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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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Like someone said one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch.

Especially in the eyes of someone who's already made up his mind about the whole bunch.

If it's a bunch that you like, then it's easy to say that the Abu Gahrib photos don't have any relevance to discussing the US military as a whole, or that the Westboro Baptist Church doesn't represent Christians.

But if it's a group you don't like, then Ossamma does represent all Muslims, and the Village People do represent all gays.

(It's especially easy to do if you routinely meet Muslims or gays who aren't represented by the extremes, but you don't know that they're Muslim or gay. If the only members of the group that you know are members of the group, are the extremes.)

Not all Raiders fans look like this:


But when I meet a Raiders fan who doesn't look like that, I don't know he's a Raiders fan. Therefore, out of all the people I've ever seen who I know are Raiders fans, 100% of them look like the guy above.

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I've never exactly been "pro gay" cause it never made much sense to me. I can't really understand why nature would select gay genes to be expressed in an organism, it just dilutes from the gene poll IMO. That being said, they are till human, and should be allowed to perform any job like any other human.

Would I want my kids to see this, no...Would I be mad if they turned out gay, well yeah I would, I'd try to beat the gay out of em before its too late, lol. Luckily I don't have kids yet, I do have a younger brother and make sure he looks at the world rationally and doesn't turn out to be an irrational bigot like many posters on these boards, whether they'll admit to it or not.

But just cause some gays are flamers doesn't mean all are. I mean I cannot generalize that all military people are violent, irrational, bigots, uneducated, pieces of **** right? No, because the majority of them are great people, but there are always gonna be some that are gonna make me wonder why I salute the flag. One bad apple only ruins the bunch if your mentally incapable of looking at the bigger picture, which i really think you are goskins.

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My point is and I will say it again because you obviously didn't read the thread. You can not assume that our troops would not be subjected to the flamers if we opened the doors to gay people. My example of the flamers are guys in tutu's holding pink phalic shaped balloons for everyone in the streets to see, which yes you are right I ding it disgusting, perverted and over the line. If we opened the doors to gay people to join the military and be open about it, these are the guys that would cause the problems.

Now, opening the door doesn't mean everyone can make it through. You still have to go thru boot camp, and that tends to separate the guys who cant take it very quickly. I remember a big guy crying on our first night, and he was out within 3 days. He was BIG too, never would have figured it.

But, once you're in boot camp, you certainly won't look like that, and no one would ever know. You have the same hair and clothes as everyone else. And if Private Pink can cut it, he'll prove it.

Further, anyone who showed up to the induction wearing a pink tutu and fairy wings will undoubtedly know that they have immediately put themselves behind the 8-ball, and would more than likely not be so stupid as to do so. Not to mention he'd put himself on a ton of watchlists, and his DI's would be looking for the first reason they can find to declare him incompatible and have him tossed out. The military frowns on clowns, especially in Basic Training.

I don't know if you've ever been in the service, but it is very sobering heading in,, you realize the gravity of what you've decided. People who have made the commitment tend to take it seriously.


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Now, opening the door doesn't mean everyone can make it through. You still have to go thru boot camp, and that tends to separate the guys who cant take it.

But, once you're in boot camp, you certainly won't look like that, and no one would ever know. You have the same hair and clothes as everyone else.

Further, anyone who showed up to the induction wearing a pink tutu and fairy wings will undoubtedly know that they have immediately put themselves behind the 8-ball, and would more than likely not be so stupid as to do so. Not to mention he'd put himself on a ton of watchlists, and his DI's would be looking for the first reason they can find to declare him incompatible and have him tossed out.

I don't know if you've ever been in the service, but it is very sobering heading in,, you realize the gravity of what you've decided. People who have made the commitment tend to take it seriously.


i have watched a couple of my buddies head off to boot camp, we partied very hard the night before they left. lol at the part about wearing fairy wings on the bus to boot camp. while I do think the "happy" type would be weeded out if it ever happened, the happy type woudl still be a problem in the process of being weeded out. If they didn't get weeded out, just being honest, I would have a huge problem with taking a shower with a one of the "happy" outwardly gay type. you know the type that don't need to wear happy wings and thongs in order to figure out they are gay.

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I've never exactly been "pro gay" cause it never made much sense to me. I can't really understand why nature would select gay genes to be expressed in an organism, it just dilutes from the gene poll IMO. That being said, they are till human, and should be allowed to perform any job like any other human.

Would I want my kids to see this, no...Would I be mad if they turned out gay, well yeah I would, I'd try to beat the gay out of em before its too late, lol. Luckily I don't have kids yet, I do have a younger brother and make sure he looks at the world rationally and doesn't turn out to be an irrational bigot like many posters on these boards, whether they'll admit to it or not.

But just cause some gays are flamers doesn't mean all are. I mean I cannot generalize that all military people are violent, irrational, bigots, uneducated, pieces of **** right? No, because the majority of them are great people, but there are always gonna be some that are gonna make me wonder why I salute the flag. One bad apple only ruins the bunch if your mentally incapable of looking at the bigger picture, which i really think you are goskins.

I have said several times, I accept the normal gay types. I also appreciate the fact , they keep it to themselves and they themselves are annoyed by the "flaming type". I met some very normal dudes in the community where I lived. On the other hand there was an over abundance of the mouthy flaming type, or the ones who just didn't know how to keep to themselves and would comment.

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Wait there is a military guy (Army) in The Village people...

They even tell you to go to the YM"C"A.

thats a cop and I feel really weird for knowing that. :laugh:

no but they do sing about the Navy :laugh:

yes I'm ashamed I know that :doh:

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I have said several times, I accept the normal gay types. I also appreciate the fact , they keep it to themselves and they themselves are annoyed by the "flaming type". I met some very normal dudes in the community where I lived. On the other hand there was an over abundance of the mouthy flaming type, or the ones who just didn't know how to keep to themselves and would comment.

I feel the same way about Asians. I like the normal Asians. But the ones who are really good at math and love karaoke really annoy me.

(Seriously, do you have any earthly idea how stupid the ideas expressed in your paragraph are? You basically hate the stereotypical "gay" that you have probably never ever seen outside of a few pictures).

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i have watched a couple of my buddies head off to boot camp, we partied very hard the night before they left. lol at the part about wearing fairy wings on the bus to boot camp. while I do think the "happy" type would be weeded out if it ever happened, the happy type woudl still be a problem in the process of being weeded out. If they didn't get weeded out, just being honest, I would have a huge problem with taking a shower with a one of the "happy" outwardly gay type. you know the type that don't need to wear happy wings and thongs in order to figure out they are gay.

You'd probably never know who he is.

And it would not be much of a problem for them to be weeded out. They weed themselves out. The whole point of the mental aspect of basic training is to crush your individuality and get you to think and act with 50 men as a whole. (Alright, cue the obvious joke...)

Anyone who is extroverted in any part of their personality is a target of the DIs. Those who can't get past that enough to put their individuality aside are sent home rather quickly.


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Further, anyone who showed up to the induction wearing a pink tutu and fairy wings will undoubtedly know that they have immediately put themselves behind the 8-ball, and would more than likely not be so stupid as to do so. Not to mention he'd put himself on a ton of watchlists, and his DI's would be looking for the first reason they can find to declare him incompatible and have him tossed out. The military frowns on clowns, especially in Basic Training.

I don't know if you've ever been in the service, but it is very sobering heading in,, you realize the gravity of what you've decided. People who have made the commitment tend to take it seriously.


Yeah, I had a friend who enlisted, and three days before he reported, he got a Mohawk.

His reasoning was that a Mohawk is a lot of fun for a few days, but once you've got one, it's tough to get rid of, since if you let your hair grow out, you look even dumber than a guy with a Mohawk. But, he figured, in three days, the Army's gonna cut it all off, and stick him in with a bunch of other bald guys who can't really make fun of it, anyway. So, he figured, he could ave the fun without the long-term commitment.

But afterwards, I've always wondered.

I think of that scene, a classic in so many movies, when the recruits step off the bus and Meet the Drill Instructor.

And the thought occurs to me that what's going through the Drill Instructor's head is that the first item on his "to do" list is "pick the recruit that I'm gonna pick on for the next eight weeks".

It's a classic formula because it works. The DI can't pick on everybody, because they outnumber the DI. So, instead, he picks one target, and dumps on that one guy. And the other 29 guys will all jump through hoops, because they don't want to be "that guy". So one of the things at the top of the DI's list, is to pick out who it's gonna be, and establish his power right away.

And then I think of my friend, getting off that bus with a three-day-old Mohawk.

My thought is that you'd think that everybody in the world would be smart enough to know that just about the dumbest thing you can do in the world, is to call attention to yourself, on the first day of basic training. Because if you do, then you just raised your hand and said "Please, Sergeant. I volunteer."

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Yeah, I had a friend who enlisted, and three days before he reported, he got a Mohawk.

His reasoning was that a Mohawk is a lot of fun for a few days, but once you've got one, it's tough to get rid of, since if you let your hair grow out, you look even dumber than a guy with a Mohawk. But, he figured, in three days, the Army's gonna cut it all off, and stick him in with a bunch of other bald guys who can't really make fun of it, anyway. So, he figured, he could ave the fun without the long-term commitment.

It's a classic formula because it works. The DI can't pick on everybody, because they outnumber the DI. So, instead, he picks one target, and dumps on that one guy. And the other 29 guys will all jump through hoops, because they don't want to be "that guy". So one of the things at the top of the DI's list, is to pick out who it's gonna be, and establish his power right away.

And then I think of my friend, getting off that bus with a three-day-old Mohawk.

My thought is that you'd think that everybody in the world would be smart enough to know that just about the dumbest thing you can do in the world, is to call attention to yourself, on the first day of basic training. Because if you do, then you just raised your hand and said "Please, Sergeant. I volunteer."

I think the assless chaps would work just as well. :laugh:

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I feel the same way about Asians. I like the normal Asians. But the ones who are really good at math and love karaoke really annoy me.

(Seriously' date=' do you have any earthly idea how stupid the ideas expressed in your paragraph are? You basically hate the stereotypical "gay" that you have probably never ever seen outside of a few pictures).[/quote']

I lived in Mount Vernon Baltimore for a year and half which is one of the largest gay communities on the east coast. Went to plenty of gay bars, drag shows etc.

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I'm expecting to see him as a Republican Congressman any day now. :)
I always actively seek out behaviors I find abhorrent.



Funny, how open minded of you guys to think conservative male who lived a gay community is a closet gay male. BTW Larry, I am not a Republican.

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