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Barack Obama's first action as President


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The fact that this thread alone poses multiple "correct" times to extend human rights to humans, makes all such determinations arbitrary. Either all members of species homo sapiens sapiens are afforded human rights or society decides which ones are "worthy." Once we adopt the latter stance, there is nothing to stop us from adding additional groups to the "not human enough" category. Deciding that stage of development makes you "not fully human" is just as ridiculous as deciding that skin color makes you less than human.

I would agree with the above and we already have.

We should not allow late term abortions. A child has been delivered as early as 5 months.. That by most of you would be the cutoff.

We should not allow the death penalty for anyone unless they are already in prison and there is nothing left to take away.

We should put as much effort into adoption as we do abortion so that if the abortions were to subside there would BE SOMETHING there to help out.

Having such a poor substitute keeps the abortion industry in business.

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I say we give it the rights resembling a person when it resembles a person and that happens at around the first trimester.

You can't see how this is a totally arbitrary line of demarcation?

As has been said before, if its a child at birth then what about 39 weeks? If its a child at 39 weeks, then why not at 38 weeks, etc. The only arguments that I can even entertain as valid are life at conception, and life at viability. The life at viability argument gets skewed however when we are finding that babies are becoming viable at an earlier and earlier age.

With so many people on extensive waiting lists, paying $10,000K+ and flying to China to adopt babies why can't a woman give a child up for adoption rather than destroying it. If the pregnancy is going to kill or disable her I can see the argument, but just for convenience?

On a totally different level what does this act do to states rights. My understanding is that it supercedes all state laws and allows absolutely no limitations on tax payer funded abortions. How if the Partial Birth Abortion Ban passes overwhelmingly, would this act even stand a chance to get passed.

you don't know what arbitrary means

just because there is a gray area doesn't mean it's arbitrary, god why do people have such a hard time understanding this? Arbitrary means I have no reason for putting the number where it is, we do and i cited an example of why.

We know there is a point where the fetus grows the neurons and the brain sections necessary for pain. This is around 20 and 28 weeks. I say we make sure we set the line safely before the those are developed therefore there is no pain involved. This is pretty much the exact opposite of arbitrary.

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