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Top 5 Reasons Why Obama Lost The Election


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Wow you libs crack me up.

Far from racist. I picked Oakland because that is where Maxine Waters is from. And she is possibly the funniest elected official we have.

Atlanta is on the other side of the country. Feel free to insert Boston, or any other east coast city if you prefer.

Earlier in this thread....I mentioned Keith Hackermann and John Stewart. My two favorite left wingers.

The "Obama lost because of racism" excuse is already showing its face.

Hysterical. :doh:

Whats going to be hysterical is the right wings reaction when Obama wins by 6 points and a 100 electoral votes.

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The "respected independent poll" is now saying that Americans don't want higher taxes on capital gains, estate taxes....etc......and that after having looked at everything, they now prefer McCain on the economy.

Let's examine the actual numbers for the 14 major trust issues your poll article is about:

Economy - Even

McCain 48%

Obama 47%

National Security - McCain

McCain 54%

Obama 43%

Energy - Obama

McCain 45%

Obama 51%

Ethics - Obama

McCain 44%

Obama 50%

Iraq - Even

McCain 47%

Obama 47%

Immigration - Even

McCain 43%

Obama 44%

Environment - Obama

McCain 38%

Obama 55%

Balance Federal Budget - Obama

McCain 41%

Obama 50%

Negotiate Trade Agreements - Obama

McCain 41%

Obama 50%

Taxes - Even

McCain 47%

Obama 45%

Social Security - Even

McCain 45%

Obama 44%

Healthcare - Obama

McCain 41%

Obama 51%

Education - Obama

McCain 40%

Obama 49%

Abortion - McCain

McCain 46%

Obama 40%

So what do we have when we don't ignore a reasonable margain of error?

McCain - 2 of 14 issues

Obama - 7 of 14 issues

Even - 5 of 14 issues

Wow McCain is really taking over isn't he. :rolleyes:

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Whats going to be hysterical is the right wings reaction when Obama wins by 6 points and a 100 electoral votes.

Since when is getting back to the drawing board and good old fashioned hard work hysterical? When Bob Dole lost to Clinton, this was the "reaction" from the GOP......they rolled up their sleeves in search of better and more electable candidates. If you are expecting rage, hatred, and out of control conduct in public.....you've apparently got YOUR OWN PARTY'S typical reaction(s) on your mind.

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Since when is getting back to the drawing board and good old fashioned hard work hysterical? When Bob Dole lost to Clinton, this was the "reaction" from the GOP......they rolled up their sleeves in search of better and more electable candidates. If you are expecting rage, hatred, and out of control conduct in public.....you've apparently got YOUR OWN PARTY'S typical reaction(s) on your mind.

Yeah and they came up with George Bush.:laugh:

Please oh please Republicans..........go the Palin route when looking to rebuild your eviscerated Party. That'll guarantee Democratic dominance for a decade.

As for the OP, in this fantasy land that you're living in I have to ask you: As the Bizarro NFL leading rusher, how many yards does Ladell Betts have and how big a lead does he have in this Bizarro NFL? :)

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Dow up another 150 today.


That probably has Obama and Biden sweating.

Time to hold an emergency meeting.....Pelosi, please get out and say something negative about the economy.

And yet still over 1000 points below where it was a month ago. Care to talk about where it was 2 months ago?

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Wow you libs crack me up.

Far from racist. I picked Oakland because that is where Maxine Waters is from. And she is possibly the funniest elected official we have.

Maxine Waters is from Los Angeles, not Oakland.

Of course, all those ghettos look the same to you, right?

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Dow up another 150 today.


That probably has Obama and Biden sweating.

Time to hold an emergency meeting.....Pelosi, please get out and say something negative about the economy.

You do realize what you just said is like saying, the Redskins outscored team X by 7 in the 4th quarter.

Nevermind the fact they were down 56-0 after the 3rd quarter.

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Let's just get them over with early. Tomorrow the results of a poll showing Americans now trust McCain over Obama with the economy are being released. It was close....but Obama has now lost on the economy, the most important concern of voters.

People here will be in shock. So, let's post what we will see all over the tv next week....the top 5 reasons why Obama lost.....the biggest excuses we will see from the liberal tv anchors and hollywood personalities next week....as they come to the realization that the majority of Americans don't agree with their radical left wing views.

5. The young vote didn't go to the polls. Newsflash: They never do. It is too hard to put down the video game to actually go vote. That requires getting off the couch.

4. Voter fraud. Our guy didn't win. There must have been fraud. Let's riot and hold parades of protest. Anything to avoid the truth.

3. Racism. Our guy didn't win. It must be racism. Let's riot and hold parades of protest. Anything to avoid the truth.

2. Fear Campaign about Obama's associates. Those Republicans were smearing Obama. It doesn't matter that his associates are extremely shady. He still should have won. All of my twenty-something video game playing friends said they were going to vote for him.

And the real reason why Obama will lose next week?

1. Raising taxes on the wealthy sent us into the Great Depression in 1929. No intelligent individual believes that raising taxes is going to fix the economy. And unfortunately for the libs....these intelligent people actually go to the polls and vote.

4 years later.....and another lib bites the dust.

Are you really 39 years old? is so, i will pray for you.

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Let's just get them over with early. Tomorrow the results of a poll showing Americans now trust McCain over Obama with the economy are being released. It was close....but Obama has now lost on the economy, the most important concern of voters.

People here will be in shock. So, let's post what we will see all over the tv next week....the top 5 reasons why Obama lost.....the biggest excuses we will see from the liberal tv anchors and hollywood personalities next week....as they come to the realization that the majority of Americans don't agree with their radical left wing views.

5. The young vote didn't go to the polls. Newsflash: They never do. It is too hard to put down the video game to actually go vote. That requires getting off the couch.

4. Voter fraud. Our guy didn't win. There must have been fraud. Let's riot and hold parades of protest. Anything to avoid the truth.

3. Racism. Our guy didn't win. It must be racism. Let's riot and hold parades of protest. Anything to avoid the truth.

2. Fear Campaign about Obama's associates. Those Republicans were smearing Obama. It doesn't matter that his associates are extremely shady. He still should have won. All of my twenty-something video game playing friends said they were going to vote for him.

And the real reason why Obama will lose next week?

1. Raising taxes on the wealthy sent us into the Great Depression in 1929. No intelligent individual believes that raising taxes is going to fix the economy. And unfortunately for the libs....these intelligent people actually go to the polls and vote.

4 years later.....and another lib bites the dust.

Reason #6...

The Redskins won the Monday night game before the election. Oh wait...:doh:

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Good grief no. I'll take Oakland anyday.

My point was that McD was not telling the truth when he said that he was "Far from racist. I picked Oakland because that is where Maxine Waters is from. And she is possibly the funniest elected official we have."

McD clearly mentioned Oakland solely because it is heavily African American, but he doesn't have the guts to admit it, so he makes up some nonsense about Maxine Waters being from Oakland, hoping no one will notice.

Well, I noticed.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! You people would need to attend college for four years just to qualify for **** for brains!

Cant you dummies see that all the guy is doing is baiting you left wing feebtards? You fall so easily into his trap!


Kudos to you McD5 sir on a game well played.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! You people would need to attend college for four years just to qualify for **** for brains!

Cant you dummies see that all the guy is doing is baiting you left wing feebtards? You fall so easily into his trap!


Kudos to you McD5 sir on a game well played.

And to think I used to find you funny.


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