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Barack Obama's first action as President


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A. I don't know a single person that is pro-abortion. Never met one. Never even heard of one. I know people that are pro-CHOICE, meaning that no matter your individual viewpoint on the morality of abortion (at any term), you don't think you have the right to tell another human what their decision should be.

(Sorry, but I had to point this out. I'm so sick of people on the right using the term "pro-abortion" as if anyone that supports a woman's right to choose also supports unmitigated slaughter of as many fetuses as possible.)

Really? I do.

Let me tell you friend, there isn't a Switzerland in this war. You either enable it or you don't.

Don't be an enabler of murdering the innocents.

B. With regard to the issue of the mother's "health", legislative intent and meaning is a matter for the courts to interpret. If it seems like a stretch of the imagination to believe that partial birth abortions would be performed in the mother's mental health were in danger, that's probably because it is. As has been previously stated, to the degree that mental health issues would exist rendering the birth of a child as threatening to the mother in some way, that decision could, should, and would be made before so late in the term.

Can you give me an example of how their mental health may be damaged by not getting an abortion?

In addition, what about all of the women (not everyone who has had an abortion; I realize some people don't have much of a conscience) who have had their mental health damaged by having an abortion?

What do we do about that?

C. I don't have a problem with my President ending the ban on late-term abortions when that ban does not include a provision excluding instances where the mother's life is in danger if she delivers the child.
People always say this, but I never see medical examples.
I don't know what I'd do in that situation, to be honest. But if I was told that I had no option and that my wife would die because of a decision that someone made in Washington DC, I might start making some dangerous decisions of my own at that time. :2cents:
Well, you could always induce the abortion yourself. But that would weigh on your conscience wouldn't it?
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A. I don't know a single person that is pro-abortion. Never met one. Never even heard of one. I know people that are pro-CHOICE, meaning that no matter your individual viewpoint on the morality of abortion (at any term), you don't think you have the right to tell another human what their decision should be.

What is you viewpoint on the morality of abortion, if you don't mind sharing.

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Let me tell you friend, there isn't a Switzerland in this war. You either enable it or you don't.

Don't be an enabler of murdering the innocents.

Murdering of innocent whats? I am just curious when you think the successful meeting of a sperm the egg becomes a human being.

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What is you viewpoint on the morality of abortion, if you don't mind sharing.

Again, before going further, I should mention the caveat that I don't believe my opinion is any more right or wrong than anyone else's in this area, which is why I am pro-CHOICE.

But I am morally opposed to late-term abortion unless there is serious medical danger to the mother posed by the delivery of the baby. Mid-term abortion is also sketchy to me and I think its immoral if done basically as a more advanced form of contraception, and early term abortion while not suggested as a means of contraception, and while still should be avoided unless the woman has a REALLY good reason (can't feed the kids she has, is 16, etc.), is more morally acceptable because I don't believe the fetus is a human being at that point.

Again though, I'm pro choice. Not pro abortion.

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Again, before going further, I should mention the caveat that I don't believe my opinion is any more right or wrong than anyone else's in this area, which is why I am pro-CHOICE.

But I am morally opposed to late-term abortion unless there is serious medical danger to the mother posed by the delivery of the baby. Mid-term abortion is also sketchy to me and I think its immoral if done basically as a more advanced form of contraception, and early term abortion while not suggested as a means of contraception, and while still should be avoided unless the woman has a REALLY good reason (can't feed the kids she has, is 16, etc.), is more morally acceptable because I don't believe the fetus is a human being at that point.

Again though, I'm pro choice. Not pro abortion.

There's only one reason it could be considered immoral. You might want to think about that as you allow others to "choose".

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There's only one reason it could be considered immoral. You might want to think about that as you allow others to "choose".

Hey, we allow others to choose who and what gets killed all the time. I don't believe in the death penalty, but the state and jurors get to decide if a guy is condemned to death. I don't agree with sending troops to Iraq, but the Bush Administration made a decision that they knew would result in the loss of tens of thousands of lives.

(On a wholly unrelated note, I've never understood people that are pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time. Either life is sacred or it isn't.)

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Hey, we allow others to choose who and what gets killed all the time. I don't believe in the death penalty, but the state and jurors get to decide if a guy is condemned to death. I don't agree with sending troops to Iraq, but the Bush Administration made a decision that they knew would result in the loss of tens of thousands of lives.

(On a wholly unrelated note, I've never understood people that are pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time. Either life is sacred or it isn't.)

4,188 in Iraq. Not tens of thousands.

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(On a wholly unrelated note, I've never understood people that are pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time. Either life is sacred or it isn't.)
I can tell you there is a significant difference. An innocent life is sacred. A person who has taken an innocent life is no longer an innocent life. They should pay with their own (unless the victims family says they would prefer the killer be spared).

It is no different than differentiating murder, and killing. You have to have intent for murder. Self defense is killing. War is killing. The death penelty is killing.

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(On a wholly unrelated note, I've never understood people that are pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time. Either life is sacred or it isn't.)

Eh, I don't agree.

I'm pro-choice and anti-death penalty, which is equally awkward. We all do our best with the tough questions.

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Hey, we allow others to choose who and what gets killed all the time. I don't believe in the death penalty, but the state and jurors get to decide if a guy is condemned to death. I don't agree with sending troops to Iraq, but the Bush Administration made a decision that they knew would result in the loss of tens of thousands of lives.

(On a wholly unrelated note, I've never understood people that are pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time. Either life is sacred or it isn't.)

Or you can be like me, Pro-Life, Anti-death penalty, and Just War theorist.
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I have to say, I'm really on the fence about abortion. I used to be mildly pro choice but I just don't know which way to go on it. I feel like I can understand a good argument for either side.

I'm definitely anti death penalty, though, for reasons outside of "preciousness of life", it's more from a standpoint of I don't trust people to make that decision. Obviously, that's going to probably lead you to asking how that doesn't make up my mind on abortion but my problem there is a really don't know when a person is a person.

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The abortion angle to me is simple. Would I rather have it done at a state regulated clinic or in a back alley dive? Because either way, the abortions are still going to take place.

On a side note, I really can't wait for the day that everyone takes a red pill once they've reached puberty that prevents them from getting pregnant, impregnating until they later take the green pill when they decide they want kids. :D

I can dream, can't I?

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I have to say, I'm really on the fence about abortion. I used to be mildly pro choice but I just don't know which way to go on it. I feel like I can understand a good argument for either side.

I can agree with that. I'm pro choice myself, but only because I would rather not make the decision for you.

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Hey, we allow others to choose who and what gets killed all the time.

You might be okay with that, but I'm not. Once we admit that we are killing a human being with abortion, the only classification that can be applied is murder, since no one could argue that the human being in question is not innocent.

I'm opposed to murder.

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Well, if a fetus is a human being, how come the census doesn't count them? If a fetus is a human being, how come when there's a miscarriage they don't have a funeral? If a fetus is a human being, how come people say 'we have two children and one on the way' instead of saying 'we have three children?' People say life begins at conception, I say life began about a billion years ago and it's a continuous process. Continuous, just keeps rolling along. Rolling, rolling, rolling along.



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The abortion angle to me is simple. Would I rather have it done at a state regulated clinic or in a back alley dive? Because either way, the abortions are still going to take place.
That's the most BS argument I've ever heard. OF course if it was outlawed there would still be some abortions illegally. IT would not be 42 million back alley abortions though.
Well, if a fetus is a human being, how come the census doesn't count them? If a fetus is a human being, how come when there's a miscarriage they don't have a funeral? If a fetus is a human being, how come people say 'we have two children and one on the way' instead of saying 'we have three children?' People say life begins at conception, I say life began about a billion years ago and it's a continuous process. Continuous, just keeps rolling along. Rolling, rolling, rolling along.



I've known several couples who had funurals fro their miscarried babies.
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Well, if a fetus is a human being, how come the census doesn't count them? If a fetus is a human being, how come when there's a miscarriage they don't have a funeral? If a fetus is a human being, how come people say 'we have two children and one on the way' instead of saying 'we have three children?' People say life begins at conception, I say life began about a billion years ago and it's a continuous process. Continuous, just keeps rolling along. Rolling, rolling, rolling along.



Nice one.

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Am I to understand that you consider a zygote to be a human being?
Of course. It begins at fertlization.

Prior, neither the sperm nor the egg have the necessary components to eventually develop into an adult human being. After fertilization they do. Given an uninterrupted and natural course of development, the zygote will become an adult human. It is no different than a four year old in that it is just another stage in human development.Therefore it is human.

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