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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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Kinsey disagrees...


however, a general psych article


says no difference.

OK lets see your data to back up your statement

I didn't say that was what made people gay, no one knows that. I said that's why the flamers were flamboyant. And your post backs my stance up.

The OPP showed pictures of flamboyant gays. That’s what we were discussing and I should have clarified in my op.

it has nothing to do with being PC...it has more to do with accepting a fellow human being. I thought christians were all about acceptance?

It is not your job to be judge, jury and executioner...thats someone elses job ;)

It's all of our jobs. It's called society. And I was saying that being PC is weakening us, not homosexuality. Why do I have to accept certain “liberal” behavior? So now we can all do what we want? Flamers can walk about with ass-less chaps? You see nothing wrong with that?

If thats what I think it is, you're a child.

Not sure where you’re going with it. I just wasn’t sure if you could go to hard times. I picked that since it’s close for you.

I don't care if you're PC or not, but saying people are gay because they want attention is a lie. You've mate hateful statements about a group of people you obviously do not understand.

I don't need to prove anything to you, you made the claim that gay people are gay because they want attention, which is not true.

No, the OPP referred to flamers. That’s what I am discussing. I don’t care what you say, flamers want attention. And I don’t appreciate them. So I’m supposed to just shut up, sit back and play ball because a specific person acts differently then the rest of society? Normal gay guys don’t act like that. So I’m attacking behavior. Learned I may add.

You need psychological attention, honestly you do.


For wanting my child to not behave in a way that is directed by a need for attention?

And I find your close mindedness to be even more offensive.

Good. Suck it up.

The true weakness of our society is people like you that think that everyone that is accepting is morally depraved and is ruining the country.

If it is a lower amount of testosterone, who cares? You're going to hold that against them? Because they CHOSE that right?

Don't give me this "The whole world is overly-PC" bull****, you just aren't respectful.

Again, you are making the mistake by thinking for me. I didn’t say it was ruining our country, I just said I didn’t want my son to see flamboyant flamers.

And no, I’m not the one running down the streets naked. It’s called decency and it’s a law. That, my friend, is not being respectful. You can flame all you want behind closed doors.

I don’t see why it’s wrong to ask for respect from everyone. We all live here together. 99% of us agree with common society rules. Just fall in line in public. I don’t care what you do in private. Because it’s disrespectful to do otherwise.

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I didn't say that was what made people gay, no one knows that. I said that's why the flamers were flamboyant. And your post backs my stance up.

no...you said gays have low testosterone. they don't. and btw not all infeminate guys are gay, just like not all manly men are straight.

The OPP showed pictures of flamboyant gays. That’s what we were discussing and I should have clarified in my op.

first off we were not just discussing flambouyant.


really? I guess my definition of Flambouyant is off.

It's all of our jobs. It's called society. And I was saying that being PC is weakening us, not homosexuality. Why do I have to accept certain “liberal” behavior? So now we can all do what we want? Flamers can walk about with ass-less chaps? You see nothing wrong with that?

lol wow the arrogance. It is NONE of our jobs to judge anyone. Maybe in your own little world. Personally I don't care how anyone dresses...it doesn't affect me at all. When my daughter grows up and she happens to see someone dressed like that and she asks me, I will tell her it is everyones right to dress however they like, but obviously that person needs help, because that is not how a respectable person dresses.

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I don’t see why it’s wrong to ask for respect from everyone. We all live here together. 99% of us agree with common society rules. Just fall in line in public. I don’t care what you do in private. Because it’s disrespectful to do otherwise.

so...you feel the same way about a scantily clad woman walking down the street?

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I didn't say that was what made people gay, no one knows that. I said that's why the flamers were flamboyant. And your post backs my stance up.

The OPP showed pictures of flamboyant gays. That’s what we were discussing and I should have clarified in my op.

I don't think the flamers want attention, the guys in the OP obviously do but honestly look at some of the stuff GoSkins said in this thread, its hateful and unnecessary. I don't think kids should be subject to this but it has nothing to do with homosexuality, its more the nudity and overal sexuality.

It's all of our jobs. It's called society. And I was saying that being PC is weakening us, not homosexuality. Why do I have to accept certain “liberal” behavior? So now we can all do what we want? Flamers can walk about with ass-less chaps? You see nothing wrong with that?

If its a matter of you accepting gay-pride parades then I won't argue with you. If its the matter of accepting homosexuality as being something that people are born with is a different issue.

Not sure where you’re going with it. I just wasn’t sure if you could go to hard times. I picked that since it’s close for you.

Heh, sorry about that. Go to urbandictionary.com and look up milkshake, and you'll understand what I thought you were getting at.

No, the OPP referred to flamers. That’s what I am discussing. I don’t care what you say, flamers want attention. And I don’t appreciate them. So I’m supposed to just shut up, sit back and play ball because a specific person acts differently then the rest of society? Normal gay guys don’t act like that. So I’m attacking behavior. Learned I may add.

If they were clothed, but still acting flamingly gay, would you still have a problem? Their behavior is a part of who they are, whatever it is that makes them gay. If it bothers me, I leave. Sure the parade is sort of shoving it in your face but you don't have to watch.


For wanting my child to not behave in a way that is directed by a need for attention?

Why would he ever act like that? He's not gay, so he won't.

Good. Suck it up.

How nice of you.

Again, you are making the mistake by thinking for me. I didn’t say it was ruining our country, I just said I didn’t want my son to see flamboyant flamers.

And I don't want my hypothetical son to see the KKK march, but they do. I just don't go near them

And no, I’m not the one running down the streets naked. It’s called decency and it’s a law. That, my friend, is not being respectful. You can flame all you want behind closed doors.

I don’t see why it’s wrong to ask for respect from everyone. We all live here together. 99% of us agree with common society rules. Just fall in line in public. I don’t care what you do in private. Because it’s disrespectful to do otherwise.

I agree that they should probably put clothes on. They're shoving the "I'm gay and theres nothing you can do about it" at people, which I personally don't appreciate because they're assuming that people DO have problems with them being gay--which I don't.

You say you don't have a problem with gays...which I find a little hard to believe but you're refining your position to be against flamers.

When they're out in the street like this, they should be decently dressed because children shouldn't have to see nudity, whether it be gay or straight, men or women. If thats your true issue is the fact that a bunch of guys were half naked in the streets, then I don't really have a problem with that, it isn't really decent exposure. However, another issue that you seem to hinge on is their homosexuality, do you want your son to not see nudity or to not see gay people? I don't care if my kid sees stuff like this when he's old enough because I want him to know what it is and be accepting of it.

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Everyone learns about this regardless of where you live. We don't have to expose our kids to this type of crap just so they become more more accepting of it.

I will teach him that, yes you are correct homosexuality is wrong, I will also point out that real men don't act like fairies prancing around the streets with dresses on and tutu's on.

Again, we don't have to expose our kids to this type of crap just so they become more more accepting of it.

Those pictures were posted on The Onion and gay pride websites. I don't feel either is appropriate for children but they are appropriate for adults who want to look at really gay people.
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no...you said gays have low testosterone. they don't. and btw not all infeminate guys are gay, just like not all manly men are straight.

I concede that my choice of words weren’t proper. No one knows why gays are gays. But you helped me elaborate on my point that flamers are merely attention seekers and could partly be caused by low testosterone. Your quote even said so.

first off we were not just discussing flambouyant.

I’m not in your conversation. I was replying to the OPP. That’s what message boards are intended for. The arrogance of you thinking that I just jumped into YOUR conversation when this isn’t even YOUR thread.

really? I guess my definition of Flambouyant is off.

1. Highly elaborate; ornate.

2. Richly colored; resplendent.

You don’t think grown men wearing only underwear in the middle of the street isn’t flamboyant?

lol wow the arrogance. It is NONE of our jobs to judge anyone. Maybe in your own little world. Personally I don't care how anyone dresses...it doesn't affect me at all. When my daughter grows up and she happens to see someone dressed like that and she asks me, I will tell her it is everyones right to dress however they like, but obviously that person needs help, because that is not how a respectable person dresses.

Then who the hell decides what is respectable? You know your “Buddy Christ” could be highly disrespectful to Christians. That signature of yours is judgmental.

But I’m arrogant for acknowledging my place in society?

And you would be fine if your little girl, heaven forbid, starts wearing clear pumps?

This is simply a point about exposure. Why the hell do we have ratings for movies, tv shows, books, video games? So we don't expose our children.

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Ill explain it quickly, why would a hetero man want to serve in the military with Johnny tutu, Brett Butterfly and Dilderios?

I think my point is quite clear, and I have made it several times. For some reason the super liberal commies on the board like to only see their side and think every one is else is wrong, or lack credibility.

get over yourself already

I don't think everyone else is wrong and lacks credibility. I think you are wrong and lack credibility. Your argument in this thread is pathetic. All you've said here is "I find this disgusting and therefor I don't think any gays (if they do this or not, doesn't matter it seems) should be allowed in the military"

And now you want to call people "super liberal commies"? I'd reply with some fascist comment normally - but that doesn't cover you... you don't know what the hell you are because you don't have a strong enough grasp of politics to even form a damn position let alone defend it.

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I concede that my choice of words weren’t proper. No one knows why gays are gays. But you helped me elaborate on my point that flamers are merely attention seekers and could partly be caused by low testosterone. Your quote even said so.

so...only gays are infeminate?

sorry...thats incorrect. I have known a few infeminate guys who probably got more hot female tail then you would ever see.

I’m not in your conversation. I was replying to the OPP. That’s what message boards are intended for. The arrogance of you thinking that I just jumped into YOUR conversation when this isn’t even YOUR thread.

oh I'm sorry...I didn't realize you didn't realize that the OPP wasn't speaking about just flambouyant. BTW this is a message board right? I was just pointing out yet another oversight by you :doh:

1. Highly elaborate; ornate.

2. Richly colored; resplendent.

You don’t think grown men wearing only underwear in the middle of the street isn’t flamboyant?

what about at the beach? thats a public place as well. those are no worse then speedos, or thongs swimsuits. What about the naked cowboy in NYC...hes not really flambouyant either and all he wears is a cowboy hat and boots...oh and the guitar he plays.

Then who the hell decides what is respectable? You know your “Buddy Christ” could be highly disrespectful to Christians. That signature of yours is judgmental.

But I’m arrogant for acknowledging my place in society?

And you would be fine if your little girl, heaven forbid, starts wearing clear pumps?

This is simply a point about exposure. Why the hell do we have ratings for movies, tv shows, books, video games? So we don't expose our children.

lol yeah I know it could be...kinda how it all started. I found it totally absurd someone kept getting all upset whenever the BC was put in a thread. So it kinda became my calling card, and PG was gracious enough to make a Redskins BC for me.

Now, I never said I would be fine with my daughter wearing that. What I said was if she saw someone dressed like that, I would tell her that, that is no way to dress respectfully.

You have a real bad habit of just glossing over posts and mis-interpretations don't ya? But I guess thats what happens when you have a pre-determined way of thought and closed mind. I actually feel sorry for you.

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so...only gays are infeminate?

sorry...thats incorrect. I have known a few infeminate guys who probably got more hot female tail then you would ever see.

You have a real bad habit of just glossing over posts and mis-interpretations don't ya? But I guess thats what happens when you have a pre-determined way of thought and closed mind. I actually feel sorry for you.

Irony’s a ***** ain’t it.

oh I'm sorry...I didn't realize you didn't realize that the OPP wasn't speaking about just flambouyant. BTW this is a message board right? I was just pointing out yet another oversight by you :doh:

He asked if I wanted my kid to see dudes with blow up dildos in their underwear running down the street. :whoknows:

I don’t want my son seeing that.

what about at the beach? thats a public place as well. those are no worse then speedos, or thongs swimsuits. What about the naked cowboy in NYC...hes not really flambouyant either and all he wears is a cowboy hat and boots...oh and the guitar he plays.

Are you serious?

lol yeah I know it could be...kinda how it all started. I found it totally absurd someone kept getting all upset whenever the BC was put in a thread. So it kinda became my calling card, and PG was gracious enough to make a Redskins BC for me.


Now, I never said I would be fine with my daughter wearing that. What I said was if she saw someone dressed like that, I would tell her that, that is no way to dress respectfully.

Of course. I’d rather wait to have that conversation with my son at an older age when he may understand it better. I’m just now discussing relations between men and women with him. I’m not ready to add another layer of possible confusion. So I’d just rather him not see it right now.

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Irony’s a ***** ain’t it.

wheres the irony...you lumped em all together. I was pointing out that not all feminate guys are gay...feminate guys who are hetero have low testosterone as well....that explain your errors better?

He asked if I wanted my kid to see dudes with blow up dildos in their underwear running down the street. :whoknows:

I don’t want my son seeing that.

I do agree with ya on the pink balloon thing.

Are you serious?

yeah...how those 3 guys are dressed....bfd...they are clothed its not as you would say flambouyant. I wouldn't dress like that, but I have seen just as bad at the beach.


As for the BC thing...you need to explain more...I'm not insulted by any of this...you seem to be, so whats your point?

Of course. I’d rather wait to have that conversation with my son at an older age when he may understand it better. I’m just now discussing relations between men and women with him. I’m not ready to add another layer of possible confusion. So I’d just rather him not see it right now.

yeah its so much trouble to say...the way they dress is inappropriate and is an example of how not to dress :rolleyes:

Naked Cowboy is not actually naked, he wears tighty whiteys.

lol oh my mistake....but the pic that I linked that were supposedly feminate men were wearing more.

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All you've said here is "I find this disgusting and therefor I don't think any gays (if they do this or not, doesn't matter it seems) should be allowed in the military" .

My point is and I will say it again because you obviously didn't read the thread. You can not assume that our troops would not be subjected to the flamers if we opened the doors to gay people. My example of the flamers are guys in tutu's holding pink phalic shaped balloons for everyone in the streets to see, which yes you are right I ding it disgusting, perverted and over the line. If we opened the doors to gay people to join the military and be open about it, these are the guys that would cause the problems.

And now you want to call people "super liberal commies"? I'd reply with some fascist comment normally - but that doesn't cover you... you don't know what the hell you are because you don't have a strong enough grasp of politics to even form a damn position let alone defend it.

What is up with you liberals always telling us what we know and what we are suppose to think? There have been several occasions of this in this thread, hell with in the last couple of pages.

I know where I stand in politics, I stand way to the right of GWB, not quite as far right as MSF because of my acceptance of the "normal gay dudes" who keep to themselves. One of the big differences between MSF is I like to travel outside of the country and I don't agree with him when it comes to actually shooting people crossing our borders, I think we should shoot above thier heads and throw a grenade on occasion.

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Nope, why should any self respecting stand up American be subjected to crap like this?

On the gay's in the military bit, how is any self respecting gay man suppose to earn any respect from the majority of our country when we have idiots like the ones in the pics being what I would say is borderline vulgar in public places?

As a supporter of gay rights, I have to say that I am not a particularly big fan of some gay pride parades. Though a few of them seem to have gotten tamer in recent years as the community has grown and become more conservative. In the past, they were really just all about rebellion.

Question: Do you take your kids to Redskin tailgates? Because they are probably exposed to just as many destructive ideas at a Redskins game as anywhere else.

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My point is and I will say it again because you obviously didn't read the thread. You can not assume that our troops would not be subjected to the flamers if we opened the doors to gay people. My example of the flamers are guys in tutu's holding pink phalic shaped balloons for everyone in the streets to see, which yes you are right I ding it disgusting, perverted and over the line. If we opened the doors to gay people to join the military and be open about it, these are the guys that would cause the problems.

This is like showing pictures from the Source Awards and claiming that every black man in the Army will dress like Lil' John.

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As a supporter of gay rights' date=' I have to say that I am not a particularly big fan of some gay pride parades. Though a few of them seem to have gotten tamer in recent years as the community has grown and become more conservative. In the past, they were really just all about rebellion..[/quote']

Funny you say that, one of the bars in the old community that I use to live in to my suprise had a local "Gay replublican chapter" that met there.

Question: Do you take your kids to Redskin tailgates? Because they are probably exposed to just as many destructive ideas at a Redskins game as anywhere else.

Not yet, he is only three, if my wife wasn't due in a few weeks I would take him to a scrimage/fan day type of event. One day I will take him to a game, im thinking like when he is 7 or 8. I agree I have seen some stupid crap, especially over by the DTC.

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This is like showing pictures from the Source Awards and claiming that every black man in the Army will dress like Lil' John.

Like someone said one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. I understand why normal hetero men would not want to serve with gay guys because there are the types in the pic. Unless you are going to implement a rule that would prevent these type from entering into the military, which would be discrimination, and they would cause major problems it is hard to open the door in the slightest.

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Like someone said one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. I understand why normal hetero men would not want to serve with gay guys because there are the types in the pic. Unless you are going to implement a rule that would prevent these type from entering into the military, which would be discrimination, and they would cause major problems it is hard to open the door in the slightest.

seriously, who is going to make it through basic wearing assless chaps and carrying a rainbow flag??


they wouldn't even be able to get on the bus to get TO basic in that.

the fact that some people are homophobes and make sweeping, false generalizations about people based on horrible stereotypes does not mean that gay people shouldn't be able to serve.

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