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Top 5 Reasons Why Obama Lost The Election


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There is only one reason why Obama would lose next Tuesday and that is because the Skins beat the Steelers. Remember, in an election year, if the Skins win the game prior to the election, the Republicans win the presidential election.

This time it is going to be wrong, because we are going to win and Obama is also.

That "curse" was broken 4 years ago when the Skins lost and Bush was still elected. So now it's reversed so that if the Skins win, then Obama will win. lol

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There is only one way Obama loses and that is if people don't buy his bs.:2cents:

btw massive Dem turnout in Florida and elsewhere


Democrats are beaming that their party is outperforming the Republicans in early voting, releasing numbers Wednesday that show registrants of their party ahead 54 percent to 30 percent among the 1.4 million voters who have gone to the polls early

ONE problem;)

But party breakdowns for turnout aren't the same as final tallies, and at least one poll offered a different view for the campaign of Republican John McCain.

A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll gave McCain a 49-45 lead over Democrat Barack Obama among Floridians who have already voted.

WELL,maybe two problems:cool:

And Republicans continued to show a traditional strength, leading 50 percent to the Democrats' 30 percent in the 1.2 million absentee ballots already returned.

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There is only one way Obama loses and that is if people don't buy his bs.:2cents:

btw massive Dem turnout in Florida and elsewhere


Democrats are beaming that their party is outperforming the Republicans in early voting, releasing numbers Wednesday that show registrants of their party ahead 54 percent to 30 percent among the 1.4 million voters who have gone to the polls early

ONE problem;)

But party breakdowns for turnout aren't the same as final tallies, and at least one poll offered a different view for the campaign of Republican John McCain.

A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll gave McCain a 49-45 lead over Democrat Barack Obama among Floridians who have already voted.

WELL,maybe two problems:cool:

And Republicans continued to show a traditional strength, leading 50 percent to the Democrats' 30 percent in the 1.2 million absentee ballots already returned.

I think you've hit upon the small sliver of hope thqat still exists within the McCain camp.

I know this much, if McCain somehow wins it, the fury and fight from the left will result in major injuries and death. It wont be pretty.

Im hoping that if Obama wins, he does it with huge margins and sweeps in 60 Senators. I want the Dems to have the mandate. So there are no excuses 2 years from now.

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This one is fun.

Likely Outcome of 2008 Presidential Election

Obama Landslide


Modest Obama Victory


Modest McCain Victory


McCain Landslide


Too Close to Call



BTW, the survey says "voters" not likely voters and its a national poll...and yet again I'll assert we do not have a popular vote to elect the President. Show me the battle ground state polls.

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Not true. The statistic was that if the Redskins win, the incumbent party won election/re-election but in 2004 the Redskins lost to the Packers and George Bush won re-election.

But I believe that was the game with the phantom illegal procedure call on (Thrash?) that degated Portis's go ahead TD. So maybe the Election Gods beleived the Redskins really won that game and the ref taking it away doesn't count. So lets all pray it is still in effect and the Redskins win followed by a McCain victory.

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This thread sucks

Have any proof to back up your 'polls' that will be released tomorrow?


Rule #1. Never question McD. Interesting how I knew this poll was coming out today before it was released. Never forget that.

#2. It is over. Voters always preferred McCain more on taxes, obviously.

But for the first time....voters now trust McCain over Obama on the overall economy. The deciding factor in the election.

And the real bad news if you are a lib...hoping this time "might" be different?

Libs don't vote. They scream, shout, and collect unemployment.

They don't vote.

I can't wait to see Keith Hackerman and John Stewart crying next week.


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