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Barack Obama's first action as President


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Wrong. Notice that it doesn't draw a distinction between mental health and physical health, which according to Alexey, is something Obama has claimed is necessary.

See © above.

You may want to qualify that "wrong" because I most certainly am not. Partial birth abortions are not protected except in the case of health issues. If you want to argue about what constitutes health, then that's fine. 4Lyf failed to mention that abortions aren't protected in most pregnancies beyond viability, which ultimately led to some gruesome pictures with no context.

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This is all wrong. The first thing he will do as President, when he sits down in the Oval Office, is spin around in that chair and see how many rotations he can get. Then he'll play with the stapler. Then he'll buzz his secretary just to see if the Intercom is working.
In other words, exactly what the last guy did.
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redskyn4lyf while youre rant is way emotional and obviously far in one direction, you make some great points.

partial birth abortions are one thing, but what takes a woman 6 months to have an abortion? if you find out youre pregnant, you dont want it, you get an abortion early. what is the "method" of abortion in those cases, say 6 weeks in?

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Good. Freedom of Choice should be signed. It will be quick and easy and why put it off.

As others have pointed it, the freedom of choice act doesn't really do anything to change the laws in any state on Partial birth abortion anyway, which is VERY rare and usually only applies to health issues.

I would be disappointed if he didn't sign it.

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Thanks Popeman...where's that from?
There are about 90,000 links when you google the entire quote. But for some strange reason, there are no "reputable" sources to quote, other than the video where he actually says the words. All the rest are right wing sites, so I won't link them. Everyone would dismiss them as spin and out of context.
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About at the 36 second mark, he starts talking it.

Do you really not understand what he is saying? He is saying he wants to better educate his daughters so that they don't get "punished" with a baby or an STD because of lack of education. He isn't saying that babies are a punishment simply that if his daughters were to stray that he would want them to know safe sex and the like not being ignorant because they only had abstinence only education and didn't know better. He doesn't want his girls punished because they had abstinence only education. He wants them to get a full education on safe sex so they can make an informed decision. It is pretty clear from your tape what he means and by simply cutting out one line you are trying to connect two arguments that are entirely unconnected (abstinence only education, partial birth abortion)

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Shake hands with the Chief Justice.

I win!!!

DOH! got me AX!! I forgot that he'd shake hands before he sat down. :mad:

BTW, I've noticed a something that those calling for Obama to resign immediately have in common with a hammer....they are both tools. I'm just bracing for the player hating that will happen for the next 4 and then 8 years.

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Just hunker down in your well-stocked bunker. Your nightmare will be over in 8 years.
4. No matter who wins this election, the economy will doom their administration. Unemployment will continue to grow for the next 18 - 24 months, and we will enter our first consumer recession in 19 years. Negative GDP growth for the next 5 quarters is likely. It will seem like the end of the world, but it is actually needed since the govt has kept the economy artificially inflated to avoid the natural business cycles. We need downturns to keep the economy healthy.
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Do you really not understand what he is saying? He is saying he wants to better educate his daughters so that they don't get "punished" with a baby or an STD because of lack of education. He isn't saying that babies are a punishment simply that if his daughters were to stray that he would want them to know safe sex and the like not being ignorant because they only had abstinence only education and didn't know better. He doesn't want his girls punished because they had abstinence only education. He wants them to get a full education on safe sex so they can make an informed decision. It is pretty clear from your tape what he means and by simply cutting out one line you are trying to connect two arguments that are entirely unconnected (abstinence only education, partial birth abortion)
That is a creative stance to take on his words. I posted his entire quote. He is clearly talking about education AND the ability to have abortions. They are not mutually exclusive, and he clearly indicates that he doesn't want his daughters to be "punished" for making a "mistake" even though they have been educated.
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Partial birth abortion is a crime against humanity.

Who are these sociopathic doctors that do this for a living? That can go home after a day of killing babies?

I lean towards pro-choice but everything I've read on partial birth abortion is just extremely sad. There are some sick ****s out there- a very large percentage apparently.

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That is a creative stance to take on his words. I posted his entire quote. He is clearly talking about education AND the ability to have abortions. They are not mutually exclusive, and he clearly indicates that he doesn't want his daughters to be "punished" for making a "mistake" even though they have been educated.

Where does he mention abortion

"When it comes specifically to HIV/AIDS, the most important prevention is education, which should include -- which should include abstinence education and teaching the children -- teaching children, you know, that sex is not something casual. But it should also include -- it should also include other, you know, information about contraception because, look, I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at the age of 16. You know, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."

He doesn't, he mentions he doesn't want his daughters punished with an STD in the same sentence as the baby line. He is talking about education, he even ends with a line about needing to give them information, he is talking about sex ed throughout the entire quote, he never mentions abortion. He is very clearly talking about education.

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I'm just bracing for the player hating that will happen for the next 4 and then 8 years.

Since you use the term "player hating", I'm assuming you're saying it will be a racial thing. (I could be misunderstanding).

If that's the case, it's a 100% copout. Being white didn't save Carter, Bush, or even Jefferson- who were some of the most "hated on" Presidents in history.

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Partial birth abortion is a crime against humanity.

Who are these sociopathic doctors that do this for a living? That can go home after a day of killing babies?

I lean towards pro-choice but everything I've read on partial birth abortion is just extremely sad. There are some sick ****s out there- a very large percentage apparently.

I believe there is a federal law banning partial birth abortions on the book.

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About at the 36 second mark, he starts talking it.

There are about 90,000 links when you google the entire quote. But for some strange reason, there are no "reputable" sources to quote, other than the video where he actually says the words. All the rest are right wing sites, so I won't link them. Everyone would dismiss them as spin and out of context.

Thanks guys.

Actual video just makes it irrefutable....

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