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Did anyone else not watch the inauguration at ALL?


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I didnt watch it either. I just dont see how its "history"....just the changing of the guard.

I posted this in another thread:

For those that do not understand the historical aspect of what we witness today then do us a favor, please talk to someone over the age of 45 and african-american or a minority. Yes it is easy for many of us from younger generations that do not make a big deal about color, race, or even not understand why everyone can not be just americans.

For those that are older and have experienced things I could not imagine. Like not being able to go the same schools, drink from the same water fountains, or even go to the same restaurants. I grew up being able to hang out with whom i wanted and where I wanted without getting any strange looks.

We did not experience what half this nation did, so we can not understand how important today was. Many of my friends who are black or a minority told me that their parents were crying today, not because of party, but because of they never thought they would see this.

That is why this is so important.

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I am not so ignorant not to see that this is the biggest day in history for blacks and whites since Abraham Lincoln made a tiny little proclomation. People, that's pretty big. Like it or not. This is huge.

There were two black women in front of me today, they were probably in their 50's. They had lost track of the rest of their group at some point so we kind of adopted them into ours - gave them some hand warmers, an extra blanket, and snacks (we were SUPER prepared). I noticed when Obama was taking his oath of office one of the women put her arm around the other and gave her a hug. From that moment on I was absolutely amazed watching them, seeing the looks on their faces as they watched a black man become President of the US of A. They were in tears and it was a completely amazing moment for them and for the rest of us in the area.

I feel like I can't really describe the moment in words, as cheesey or overdone or contrived as it probably sounds to some.

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but the people that are texting me about how they feel so patriotic now and how the change brings a new meaning of patriotism....

the man hasn't done anything!

Yes he has, he has brought hope to a millions of people and energized them to do what he needs. The question is what he does with that energy, and that is how he will be judged. Remember Bush has a chance when we had 911 but he did not take advantage of the opportunity in front of him.

Lets hope this does not happen again.

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Zoed= my new favorite poster

They don't know who they're messing with. They better get off you!;)

I can't wrap my head around all of the Obama supporters think they're so freaking smart. I mean, they get to choose when, what, where and how everyone who doesn't agree with them thinks. Some people think it's there asses sitting in the White House. Seriously, Obama becomes POTUS and everyone who doesn't get with the program is automatically ingorant. Get off your pedistals people, the air is thin up there. :doh:

By the way, if anyone has the concert recorded from yesterday go back and listen to Garth Brooks. :doh:

"Them good old boys were SINGING whiskey and rye" oh yea and "KICK your hands up and shout THROW your heals up and shout" What a freaking dork, learn the words before you sing brother. Learn the words.

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Yes he has, he has brought hope to a millions of people and energized them to do what he needs. The question is what he does with that energy, and that is how he will be judged. Remember Bush has a chance when we had 911 but he did not take advantage of the opportunity in front of him.

Lets hope this does not happen again.

I see where you're coming from but what has he done to bring this energy? I mean words can only take you so far, where's the substance to the words?

I go to the gym, put the gym playlist on my Zune and hit the weights. When Blind by Korn kicks off my blood starts pumping and I get all pumped up and ready to hit the weights.

I forget my Zune, I still go to the gym. I hate it, I dread it because I don't have that bass pumping through my head but you know what? I still push the same amount of weight, the same amount of reps without all the hype.

Talk is cheap, look what hip, hip hooray did for the Redskins.

Jbooma, definitely not trying to argue you with you brother. I respect the hell out of you and I agree with what you're saying to a point but my God this is a man. Only a man who has yet to do a damn thing. I don't get it, I've tried but just don't get it. Ask me in a year after he's had a chance to put his money where his mouth is. As for now, I'm in the "wait and see" group.

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I can't wrap my head around all of the Obama supporters think they're so freaking smart. I mean, they get to choose when, what, where and how everyone who doesn't agree with them thinks. Some people think it's there asses sitting in the White House. Seriously, Obama becomes POTUS and everyone who doesn't get with the program is automatically ingorant. Get off your pedistals people, the air is thin up there. :doh:

That's not what I'm saying.

I'm saying today is historical. Its a big deal. Its a step foreword.

A black guy, who wouldn't have gottent a front seat on a bus just 40 some years ago is now the President.

If you don't look at that and think of it as historical, I think you're crazy.

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It is clear what is wrong with everyone here and that is we were not around when the civil rights movement started. Everyone who here does not understand the historical aspect was not alive during the civil rights era.

Every teacher in american and parent should be talking to their kids about how important today is for all americans. This is not a left or right issue, this is all about human rights and about 50 some years ago many of us did not have the same rights as others. We take for granted the freedoms we had growing up not understanding what our parents had to deal with. My god we are just 50 years from the height of the cival rights movement and we have people my age not understanding :doh:

Makes me understand why when I talk to kids they have no clue about history, that is what is sad. Our teachers would rather sit there and just teach the kids to pass a test, not what history is all about.

Like I said if you want to know why this is history talk to someone that was not allowed to drink from the same water fountain as many of us 50 years ago, maybe then you can understand the significance of what we witnessed today.

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Anyone who doesn't think that a black man as president is historical is downright insane.

some of us didn't doubt that it could happen but that it just hadn't. its symbolic, yes, but its not a symbol I needed to tell me that a black/non-white man could be elected president in this country.

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some of us didn't doubt that it could happen but that it just hadn't. its symbolic, yes, but its not a symbol I needed to tell me that a black/non-white man could be elected president in this country.

Well that's fine, but its still a first.

I didn't think I'd see it in my lifetime.

I didn't think we'd make that much progress.

There's still plenty of racism in this country, both individual and institutional.

Minorities are still disadvantaged, and having a black man as president is a big deal...period.

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Jbooma, definitely not trying to argue you with you brother. I respect the hell out of you and I agree with what you're saying to a point but my God this is a man. Only a man who has yet to do a damn thing. I don't get it, I've tried but just don't get it. Ask me in a year after he's had a chance to put his money where his mouth is. As for now, I'm in the "wait and see" group.

Yes he is a man, but he is a man that has united not just our citizens but people around the world. He has people driving from Texas with their entire family with no job, no place to say, and barely any money, just to see him.

He is not your ordinary man. Yes he is a great speaker, but there is more to speech to be able to make people feel that way. He has captivated generations, he has given many hope that never had it before. Look I am a republican and even I understand what is going on. Now it is different with me because I have been touched by so many people and races, and understand how others have suffered throughout their life, where I have had it easier do to my color.

Now I do agree I want to see what he does, but even if he has half this nation energized and people believing in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY then that is an amazing start without even signing one bill.

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I was one of 1.4 million or so there on the mall. Besides the birth of my children, this was possibly the most awe inspiring day of my life. An overwhelming sense of emotion throughout most of the day.

Barack's speech may have lacked the one-liner for the ages, but it was concise and plainspoken for the masses. I found it very inspiring.

When I grew up watching MLK's speech and Kennedy's inaugeration repeated; no one needed to tell you that you were watching history...you just knew.

This was my generation's moment and I loved being involved in every part of it.

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It is clear what is wrong with everyone here and that is we were not around when the civil rights movement started. Everyone who here does not understand the historical aspect was not alive during the civil rights era.

Every teacher in american and parent should be talking to their kids about how important today is for all americans. This is not a left or right issue, this is all about human rights and about 50 some years ago many of us did not have the same rights as others. We take for granted the freedoms we had growing up not understanding what our parents had to deal with. My god we are just 50 years from the height of the cival rights movement and we have people my age not understanding :doh:

Makes me understand why when I talk to kids they have no clue about history, that is what is sad. Our teachers would rather sit there and just teach the kids to pass a test, not what history is all about.

Like I said if you want to know why this is history talk to someone that was not allowed to drink from the same water fountain as many of us 50 years ago, maybe then you can understand the significance of what we witnessed today.

That I can agree with, HUA. (Heard, udnerstood, acknowledged) Step forward, step in the right direction, it's about time. Doesn't mean the White House is now hallowed ground. Messiah has not come back.

Your post makes me wonder something though, how many people are actually looking at this way? How many are aware of the historic significance compared to those who are caught up in the promises and pretty words? I can appreciate your point about history and concur. I still ain't buying into all the hype.

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Yes he has, he has brought hope to a millions of people and energized them to do what he needs. The question is what he does with that energy, and that is how he will be judged. Remember Bush has a chance when we had 911 but he did not take advantage of the opportunity in front of him.

Lets hope this does not happen again.

You need to go bury your ****ing head in the ground.:2cents:

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Yes he is a man, but he is a man that has united not just our citizens but people around the world. He has people driving from Texas with their entire family with no job, no place to say, and barely any money, just to see him.

He is not your ordinary man. Yes he is a great speaker, but there is more to speech to be able to make people feel that way. He has captivated generations, he has given many hope that never had it before. Look I am a republican and even I understand what is going on. Now it is different with me because I have been touched by so many people and races, and understand how others have suffered throughout their life, where I have had it easier do to my color.

Now I do agree I want to see what he does, but even if he has half this nation energized and people believing in PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY then that is an amazing start without even signing one bill.

As usual I'm tracking. Now please don't take this the wrong way but there are plenty of televangelists who inspire people to go broke while preaching salvation. Hitler and his words almost had us speaking German. All the galvanization in the world does no good if there isn't substance behind it.

Why would broke people with no many go be part of a multi-million dollar self indulgent display? I just don't get that. How about taking the gas money and putting food on the table? You lost me there.

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Minorities are still disadvantaged, and having a black man as president is a big deal...period.

no, its a big deal to you. I, however, don't care WHAT race the president is. As long as he has the country's best interests at heart, is honest, and has similar ideological principles as myself, that's all that I care about.

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Your post makes me wonder something though, how many people are actually looking at this way? How many are aware of the historic significance compared to those who are caught up in the promises and pretty words? I can appreciate your point about history and concur. I still ain't buying into all the hype.

My guess would be almost every minority in america understands the historical part since most likely they left where ever they were to have some type of freedom and hope. IT seems that part is lost on many of us, and that is whats sad.

I was a huge history fan when I was in school and when I went back to get my degree took some VA history classes that were amazing. You are right most of us are going to enjoy American Idol tonight more then this because some care more about money, prestige, and fame. We need to do a better job of making our youth understand the historical moments and the actual history of our nation.

Obama does not have a freepass and he will be judged on what he does with this energy he has created. Everyone I know that say Kennedy all say he reminds them of him, if that is the case then we are in for an amazing run.

All I want the guy to do is lead with common sense and accountability, which is what we need right now.

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Why would broke people with no many go be part of a multi-million dollar self indulgent display? I just don't get that. How about taking the gas money and putting food on the table? You lost me there.

Because what they saw today they will keep the rest of their lives and use that as a postive start to starting their life again. When you watch people sit in the cold for over 10 hours that can not even see but they hear, and they start to cry. That is very powerful. Remember people feed of different things to get hope and to be able to believe.

Like you mentioned some use religion, some use music, and today many used the chance to see something they never thought they would see in their life. That my friend is what makes this country great. We are all different, and can all find the hope in different ways, the key part though is to get it.

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no, its a big deal to you. I, however, don't care WHAT race the president is. As long as he has the country's best interests at heart, is honest, and has similar ideological principles as myself, that's all that I care about.

But see because of our age we don't understand what a significant step this is. We've known that a person should be judged by his intentions rather than his skin color for ages but if it's that simple we should've had a legitimate African-American candidate a while ago. Again, talk to blacks who lived back when they couldn't drink from the same fountain as you, who couldn't go grab a burger at any ol' restaurant, who couldn't have faith in the police in their own neighborhoods (still sounds familiar). This is a big deal. If you can't see that, I'm shocked. He isn't Messiah, he isn't Thomas Jefferson reincarnated, he hasn't done anything to move us forward in a bipartisan manner yet, but he is symbolic for a race that at one point was considered 3/5 of a person. taking Oath on a building and living in a building built by slaves.

We were raised to look at race without bias so of course we say, well so what, I don't care his race, but it hasn't always been like that. You realize that blacks haven't even been secured the right to vote for a full 45 years yet?

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But see because of our age we don't understand what a significant step this is. We've known that a person should be judged by his intentions rather than his skin color for ages but if it's that simple we should've had a legitimate African-American candidate a while ago. Again, talk to blacks who lived back when they couldn't drink from the same fountain as you, who couldn't go grab a burger at any ol' restaurant, who couldn't have faith in the police in their own neighborhoods (still sounds familiar). This is a big deal. If you can't see that, I'm shocked. He isn't Messiah, he isn't Thomas Jefferson reincarnated, but he is symbolic for a race that at one point was considered 3/5 of a person.

I think we agree and disagree at the same time. I'll edit my post to elaborate, but I have something to take care of first.


okay, so my opinion is that the event itself isn't a catalyst as much as it is a definition. The emancipation proclamation was a catalyst for change. 9/11 was a catalyst for change. But I feel that this election is a sign of the times, it can be an example to define the times we live in. A black man already had the ability to become president, in my opinion, but it just hadn't happened. As I stated earlier and as you stated in your own post, it is a symbol. It symbolizes the progress that has been made, but it is not the catalyst for it.

I very well understand that my nonchalant attitude towards race is very related to the times I was raised in, and if anything, that is what really should be celebrated.

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