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Did anyone else not watch the inauguration at ALL?


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I did not get to watch it as I was at work all day today, but I am definitely going to watch it all on-line tonight.

I always make it a point to watch the Inauguration and the State of the Union REGARDLESS of who the President is at the time. The Inauguration is always an important moment in history, and you only get to see so many in your lifetime.

Also, you never know what a President might turn out be like. They could suck, they could be average, or they could become one of modern day's greatest leaders in the world. If that happens, I want to be able to tell people later in life how I remember those historic moments.

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As a teacher I would expect you to have a better grasp of historical significance.

This is a country where black people were used as slaves less than 200 years ago, which is nothing more than a blink of an eye historically speaking.

To be frank, your attitude towards the whole thing is off-putting to me.

Sounds like you let your political views stop you from witnessing a once in a life time historical event.

Oh, I understand the significance, dcoles. And honestly, this has nothing to do with my political views. If this were Alan Keyes up there instead of Obama, I'd feel the same way.... I appreciate the fact we have our first black president. I am proud our country has elected a black man as president.

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Oh, I understand the significance, dcoles. And honestly, this has nothing to do with my political views. If this were Alan Keyes up there instead of Obama, I'd feel the same way.... I appreciate the fact we have our first black president. I am proud our country has elected a black man as president.

We have to be careful, if we are not "on board" we are racists...:doh:

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Today you get an F and I hope you don't spread this attitude to your students.

Are you serious with this?

1) I don't discuss politics with my students at all

2) I don't tear down their dreams or roll my eyes if THEY believe the hype

3) Who are you to judge my personal feelings about the inauguration? Am I not allowed to have my own opinion just because it conflicts with yours?

Today you get an "F" for telling someone what they are supposed to think and telling someone how to do their job.

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I think I'm too stubborn....this whole "witness history" thing and how everyone has been going on today about "change" and "live your dreams" is off-putting to me

I am with you... my company turned on the big screen in the auditorium and allot of people went, even my fellow non-Obama fans... I couldnt. I just couldnt and I am a Huge American history buff... The lead up coverage was just too sickening.

I really love how its all about working together... now, that its on their terms, it sure as hell is.

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There were some really sweet, cool human moments. Like how Barack and Michelle tried to look so serious as they were preparing to be introduced, but the corners of their mouths kept perking and the smile just betrayed them. The Obama flub on the oath was funny and a nice genuine moment. The speech was solid and as I said in my thread it was a cool call to action for personal responsibility and our role in America versus what the government will do to cure all our ills.

Aretha Franklin is sadly not the singer she used to be.

That's almost all that I saw. I don't fault anyone for watching or not watching. I watched George W. Bush's and Clinton's and now Obama's. I think it is interesting to see what tone and what the first official rhetorical impression our President wants to set is, but honestly, it's a day of pomp and circumstance. The election itself was far more historical than the inauguration.

Depending on the level you teach, MissU, you might want to read some of the transcripts just because I know my kids would have asked a few questions about the day and I would want to be able to answer them.

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Yes' date=' it is~ unless you are talking about the race thing - then that is just sad.

Americans elected and we witness a HISTORIC event every 4/ or 8 years.[/quote']

No, we don't. "Historic" means having something about the event/moment that gives it an importance that stands out in history. 50 years ago a black child could not attend a public school in Arkansas because the national guard blocked their entrance. a little over 40 years ago blacks were still legally being denied the right to vote. The idea that a black man becoming president holds no more historical significance than, say, Jimmy Carter's inauguration is pathetically ignorant.

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Today you get an "A" for that awesome rebuttle! :cheers:

What she says makes sense, you're just being ignorant in stating that this isn't a historic inauguration. It is NOT just another change of the guard.

And no, I'm not calling you a racist and I'm not calling him our Savior. He ain't done anything.

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EVERY inauguration is history...

QFT :cool:

I did not see any of it, i was working and trying to stimulate my economy! :D

Me too. While people where banking on promises and dreams I was at work so that I can pay my bills which are reality.

I watched some the parade but that was about it. Started chantex almost 2 weeks ago and one side effect is insomnia, so i was up very late last night and woke up very late. heh :mad:

Dude, careful with the chantex. A girl I used to work with went off "the deep end" while on chantex. It started out with the insomina and ended up with her in the psych ward. No joke!

I disregarded this inauguration just as I have disregarded every other inauguration in my lifetime.

I have never watched an inauguration either.

So, as usual...I didn't see one second of this ceremony.

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Yeah, I watched it. I probably wouldn't have watched it if the women in my family didn't drag me to the TV. But once I sat down and started seeing it, I'm glad I did. DLSF was kicking herself because she didn't go down to the mall. She was pretty upset at herself. But she had to leave for school early this afternoon anyway.

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By the way for the record, I think this is a completely different thread than the "He's not my President" thread. I think watching or not watching is cool. I hope no one is bashed for their choice in this.

True...I personally don't really give a **** if anyone watched or didn't watch...but if the reasoning and logic given FOR watching or not watching is asinine I'll definitely speak up lol...

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Well, my stubbornness often makes my decisions for me, whether they are good decisions or bad decisions

Yeah, totally feel you on that. I had an argument about its position in history, especially compared to the election (which I think is much easier to see as history). That said, it's obviously history - there shouldn't be any doubt that the first African-American President's inauguration is history.

Still, it was waaaaaaaay overblown and overhyped. This is coming from someone who steadfastly avoided Pulp Fiction for like 10 years for the same reason. So, yeah, I have that problem.

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