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Non-Obama voters - post here

USS Redskins

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I was disappointed but not surprised at the results of the election. I wanted to give Obama a chance but that is just impossible now. I can’t even watch the news anymore. Obama scored a big victory and maybe he will do well but the level of ass kissery and gayness for this guy has reached the overload factor for me.

It is simply nauseating the way people are fawning all over this guy.

The news shows this weekend were just one big ass-kiss fest. And if questioned about it the news media basically says, “It’s not our fault he is a God among men, we just report the news….”

I really question people’s sanity the way they talk about this guy. It’s really strange. I do understand why they voted him in office. W’s ratings are barely double digit, McCain was pretty old and the economy is a disaster but give me a break.

I have never understood political hero-worship. Never Will. No one has ever inspired me to do anything differently in my life except becoming a husband and father. I work hard for them (and myself). I don’t need a politician telling me what to do or how to do it.

I liken the coverage of Obama to Espn’s (and others) non-stop coverage of the Cowboys and the kissing of TO’s & Romo sits to pee’s rears – its sickening.

I was born in 1968, so I missed the whole Kennedy is the 2nd coming thing (thankfully) but I wonder if the Kennedy years were like this? Anyone remember that time?

Wait.. as I post this– Breaking News on MSNBC….. “Obama completed a large bowel movement this morning. It was preserved and will be in the Smithsonian for viewing later this week.”

Anyway… my rant is over.

I do wish him luck – he will need it.

Conservative type posters – are you giving him a chance?

Are you dry-heaving every time you watch the national news?

Were the Kennedy years like this?

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I realize I'm not your market, but I must say... you really went all out in giving him a chance. Why you lasted a whole two months before he ever became President before throwing him overboard. The man isn't even President and you've washed your hands. That's like giving up on the Redskins during OTA's and not even making it to preseason.

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I realize I'm not your market, but I must say... you really went all out in giving him a chance. Why you lasted a whole two months before he ever became President before throwing him overboard. The man isn't even President and you've washed your hands. That's like giving up on the Redskins during OTA's and not even making it to preseason.

he actually is complaining about the circle jerk that's been going on all around obama. he has very little to say about obama in all of that.

if there was one thing that i had to consciously ignore so as not to let something that is insignificant in the end sway my vote, it was that. the hollywood celebrity / pop icon status that obama obtained really, really turned me off.

in the end, i realized it was just basically marketing genius by his camp.

edit: damn, i skipped a pretty important line.....can't give the guy a chance already? really?

my bad burgold.

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I was disappointed but not surprised at the results of the election. I wanted to give Obama a chance but that is just impossible now.

In what way did you want to give him a chance? What has he done to make you no longer willing to give him a chance? Named a cabinet?

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I definitely didnt vote nor support him, though I think we would have been even worse off with McCain.

That said, I'm disappointed in what he has layed out thus far in plans and advisors. I was really hoping that his supposed "change" meant that he would get away from politics and policy as usual from the run o the mill D and R nonsense.

Hopes so far dashed.

Maybe he'll find a way to actually reduce government and spending back to what it should be, but I cant see that light at the end of the tunnel so far. Jury is still out though and I hope my fears arent realized

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I find the fawning over someone with hardly any political accomplishments irritating as well as the pass the media has given him,BUT I hope he does well for all our sakes.

I did not vote for him,but he will be my President and my children's boss

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I definitely didnt vote nor support him, though I think we would have been even worse off with McCain.

That said, I'm disappointed in what he has layed out thus far in plans and advisors. I was really hoping that his supposed "change" meant that he would get away from politics and policy as usual from the run o the mill D and R nonsense.

Hopes so far dashed.

Maybe he'll find a way to actually reduce government and spending back to what it should be, but I cant see that light at the end of the tunnel so far. Jury is still out though and I hope my fears arent realized

I think the problem is that he has been handed a true economic disaster and he's likely feeling forced to do several things that none of us like including Obama himself to try to patch the ship while bailing water. Hopefully, he won't have too many severe missteps as he tries to correct the situation and get things back in shape.

Remember, even FDR who was a great President and eventually got us out of the Depression, had several early ideas that were problematic and maybe even misguided. I have faith in America. We will not be bested by our own greed and stupidity. This is just a belt tightening period and one where we actually will have to swallow some really nasty tasting medicine.

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I think the problem is that he has been handed a true economic disaster and he's likely feeling forced to do several things that none of us like including Obama himself to try to patch the ship while bailing water. Hopefully, he won't have too many severe missteps as he tries to correct the situation and get things back in shape.

Remember, even FDR who was a great President and eventually got us out of the Depression, had several early ideas that were problematic and maybe even misguided. I have faith in America. We will not be bested by our own greed and stupidity. This is just a belt tightening period and one where we actually will have to swallow some really nasty tasting medicine.

He definitely is inheriting a horrible albatros and I honestly hope that he won't make things worse. So far, I just hate the "stimulus" plans he is laying out and feel they will only make the ship sink faster.

I know we share different opinions on FDR. I really dont think he could be considered a "good" president under a paleo-conservative/libertarian definition, but I can understand why folks not of that ilk liked him.

Like you, I hope that he doesnt step into doodoo along his journey as POTUS.

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This isn't the thread for this discussion, but I was very wary of the first bailout and nothing that has happened since has made me feel better about it. My dim, distant hope is that maybe this new stimulus package being guided by people who believe in oversight and regulation may have a better outcome than a stimulus effort that has turned out to be little more than a blank check and cash being put in the financial corps pockets.

But, I'm no economist and maybe the first one has or will have an effect that is positive that I'm unaware of. Still, from the way Paulson and Congress are acting, it seems like they are all upset and feel blindsided by the notion that these corps are going to look out for their own interest and not do "what's best" on their own. Frankly, I think that's the reason the big three auto makers left town with empty pockets, b/c the banks and financials really rooked us in the first bailout so far.

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This isn't the thread for this discussion, but I was very wary of the first bailout and nothing that has happened since has made me feel better about it. My dim, distant hope is that maybe this new stimulus package being guided by people who believe in oversight and regulation may have a better outcome than a stimulus effort that has turned out to be little more than a blank check and cash being put in the financial corps pockets.

But, I'm no economist and maybe the first one has or will have an effect that is positive that I'm unaware of. Still, from the way Paulson and Congress are acting, it seems like they are all upset and feel blindsided by the notion that these corps are going to look out for their own interest and not do "what's best" on their own. Frankly, I think that's the reason the big three auto makers left town with empty pockets, b/c the banks and financials really rooked us in the first bailout so far.

Good post. Thats much of the reason why i have reservations with his cabinet and economic advisor team choices. They all seem much too closely related to old guard Federal reserve and central planning folks from our not too distant past. The Rubin connection also worries me.

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Those are some sour grapes there dude. But I do know how you feel, sort of. It was november of '04 and I couldn't believe that the GOP had hoodwinked enough people again with the "they'll tax and spend, take away your Jesus and your guns, make your children marry gays..." crap, to get Dubya elected again. I knew were we doomed and history has proven it.

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I'm surprised Oprah hasn't changed her show title to "I love Obama so much I think I'll do a show about him every day."

I think she considered it, but was advised by TV Guide that it was just too cumbersome a title and would never fit within their little boxes. Desilu sued to prevent her from going with "I Love Obama"... so, for the time being, she's going to stay put with calling her show, Oprah.

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I never found him like-able in the least and I still don't get it. I was actually a Democrat in June before all the super-delegate crap. Now I feel a lot better about myself as a committed third-party crackpot. I'll never win but at least I actually aggree with some 90% of the LP platform.

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Damn you Obama for being so likeable. I shall choose to hate you because of it!


The horror. A politician that people find likable, are inspired by and may want to follow ... unlike the usual fare of angry, corrupt, retread incompetents.


It's a strange world when those who like to wrap themselves in the flag hate the fact that their new President-elect is respected and admired by the media.


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The horror. A politician that people find likable, are inspired by and may want to follow ... unlike the usual fare of angry, corrupt, retread incompetents.


It's a strange world when those who like to wrap themselves in the flag hate the fact that their new President-elect is respected and admired by the media.


You really think he is not incompetent? Intelligence does not mean competence. He talks out of his rear like every other politician he just masks it better because of his public speaking skills. We are already seeing what his change consists of. He is doing the same old same old. He is already changing campaign promises and hasnt even set foot in office yet!

Now, I really do want to give him a chance. I hope that he can do some good for the country and I really do think he wants to. My concern from the start was his inexperience blinds him from the reality of politics and what it takes to get things done in Washington. He has some good ideas, some misguided ones but overall good intentions. Just what comes out of his presidency will be a shadow of what was promised just like every other politician. If we really want change in this country, we need to change our system as a whole.

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