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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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She looks gay.

:laugh: actually I think her bf was in the military.

England, who was sentenced to three years in prison, was released a year ago after serving about 17 months and now lives in a trailer with her parents and toddler son -- the child of Charles Graner, Jr., who was reportedly the ringleader of the abuse at Abu Ghraib.


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I would still make the argument that "the hetero males" are basically the females and would be subjected to crap they shouldn't have to put up with. When it is all said and done, maybe we should leave this decision up to those in the military.

Should we allow other industries to decide who to hire? Even if it means discriminating?

Then you petition the government that is granting them the permit to not allow it.

And if they do allow it, keep your curtains closed for a day or go out.

This is how it works, they have to make public their request for a permit, and you then have the opportunity to voice your opinion about it and try to dissuade the board from giving them their permit.

But if they get their permit, then they have the right no matter if you live there or not.

As long as they don't break an obscenity law, there's nothing you can do about it.


This would require people to actually be educated about what's going on in their community.

Respect is something that is earned not granted.


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Maybe they (not all of them but the bad apples) should start with acting respectful to others. Respect is something that is earned not granted.
:bsflag: Rights aren't earned OR granted, they're inherent. So I guess heteros having the right to marry, etc, etc, are special rights? :rolleyes:
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Comments like that make you even less credible.

You want to call us super liberal commies?

Well I'll call a spade a spade then.

You're a close-minded and hateful bigot that uses sweeping generalizations to describe groups of people you don't like, hides them in a thread that you claim is 'about the military' and then fails to understand why people get upset.

If anyone needs to get over themselves, its you.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

It's very obvious and I've been saying it all along.

GoSkins is a parody of himself and just needs to realize he's an absolute joke that can't be taken seriously - even by people that agree with his stance.

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I think that might be a little harsh but anyways...

My issue is that he said "my boy doesn't need to see how some people act like that"...I'll ignore the grammar mistakes but his point is, as far as I can tell, that he doesn't want his child to be aware that there are gay people (or at least flamboyantly gay people) out there.

This is foolish. Obviously you aren't going to have the "Birds and the Bees" conversation with your kid at three and tell them about gay people at 4, but you can't just let your kid go off into the real world without knowledge of these things.

Its the sort of thing that encourages bigotry, people fear what they don't know. Now he'll probably tell his child that homosexuality is wrong but hopefully he'll explain that its not a choice and that looking down on gay people is wrong.

I don't know how old his son is, but its better for the parents to educate the kids than it is for the kids to find out things from unreliable sources.

First of all, you quoted me wrong. :doh: How are you going to retype what I wrote, incorrectly, then ignore your own mistakes? You need to know your place, boy.

Foolish and outdated? The only benefit to being gay is the fact that you won't reproduce. Thanks.

Being gay is nothing more then an out cry for help. Social misfits with low testosterone.

My 9 year old son is incredibly well versed and has been exposed to many cultures. He's light years ahead of me. When he comes of age, 13 or 14, he may be exposed to such things when he is able to understand what he is seeing. He doesn't need to know that certain people need crutches such as sucking **** and acting like a female to get attention and to feel accepted in certain circles.

It's a weakness and my son will not be exposed to such foolish and pathetic behavior. I have no problem with normal gay folk, but I despise flamboyant flamers.

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First of all, you quoted me wrong. :doh: How are you going to retype what I wrote, incorrectly, then ignore your own mistakes? You need to know your place, boy.

Foolish and outdated? The only benefit to being gay is the fact that you won't reproduce. Thanks.

Being gay is nothing more then an out cry for help. Social misfits with low testosterone.

My 9 year old son is incredibly well versed and has been exposed to many cultures. He's light years ahead of me. When he comes of age, 13 or 14, he may be exposed to such things when he is able to understand what he is seeing. He doesn't need to know that certain people need crutches such as sucking **** and acting like a female to get attention and to feel accepted in certain circles.

It's a weakness and my son will not be exposed to such foolish and pathetic behavior. I have no problem with normal gay folk, but I despise flamboyant flamers.

wow... there is sooooo much wrong with this post I don't know where to begin.

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First of all, you quoted me wrong. :doh: How are you going to retype what I wrote, incorrectly, then ignore your own mistakes? You need to know your place, boy.

Foolish and outdated? The only benefit to being gay is the fact that you won't reproduce. Thanks.

Being gay is nothing more then an out cry for help. Social misfits with low testosterone.

My 9 year old son is incredibly well versed and has been exposed to many cultures. He's light years ahead of me. When he comes of age, 13 or 14, he may be exposed to such things when he is able to understand what he is seeing. He doesn't need to know that certain people need crutches such as sucking **** and acting like a female to get attention and to feel accepted in certain circles.

It's a weakness and my son will not be exposed to such foolish and pathetic behavior. I have no problem with normal gay folk, but I despise flamboyant flamers.

wow... there is sooooo much wrong with this post I don't know where to begin.

how about it's ignorant, homophobic, and I think slightly insulting to women

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First of all, you quoted me wrong. :doh: How are you going to retype what I wrote, incorrectly, then ignore your own mistakes? You need to know your place, boy.[/Quote]

Here is your quote, I quoted you correctly enough that it shouldn't be an issue--do not refer to me as 'boy' ever again.

I don't want my boy seeing that ****. He doesn't need to know some people act like that.

Now back to your incredibly dumb post:

Foolish and outdated? The only benefit to being gay is the fact that you won't reproduce. Thanks.

According to you, because you hate gay people

Being gay is nothing more then an out cry for help. Social misfits with low testosterone.

That is completely and entirely false.

My 9 year old son is incredibly well versed and has been exposed to many cultures. He's light years ahead of me. When he comes of age, 13 or 14, he may be exposed to such things when he is able to understand what he is seeing. He doesn't need to know that certain people need crutches such as sucking **** and acting like a female to get attention and to feel accepted in certain circles.

That is a pathetic and hateful statement that is also entirely false.

It's a weakness and my son will not be exposed to such foolish and pathetic behavior. I have no problem with normal gay folk, but I despise flamboyant flamers.

Your weakness is your close-minded mentality and your irrational fear of homosexuals.

I don't want my boy seeing that ****. He doesn't need to know some people act like that.

Well I hope your son really is light years ahead of you, because we don't need more people with your mindset.

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First of all, you quoted me wrong. :doh: How are you going to retype what I wrote, incorrectly, then ignore your own mistakes? You need to know your place, boy.

Foolish and outdated? The only benefit to being gay is the fact that you won't reproduce. Thanks.

Being gay is nothing more then an out cry for help. Social misfits with low testosterone.

My 9 year old son is incredibly well versed and has been exposed to many cultures. He's light years ahead of me. When he comes of age, 13 or 14, he may be exposed to such things when he is able to understand what he is seeing. He doesn't need to know that certain people need crutches such as sucking **** and acting like a female to get attention and to feel accepted in certain circles.

It's a weakness and my son will not be exposed to such foolish and pathetic behavior. I have no problem with normal gay folk, but I despise flamboyant flamers.

You need to wake the **** up to the world around you. Like someone else said I feel sorry for you AND your son.

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I didn't want my kid seeing Justin Timberlake rip Janet Jackson's top off either. That doesn't mean I don't want heterosexuals in the military ...


well said. My son isnt allowed to see naked women on TV either and if he does see one he usually will look away if he is quick enough.

this is just a dumb thread period. I kind of get where goskins was going with this but that is beyond over the top. the gay people who are serving in the military arent going to be wearing assless chaps.

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well said. My son isnt allowed to see naked women on TV either and if he does see one he usually will look away if he is quick enough.

this is just a dumb thread period. I kind of get where goskins was going with this but that is beyond over the top. the gay people who are serving in the military arent going to be wearing assless chaps.

No assless chaps?

Damn, thats what I was signing up for.

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Here is your quote, I quoted you correctly--do not refer to me as 'boy' ever again.

We can meet at the Hard Times if you want to discuss. Oh, never mind. Perhaps we can meet for a milkshake instead.

According to you, because you hate gay people

Now you are so intelligent that you know how I feel? Because I made a blanket statement about MY OPINION derived from years of personal experience and based on pictures from the OPP?

But I’m at fault for not being “PC” and speaking my mind? Yet you are right because you tell me how I feel and what I know. Gotcha!

That is completely and entirely false.

Prove it. It’s pretty wildly accepted that environment plays the largest factor. And again, we are discussing flamboyant flamers, not your run of the mill gay guy.

So if my son were gay, I’d want him to remain civil and not be the one that needs attention.

That is a pathetic and hateful statement that is also entirely false.

I prefer to refer to it as tough love.

Again, I have no problem with someone being gay. I find the flamboyant behavior to be merely a way to get attention.

Your weakness is your close-minded mentality and your irrational fear of homosexuals.

I don’t feel that I’m closed minded. I happen to feel that our greatest gift is the ability to reproduce and pass knowledge down.

Well I hope your son really is light years ahead of you, because we don't need more people with your mindset.

:laugh: To each his own. Fact is, I don’t want my son seeing people act like that. If that’s a fault of mine, so be it. I know I’m not alone.

When I was 7 or 8, I witnessed a gay couple going at it at a restaurant. It is completely uncalled for and I can still remember the event vividly. My sister’s best friend was gay, pretty flamboyant, I work in DC with many gay folk, attend their parties and go out for drinks with them.

I’m done with being PC. It’s a weakness of our society right now.

how about it's ignorant, homophobic, and I think slightly insulting to women

Men and women aren’t different now?

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"One of the main elements of attack is the element of surprise. Now what could be more surprising then the First Battallion Transvestite Brigade parachuting into dangerous areas with fantastic make up and fantastic guns!"...Eddie Izzard.

Gays are fine with me. I used to dislike them until I met a few. They never bothered me once and I didn't catch the gay. I suspect a few of my friends are gay, but I am not going to bother them about it and they don't promote it for "attention."

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Being gay is nothing more then an out cry for help. Social misfits with low testosterone.

Kinsey disagrees...


The levels of plasma testosterone of 19 young male homosexuals (Kinsey group VI) were found to be significantly higher (p < .01 ) than those of 20 strictly heterosexual men matched for average age.

however, a general psych article

Men with higher levels of testosterone tend to have a more masculine appearance, tend to behave in a more masculine fashion, and tend to be more aggressive. Men with less testosterone tend to look and act somewhat more like women, and women with more testosterone than other women tend to look and act somewhat more like men. However, there is no overpowering connection between testosterone levels and homosexuality in human beings: Researchers have found no differences between male homosexuals and heterosexuals when it comes to how much testosterone is circulating in their blood. Apparently, our sexual orientation is a bit more complicated than that of rats and mice!


says no difference.

OK lets see your data to back up your statement

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I’m done with being PC. It’s a weakness of our society right now.

it has nothing to do with being PC...it has more to do with accepting a fellow human being. I thought christians were all about acceptance?

It is not your job to be judge, jury and executioner...thats someone elses job ;)

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We can meet at the Hard Times if you want to discuss. Oh, never mind. Perhaps we can meet for a milkshake instead.

If thats what I think it is, you're a child.

Now you are so intelligent that you know how I feel? Because I made a blanket statement about MY OPINION derived from years of personal experience and based on pictures from the OPP?

But I’m at fault for not being “PC” and speaking my mind? Yet you are right because you tell me how I feel and what I know. Gotcha!

I don't care if you're PC or not, but saying people are gay because they want attention is a lie. You've mate hateful statements about a group of people you obviously do not understand.

Prove it. It’s pretty wildly accepted that environment plays the largest factor. And again, we are discussing flamboyant flamers, not your run of the mill gay guy.

I don't need to prove anything to you, you made the claim that gay people are gay because they want attention, which is not true.

So if my son were gay, I’d want him to remain civil and not be the one that needs attention.

You need psychological attention, honestly you do.

I prefer to refer to it as tough love.

Oh ok, so being a bigot is really just practicing 'tough love' now?

Gotcha, I'll write that down.

Again, I have no problem with someone being gay. I find the flamboyant behavior to be merely a way to get attention.

And I find your close mindedness to be even more offensive.

I don’t feel that I’m closed minded. I happen to feel that our greatest gift is the ability to reproduce and pass knowledge down.

:laugh: To each his own. Fact is, I don’t want my son seeing people act like that. If that’s a fault of mine, so be it. I know I’m not alone.

When I was 7 or 8, I witnessed a gay couple going at it at a restaurant. It is completely uncalled for and I can still remember the event vividly. My sister’s best friend was gay, pretty flamboyant, I work in DC with many gay folk, attend their parties and go out for drinks with them.

I’m done with being PC. It’s a weakness of our society right now.

The true weakness of our society is people like you that think that everyone that is accepting is morally depraved and is ruining the country.

If it is a lower amount of testosterone, who cares? You're going to hold that against them? Because they CHOSE that right?

Don't give me this "The whole world is overly-PC" bull****, you just aren't respectful.

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