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Non-Obama voters - post here

USS Redskins

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I fervently hope that he becomes a great president, because I think we need one (and not because I think he will be one)

Is it really possible for a president to be "great" in this day and age? The level of partisanship in public discourse is so great now that only history can bestow greatness on a president. In real time, the partisan divide fueled by talk radio and bloggers assures that any president satisfies no more than one half of the American people. The party lines are too strong to build a consensus of greatness in a president.

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I think the answer is yes. I think the bigger problem is that we haven't seen a "great" President in most of our lifetimes. George W. Bush was given the trials and opportunities to be a GREAT President, but couldn't rise to the challenge. Reagan was probably the closest. He was 3/4 of a great President. Clinton was a good President, but never really had the obstacles needed to be great.

Obama has the setting, and plot devices to be able to become GREAT. If he is, it will be acknowledged happily by some, grudgingly by others.

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I realize I'm not your market, but I must say... you really went all out in giving him a chance. Why you lasted a whole two months before he ever became President before throwing him overboard. The man isn't even President and you've washed your hands. That's like giving up on the Redskins during OTA's and not even making it to preseason.

The current intense attitude of "not giving Obama a chance" is in direct proportion to the current intense attitude of "Obama is the Messiah". My God, Newsweek has Obama on the cover with comparisons to Lincoln and a preacher in Kansas compares Obama to Mohammed. Both are extremes to the max.

But, that is the problem with Obama. None of us really know much about the guy. Even those things we think we know, we are not sure of. He promoted change in his campaign and yet, is filling his cabinet with people from past administrations. Since, at the core of his being, he is a politician, I didn't buy everything that he said whether it be good or bad and I certainly didn't believe all the ridicoulus hype.

Nevertheless, whether by hook or crook, he will be our next President. It is my sincere hope that he becomes the greatest President ever. I may have many doubts, but, for my families economic health, I have hope that he does very well.

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The current intense attitude of "not giving Obama a chance" is in direct proportion to the current intense attitude of "Obama is the Messiah". My God, Newsweek has Obama on the cover with comparisons to Lincoln and a preacher in Kansas compares Obama to Mohammed. Both are extremes to the max.

But, that is the problem with Obama. None of us really know much about the guy. Even those things we think we know, we are not sure of. He promoted change in his campaign and yet, is filling his cabinet with people from past administrations. Since, at the core of his being, he is a politician, I didn't buy everything that he said whether it be good or bad and I certainly didn't believe all the ridicoulus hype.

Nevertheless, whether by hook or crook, he will be our next President. It is my sincere hope that he becomes the greatest President ever. I may have many doubts, but, for my families economic health, I have hope that he does very well.

I don't disagree with this quote at all. People comparing him to Lincoln, FDR, or Kennedy at this point or just as silly. Obama has the chance to enter their pantheon, but he also might wind up to be Jackson, Carter, or Bush. It is fun to speculate, but projecting greatness is a dangerous thing.

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Nice post Jax. You probably stated it better than I. I went for sarcasm and jokes but you sum it up nicely.

The Hype.

That would have been an excellent thread title.

I go back to my Cowboys line - basically since early February ESPN and NFL Network have been talking Cowbys as the next Superbowl champs. TO, Romo sits to pee, Pacman and then TO, Romo sits to pee and Pacman and then more TO, Romo sits to pee and Pacman... its nauseating, especially since they arent all that good.

The one thing about Obama - no one will ever be able to live up to the hype created during his campaign. I read that his team has started a campaign to lower expectations. He might have dug himself a big hole that will be difficult to get out of - especially with the mess he is inheriting.

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Is it really possible for a president to be "great" in this day and age? The level of partisanship in public discourse is so great now that only history can bestow greatness on a president. In real time, the partisan divide fueled by talk radio and bloggers assures that any president satisfies no more than one half of the American people. The party lines are too strong to build a consensus of greatness in a president.

Extreme partisanship goes way back though. It took Lincoln years to shed his reputation as a backwoods "railsplitter" simpleton.

There is rarely consensus even when a President is clearly great or horrible. 15% of Americans still think Joe McCarthy was a great Senator. 20 some percent still think Bush is a good President. Despite Clinton's profound success, he still only had a 65% approval rating at the end of his Presidency which is the highest in modern history but it still shows a high level of dissent.

Also, what good are wingnuts' opinions when they already have their minds made up before a guy is inaugurated? To me, that's a perfect reason to discard them altogether as meaningless.

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the first page is all about people bashing him for his opinion and view when he clearly titled the thread "NON-Obama voters". Guess he should have known since the pre-election conservative threads were all trashed too as soon as they were made.

Obama's "Change" seems to mean changing the names on the seats but not the players in the game. He is already setting himself up for failure for next year by saying stuff like "look, we need to prepare for the worst financial status in history" and things that make it so he can say "I told you so" when it does happen.

Not really going in to it with positive vibes like he was going in to the election. My guess is that the smoke and mirrors will be going away soon and we will see what he truly is.

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Conservative type posters – are you giving him a chance?

Are you dry-heaving every time you watch the national news?

Were the Kennedy years like this?

Yes I am giving him a chance and keeping an eye on the side while he does.

I don't watch the news. Haven't for years.

I don't know, but Kennedy wasn't so popular for a while. Attacking MLK, supporting the JBS and doing a lot of unpopular things, just because the were right.

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I don't disagree with this quote at all. People comparing him to Lincoln, FDR, or Kennedy at this point or just as silly.

So now comparing Presidents is silly? The comparisons make perferct sense IMO. Not to compare in terms of greatness but look back at history and see what others did at these repsective points in their careers. To not do so would be silly (perhaps ignorant).

As far as speaking and inspiring goes, Obama is comparable to Kennedy. In his cabinet he has welcomed rivals like Hillary, hence the Lincoln comparisons. And he will be charged with bringing us out of an economic disaster brought on by Republican incompetence, like FDR. None of this is akin to putting his face on Mount Rushmore. It's an apples to apples comparison.

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So now comparing Presidents is silly? The comparisons make perferct sense IMO. Not to compare in terms of greatness but look back at history and see what others did at these repsective points in their careers. To not do so would be silly (perhaps ignorant).

As far as speaking and inspiring goes, Obama is comparable to Kennedy. In his cabinet he has welcomed rivals like Hillary, hence the Lincoln comparisons. And he will be charged with bringing us out of an economic disaster brought on by Republican incompetence, like FDR. None of this is akin to putting his face on Mount Rushmore. It's an apples to apples comparison.

he hasnt even sworn in or made one thing in to law yet so comparing him to ANY president is silly.

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I agree the fawning is disgusting. I guarantee you the media has hyped him to the point where he can do no wrong. Hes essentially got a pass for his first term, so get ready for no accountability through 2012.

The one thing I can say, and this is probably the single most important positive from his victory....I like his demeanor. I like his confidence, his style, his charisma. We need someone like that in office. Hate his policies, hate his fame, hate the f'ng obama buttons and stickers and shirts I STILL see everywhere, but I like the way he carries himself.

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Nope, not at all :D

You see. That right there is proof that we're not lemmings. We're not blind followers. We don't follow instructions.

Following the instructions means the job is done correctly and it won't fall apart at the slightest breeze. Walk up the upstairs, even when nobody is looking.

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Comparing Obama's cabinet to former Presidents' cabinets is silly? How else does a person evaluate these things?

considering they havent made ONE decision that has had ANY effect whatsoever is silly. Thats like me saying that Colt Brennan is comparible to John Elway when he hasnt even played a single down in a regular season game.

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considering they havent made ONE decision that has had ANY effect whatsoever is silly. Thats like me saying that Colt Brennan is comparible to John Elway when he hasnt even played a single down in a regular season game.

But Colt Brennan will never be a starting QB in the NFL. Barack Obama is going to be the President.

BTW, Colt Brennan is comparable to John Elway:

Elway had a cannon for an arm. Brennan has a pee shooter.

Elway won two superbowls. Brennan beat southeastern tennessee polytechnic institute for the blind one out of two times.


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But Colt Brennan will never be a starting QB in the NFL. Barack Obama is going to be the President.

BTW, Colt Brennan is comparable to John Elway:

Elway had a cannon for an arm. Brennan has a pee shooter.

Elway won two superbowls. Brennan beat southeastern tennessee polytechnic institute for the blind one out of two times.


you are comparing what Elway did in the NFL to what Colt did in college. Colt hasnt ever played in the NFL.

NFL = actual presidency.

Obama and his cabinet may very well be compared to Kennedy and Lincoln at the end of his first year even, but let them do something first besides tell us what they are going to do.

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Oh come on, SS. This is from the same crew that said disagreeing with the President was anti-American and disagreeing with a wartime President was treason.

If that ain't worship I don't know what is.

I supported the war and I never thought this way at all. It is very American to disagree. I think it un-american to threaten to run off to another country b/c your candidate lost.

I also hated the Hypocrisy of many politicians who first supported then turned their back on the president during the war, for purely political reasons, even though they had stated and used the same arguments for the war, some of them, years before he even took office.

Also, having a problem with how the war was run was kind of just common sense.

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The one thing about Obama - no one will ever be able to live up to the hype created during his campaign. I read that his team has started a campaign to lower expectations. He might have dug himself a big hole that will be difficult to get out of - especially with the mess he is inheriting.

This is where we really could get hosed. Obama is a media creation. He is their baby. As was proven throughout the campaign, the media will lessen any major failures and trumpet every minor triumphs. Make no mistake about it, the media proved that they will ignore negatives and enhance positives for Obama, why would they change now?

It was the media that created the idea that the last 8 years have been horrible when the truth is, the economic troubles of today began 2 years ago. The current situation kicked off when the big bubble in the housing market developed a leak and the bill for our "must have now, will pay later" economic philosophy came due. The final popping of the over inflated economic bubble was the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose sole purpose for the most part was to put people into homes who: a) had not sacrificed as most do to get those loans and B) did not sacrifice to keep what they had not earned. Both Fannie and Freddie were controlled by Democrats.

There may be several things we can place on Pres. Bush's "Duh" plate but, the current economic situation isn't one of them, unless the democrats wish to share their part of the fault.

The real "change" that Obama brings to the White House is having the main-stream media sleeping in the Lincoln bedroom.

That being said, it is still my hope that he will do well.

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I didnt vote for him. But he's the President now so i definitely support him, and i hope he can deliver on all the awesomeness and hope and everything else he promised to get elected. He's got his work cut out for him.

He's the freaking President now. Some people have mentioned that they dont get political hero worship. For me, what is worse is wishing that things happen to make a president look bad. Because those things that are bad for a sitting Prez are generally bad for the country as a whole.

What also makes me laugh is its not enough for people to just like their candidate more. People had to convince themselves to HATE the other candidate. Why?

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It is funny after reading more of the posts - the Obama supporters just cant stand anyone who doesnt support the guy or any criticism of him. I actually didnt even criticize him - just the coverage and the mania surrounding him

I guess I have to hand it to Obama - I make a post for non-Obama Voters (not even supporters) and they cant stand NOT to post. They have fully drank the Barackness kool-aid and they are in over-drive. Well Done!

I bet your hands were shaking and you broke out into cold sweats... thats actually pretty funny.

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It is funny after reading more of the posts - the Obama supporters just cant stand anyone who doesnt support the guy or any criticism of him. I actually didnt even criticize him - just the coverage and the mania surrounding him

I guess I have to hand it to Obama - I make a post for non-Obama Voters (not even supporters) and they cant stand NOT to post. They have fully drank the Barackness kool-aid and they are in over-drive. Well Done!

I bet your hands were shaking and you broke out into cold sweats... thats actually pretty funny.

Let it alllllllllllllllllllll out guy. Go ahead and vent. We're here for ya buddy. :)

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