But enough of my tangent.

To say we would "rather" teach to the test is an insult. I hope your messiah Obama turns the education system around so we are ABLE to teach what history is all about. I PRAY he can do that. I love teaching history and am sad that I have no time allotted to me to do so.

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oh boy, you should NOT have started on teachers. I feel for teachers and how these days their hands are tied behind their backs with the unconstitutional federal regulation in No Child Left Behind and the Department of Education. My Sophomore history teacher was upfront about how he could not teach the way he wanted to because of various interventions (SOLs, anyone?). I went to one of his after school sessions to learn REAL material for the AP test where he could teach what he wanted in his own way and I learned so much more in that one session than much of what I learned during school hours there.

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oh boy, you should NOT have started on teachers. I feel for teachers and how these days their hands are tied behind their backs with the unconstitutional federal regulation in No Child Left Behind and the Department of Education. My Sophomore history teacher was upfront about how he could not teach the way he wanted to because of various interventions (SOLs, anyone?). I went to one of his after school sessions to learn REAL material for the AP test where he could teach what he wanted in his own way and I learned so much more in that one session than much of what I learned during school hours there.

I got lucky, being at TJ where the teachers didn't have to worry about SOL scores, but you're absolutely right.

No Child Left Behind sucks and I feel for MissU and everyone else who's teaching right now.

It needs to go.

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They kept talking about the furniture being moved in and the note Bush left. I think they would have have had a news flash about Obama taking the first dump in the White House. "Oh my, was is Charmin triple layer"? "I wonder if the Messiah even poops"?

Heh, I've used that EXACT joke earlier this week man. I told my friends when he takes his first White House dump, the TP he uses will be put in the Smithsonian. Same idea. Nice... haha.

Obviously I was being sarcastic when I made the joke, but all I was saying is he's going to have a lot of firsts as the first black President. This is all a culmination of the election that brought him here, which is why I view the election as the truly historic event. The inauguration, as a culmination and consequence of that event is an understandable reason to celebrate. I think the partying and coverage was overdone though, which is kind of typical of these kinds of things, and it did manage to turn me off a bit.

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To say we would "rather" teach to the test is an insult. I hope your messiah Obama turns the education system around so we are ABLE to teach what history is all about. I PRAY he can do that. I love teaching history and am sad that I have no time allotted to me to do so.

He is not my messiah and my brother is a teacher so I understand. Now I was using your comment early about not teaching your students what they saw today because you did not see the importance. You can still take 10 to 15 minutes to talk to your kids about it and keep it on a historical basis and not worry about left vs right, and if you want to know I am a republican so he is not my mesiah.

What I do understand is we have to take advantage of every little minute we can to talk to kids about history, that will still give you time to do what you need to keep your prinicple happy.

We can find the time, we have to be creative, but most important we have to take the time.

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oh boy, you should NOT have started on teachers. I feel for teachers and how these days their hands are tied behind their backs with the unconstitutional federal regulation in No Child Left Behind and the Department of Education. My Sophomore history teacher was upfront about how he could not teach the way he wanted to because of various interventions (SOLs, anyone?). I went to one of his after school sessions to learn REAL material for the AP test where he could teach what he wanted in his own way and I learned so much more in that one session than much of what I learned during school hours there.

Oh please, yes I know they have to teach for a test, but you can be creative with the amount of time you have with your kids. All it takes is five minutes to discuss something with your kids maybe 15. If a teacher today di did not take the time to discuss with their kids, then sorry they are not doing their job.

My brother is a teacher so I know the crap he goes through. I agree the SOLs are a joke, but I have seen other teachers learn how to be creative instead of complaining all the time. Not saying that the other poster complains all the time but the beauty in teachers is the ability to go above and beyond what they expect of you.

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He is not my messiah and my brother is a teacher so I understand. Now I was using your comment early about not teaching your students what they saw today because you did not see the importance. You can still take 10 to 15 minutes to talk to your kids about it and keep it on a historical basis and not worry about left vs right, and if you want to know I am a republican so he is not my mesiah.

What I do understand is we have to take advantage of every little minute we can to talk to kids about history, that will still give you time to do what you need to keep your prinicple happy.

We can find the time, we have to be creative, but most important we have to take the time.

Well honestly, I didn't teach my students about what they saw today because I don't have a class first period (when the inauguration was on).

And no, at my school we have to teach our curriculum with FIDELITY. At the end of last year the principal went around and made sure anything that was not part of the state adopted curriculum was taken out of the classroom. He has received training in this curriculum, and he has walked into classrooms this year and picked up assignments, asking, "Is this Holt?"

All he cares about is Language Arts and Math. 7th grade Social Studies curriculum out here is Ancient Civilizations, so I'm currently teaching my students about the Samurai.

When I taught in VA, yes, I could spend time teaching about the inauguration. Actually, at the school I taught at last year (a high scoring school), I taught a lesson on the primary elections. I had info about all of the possible candidates and I answered questions, the kids read about them, then we conducted a class vote. Very cool, but also a very different school.

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Well honestly, I didn't teach my students about what they saw today because I don't have a class first period (when the inauguration was on).

And no, at my school we have to teach our curriculum with FIDELITY. At the end of last year the principal went around and made sure anything that was not part of the state adopted curriculum was taken out of the classroom. He has gotten training in this curriculum, and he has walked into classrooms this year and picked up assignments, asking, "Is this Holt?"

All he cares about is Language Arts and Math. 7th grade Social Studies curriculum out here is Ancient Civilizations, so I'm currently teaching my students about the Samurai.

When I taught in VA, yes, I could spend time teaching about the inauguration. Actually, at the school I taught at last year (a high scoring school), I taught a lesson on the primary elections. I had info about all of the possible candidates and I answered questions, the kids read about them, then we conducted a class vote. Very cool, but also a very different school.

ah makes sense, so if you are not enjoying teaching at this school then why are you still there? Couldn't you go to another school or not?

that principle needs to be remove, sorry for what you have to deal with

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ah makes sense, so if you are not enjoying teaching at this school then why are you still there? Couldn't you go to another school or not?

that principle needs to be remove, sorry for what you have to deal with

Um, because I don't want to just quit in the middle of the school year? And teaching jobs out here are hard to come by, so it's not like I can just go get one somewhere else if I leave. I'm not tenured yet.

And yes, the principal definitely needs to leave. The district and our union is building a case on him as we speak. But...most of what he is doing is state mandated- we are on year 5 program improvement in California, there's a lot of stuff that goes along with it.

Personally, I don't have a huge problem with my principal. He adores me, though, and I haven't been attacked like some of my peers have. It is an ongoing struggle, and we are trying to get him out.

I don't mind the school, it is Title 1 and 90% Mexican. The kids for the most part are good. I understand (to an extent) why my principal does what he does, but he is one shady dude.

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I watched it and recorded it for posterity. I find it just a lil over the top to spend so much time on what the first lady wears and who designed it.

I do, however, thinks it's cool that they danced to Etta James' "At Last". That's one of my favorite songs.

I think it's sad that until today, the majority of African-Americans in this country, barely voted in a Presidential election much less watched an inauguration. Why wait until someone "of color" get elected before you decide to exercise your rights to the full extent as citizens of this great nation? It is what you make it IMO. I hope from now on, African-Americans will do what they should have been doing since they fought & won the right to vote....and that is VOTE and be part of this country's greatness on the level that we've seen over the last few months.

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I watched it and recorded it for posterity. I find it just a lil over the top to spend so much time on what the first lady wears and who designed it.

I do, however, thinks it's cool that they danced to Etta James' "At Last". That's one of my favorite songs.

I think it's sad that until today, the majority of African-Americans in this country, barely voted in a Presidential election much less watched an inauguration. Why wait until someone "of color" get elected before you decide to exercise your rights to the full extent as citizens of this great nation? It is what you make it IMO. I hope from now on, African-Americans will do what they should have been doing since they fought & won the right to vote....and that is VOTE and be part of this country's greatness on the level that we've seen over the last few months.

Wow, nice POV. :applause:

Can we move forward now? Can we put all the "race" stuff behind us now?

By the way, I've been mulling over some of the points being made in this thread and I have to say that I don't understand. I'd be ignorant to say that I did. I have never felt the type of pain that blacks who lived during the time mentioned in this thread. However, I have to go a step farther and say that the time frame being discussed, well frankly, the majority of the people standing on the mall didn't experience it either.

That is what holds this country back. The hate is passed down from generation to generation. The white's hating the blacks and the blacks hating the whites. It doesn't matter if it's warranted or not, hate perpetuates hate. I'm not going to hate the grandson of a man who did something to someone in my family.

Look at the atrocities commited against the Jews by the Germans. I lived in Germany for almost six years and was married to a German for 10 years, never heard of her generation hating Jews or of her ever hearing of a Jew hating her. Of course there are ignorant people who do but do you hate a whole race or country for it? Do you hold all people of that race or country accountable? I know it's like comparing apples to oranges but can't we just get over it? Can't we just move forward?

I'll be the first to admit I don't get it, I don't completely understand. Guess I'm just an ignorant redneck who just doesn't get it. Historic, amen it's historic. Now let's get past it and move on.

Just heard on the tv by Jamie Fox "You can tell that's a black president by the way he moves". Wow! Just wow!

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I think it's sad that until today, the majority of African-Americans in this country, barely voted in a Presidential election much less watched an inauguration.

You can say the same for ANY race in america, when only 30%+ actually vote for the new president it is the same across the board. If you look at election results in the past the percentages of blacks that vote is similar to the same percentage of the population.:

The U.S. population's distribution by race and ethnicity in 2006 was as follows:[28][29]

Total population: 299 million

White alone: 74% or 221.3 million

Not including the 23.2 million White Hispanic and Latino Americans: 66% or 198.1 million

Hispanic or Latino ethnicity, of any race: 14.8% or about 44.3 million

Black or African American alone: 13.4% or 40.9 million

Some other race alone: 6.5% or 19 million

Asian alone: 4.4% or 13.1 million

Two or more races: 2.0% or 6.1 million

American Indian or Alaska Native alone: 0.68% or 2.0 million

Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander alone: 0.14% or 0.43 million

In 2004, turnout rates for citizens were 67 percent for non-Hispanic whites, 60 percent for blacks, 44 percent for Asians and 47 percent for Hispanics (of any race). These rates were higher than the previous presidential election by 5 percentage points for non-Hispanic whites and 3 points for blacks. By contrast, the voting rates for Asian and Hispanic citizens did not change. These data pertain to those who identified themselves as being of a single race. (See Table 1. [Excel])

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I was at work. Had a lot to do and wouldn't have watched it because of all the hype. I didn't vote for him, nor did I vote for McCain. I voted Barr. Historic yes, but extremely overhyped. Technically we elected the first Bi-Racial President and not the first Black President. Some people tend to forget that he is half white and if I was his mother, I'd be a little offended that everyone is forgetting her side of the family. I wanted to elect Edwards in the primaries, because I felt he was the most in tune with the people while Obama and Hillary did nothing but argue. I voted Hillary in the primaries because I felt her policies were close to what Edwards wanted. Anyway, I've never actually watched an inauguration. I've always been at work.

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