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Non-Obama voters - post here

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I thought this was a thread for non-obama voters


I was thinking the same thing. I click on this thread out of pure curiosity and the first response I see......BURGOLD. lolol

As for Obama, I think it's premature to judge his presidency...as he has done nothing as official president yet and his senate record is too small to even try to attempt to figure out how he's going to govern.

I am worried by the increasing chatter I hear about more bailouts, increasing the deficit even more, etc. That makes me uncomfortable, but again, we'll just have to wait and see how he does.

His cabinet is whatever. I'm not at all big on Hillary as Sec. of State and I really, really, really dislike Daschle, but everyone else I'm pretty neutral about.

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Those who are opposed to him in one fashion or another will probably never change their opinions. Especially die hard conservatives or libertarians. Obama will be pushing things that go against what they believe.

I voted for Ron Barr. I can't stand all Obama worship. I will give him a shot though before passing any judgment. I do hope he does something for healthcare. I've had an uncle who so far is surving his bout with colon cancer. My parents don't have healthcare and my dad is a doctor. Preexisting conditions. Even I will run out of healthcare once my cobra insurance expires next fall. Of course, if I finally get some sort of job maybe that will change. I will pay a little more for having preexisting conditions but would like to be able to get insurance.

If I don't like what Obama is doing, then in 2010 I can vote for a different congress to hold him in check. If he can turn things around and some of the things he wants to do is accomplished and doesn't make things worse; then he could go down as one of the greatests ever.

I don't think that will happen but we will see.

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Conservatives had their shot and they blew it. They were so hungry for power after the Clinton years; they nominate a faux conservative. George Bush acted as democrats on many things. He cared and the republican congress cared more about expanding their power; so they expanded government. No wonder, they lost in 2006 and 2008.

Now, Liberals have control and we will see what they do. If they fail and **** things up; then I could see an independent candidate win the presidency in 2012. If the democrats fail; then Americans will be so disgusted they will be ready to try something different and it won't be another Republican.

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I was a big McCain guy because I thought he was more moderate.

I am pleasantly surprised to hear that Obama will be running center of left administration very similiar to the Clinton administration. He is thinking about keeping Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense and I hope he does. Obama is also thinking about keeping the Bush Tax Cuts as well.

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I was a big McCain guy because I thought he was more moderate.

I am pleasantly surprised to hear that Obama will be running center of left administration very similiar to the Clinton administration. He is thinking about keeping Robert Gates as Secretary of Defense and I hope he does. Obama is also thinking about keeping the Bush Tax Cuts as well.

Pretty much the saving grace of him getting elected. I actually thought most of his positions (not all) were ridiculous and were stated only to get elected. I'm glad I was correct. He might be a decent president after all.

Whoops, I didn't vote for him...Am I allowed to post in this thread? :D

He and McCain ultimately aren't that far off. Both lean towards the center, despite the rhetoric they had to preach in order to get the nomination. I look forward to some real bi-partisan work ahead. Hopefully, unlike Bush, it wasn't all talk.

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:laugh: you guys are a bunch of female dogs. wake up and realize it didn't even matter which of them was elected, the results for the most part will be the same. Oh by the way, Obama was by far a better candidate, who the HELL wants 4 years of a really old idiot who's basically married to oil companies? Oh and did I mention he agreed with Bush's policies 90% of the time? Enough said, close thread.

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Of course they're not. And we all know why......

Please elaborate. Why would that be?


:laugh: you guys are a bunch of female dogs. wake up and realize it didn't even matter which of them was elected, the results for the most part will be the same. Oh by the way, Obama was by far a better candidate, who the HELL wants 4 years of a really old idiot who's basically married to oil companies? Oh and did I mention he agreed with Bush's policies 90% of the time? Enough said, close thread.

With the intelligence you displayed in that post...I now see why you are NNT'd...

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I don't know about the Kennedy years, but I do remember the Reagan years. Obama hasn't reached the level of teflon Ronnie had with repubs so I'm not sure why conservatives have their panties in such a bunch.

you really made those observations at 8,9, 10 years old? why aren't you an engineer or a doctor? :nana:

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I didn't vote for him either but I knew he would win. Like someone else said he sold himself really well and folks bought it. Nothing wrong w/that. However, I've never seen a President elect get so much press. It's weird...like having 2 presidents at one time.

I wish him well and hope he won't disappoint his supporters.

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I realize I'm not your market, but I must say... you really went all out in giving him a chance. Why you lasted a whole two months before he ever became President before throwing him overboard. The man isn't even President and you've washed your hands. That's like giving up on the Redskins during OTA's and not even making it to preseason.

I couldnt get back to this thread til this morning.... so, I really meant the thread for Non-Obama guys, yes but I appreaciate you reading and commenting.

I probably will give him a chance - nothing else to do as he is the pres-elct. I cant wish him bad luck as that is unpatriotic... I was def. pissed for a week or so about the election but as that faded, the non-stop Obama praising has really taken its toll. As you are a probable Obama voter, I can see why you would find this thread silly.

I guess I just wanted to vent to some other non-Obama voters.

You always seem to be an honest, somewhat partisan, guy. You really dont feel that the Obama-mania is getting a little silly?

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he actually is complaining about the circle jerk that's been going on all around obama. he has very little to say about obama in all of that.

if there was one thing that i had to consciously ignore so as not to let something that is insignificant in the end sway my vote, it was that. the hollywood celebrity / pop icon status that obama obtained really, really turned me off.

in the end, i realized it was just basically marketing genius by his camp.

edit: damn, i skipped a pretty important line.....can't give the guy a chance already? really?

my bad burgold.

I will give him a chance. You have to. It's not him, though he is kind of smug sometimes, its the circus around him.

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In what way did you want to give him a chance? What has he done to make you no longer willing to give him a chance? Named a cabinet?

I wanted to and probably will give him a chance. Its mostly just venting because its so phony to me. I get that he is the first black man to be elected but past that it is lost on me.

I guess I just dont "get it."

I never bought into Bush's "Compassionate Conservative" BS or Reagan being the modern Lincoln or whatever.

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I couldnt get back to this thread til this morning.... so, I really meant the thread for Non-Obama guys, yes but I appreaciate you reading and commenting.

I probably will give him a chance - nothing else to do as he is the pres-elct. I cant wish him bad luck as that is unpatriotic... I was def. pissed for a week or so about the election but as that faded, the non-stop Obama praising has really taken its toll. As you are a probable Obama voter, I can see why you would find this thread silly.

I guess I just wanted to vent to some other non-Obama voters.

You always seem to be an honest, somewhat partisan, guy. You really dont feel that the Obama-mania is getting a little silly?

Oh, in some places it's downright assinine. I think it is also a bit heightened this go around. (See my drowning man thread), but I thought the anti-American stuff was crazy too.

I will say that I got the blues too when Bush was re-elected. That's pretty normal. I foresaw bad things for this country and thought he was leading us in a bad direction. I'm not honestly sure if Obama can captain us to a safe port. I like his pragmatism, his confidence, and what I gleem of his intellect. I can easily understand why someone would get frustrated with the idea of an Obama presidency, because in some ways it does announce a change in course which likely will be in direct contradiction to conservative principles.

I just think that this thread should have come out in six months, so it could have a little more meat to it, but hopefully in six months you'll be singing his praises too. I fervently hope that he becomes a great president, because I think we need one (and not because I think he will be one)

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Oh, in some places it's downright assinine. I think it is also a bit heightened this go around. (See my drowning man thread), but I thought the anti-American stuff was crazy too.

I will say that I got the blues too when Bush was re-elected. That's pretty normal. I foresaw bad things for this country and thought he was leading us in a bad direction. I'm not honestly sure if Obama can captain us to a safe port. I like his pragmatism, his confidence, and what I gleem of his intellect. I can easily understand why someone would get frustrated with the idea of an Obama presidency, because in some ways it does announce a change in course which likely will be in direct contradiction to conservative principles.

I just think that this thread should have come out in six months, so it could have a little more meat to it, but hopefully in six months you'll be singing his praises too. I fervently hope that he becomes a great president, because I think we need one (and not because I think he will be one)

Honestly, I am not that big of a conservative - somewhat yes, but the reason I voted McCain is that he had a 2 decade record of working with democrats and he was a liberal republican on many issues. I thought he was the guy we needed to right the ship... its def. busted.

Maybe Obama can do it but his senate voting record shows he is pretty one sided.

I cant stand that he has brought Hillary into his cabinet. That is just nonsense but his Economic announcement was rec'd well by Wall Street, so thats good.

As for the 6 months - I wanted to get a jump on the negativity...:)

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