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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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Because maybe, just maybe, they both really do want us and will figure it out any second now. :pimp:

Ahh...so, like...whilst they're doing their lesbian thing; they'll look through the television screen at our raging masculinity, jump through the screen, and give us the best night of our lives.

Makes complete sense.

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So 561 has lived in a large gay community.

He attended gay clubs and drag shows on more than one occasion.

He has a collection of gay exhibitionist photos on hand to post.

He's Republican, and arguing in favor of traditional family values.

Clearly he's not gay.

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As usual the answer is very simple.

You don't want your kids to see that? Don't take them to the Gay Pride parade.

Stay home that day, or go to the zoo, or anywhere else.

That said, lots of these guys don't know where the line is.


Suppose you lived on the parade route or you walked to the park and the "pink balloon parade" came marching by?

This is way different than avoiding Bourbon Street because there are people drinking.

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So 561 has lived in a large gay community.

He attended gay clubs and drag shows on more than one occasion.

He has a collection of gay exhibitionist photos on hand to post.

He's Republican, and arguing in favor of traditional family values.

Clearly he's not gay.

Larry Craig

Mark Foley

Ted Haggard


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And I think the harassment, beatings and killings of homosexuals by people that think their lifestyle is unacceptable are much worse.


You might see it differently when you have kids. Afterall you were a Repube 8 years ago(when you were 12). ;)

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The difference is, that is why they go there. IMO the Gay Pride parades are more, throw it in your face type of crap.

They can't throw it in the face of people who aren't there.

If you go there, then you've, to pick an expression, volunteered your face.

Just like you really can't go out of your way to dig up pictures like that, and then claim that you're offended by them.

(Unless you want to get laughed at.)

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Ahh...so, like...whilst they're doing their lesbian thing; they'll look through the television screen at our raging masculinity, jump through the screen, and give us the best night of our lives.

Makes complete sense.


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And I think the harassment, beatings and killings of homosexuals by people that think their lifestyle is unacceptable are much worse.


But those are illegal,not so with gay pride parades.

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The difference is, that is why they go there. IMO the Gay Pride parades are more, throw it in your face type of crap.
I don't really see the difference. The reason college kids go to Mardis Gras is to do crazy in your face type crap.

That's not what we're really talking about anyways. Most of the girls flashing crowds at Mardis Gras are not joining the military. Most of the gay guys dancing half-naked in the Gay Pride parade are not joining the military. We don't exclude all college girls from the military because of what some college girls do. Why should we exclude ALL gay men because of what SOME gay men do?

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I am curious, how many of you have kids?

bcl05, blriesenbeck07, HogNose, JMUskinsDUKES, ldysknzfn1, LLandryistheshiz, rincewind

I don't have kids yet but I grew up in a world with gay pride parades and I was aware they existed . . . I turned out just fine.

This has NOTHING to do with the military and was another transparent post so GoSkins561 could do himself a little gay bashing since he was bored with Obama at the moment.

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I don't really see the difference. The reason college kids go to Mardis Gras is to do crazy in your face type crap.

That's not what we're really talking about anyways. Most of the girls flashing crowds at Mardis Gras are not joining the military. Most of the gay guys dancing half-naked in the Gay Pride parade are not joining the military. We don't exclude all college girls from the military because of what some college girls do. Why should we exclude ALL gay men because of what SOME gay men do?

You realize, you're attempting to hijack a perfectly good discussion of lesbian porn, and trying to have a rational discussion of a political topic.

With someone who thinks that those pictures are related to the US military.

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I am curious, how many of you have kids?

bcl05, blriesenbeck07, HogNose, JMUskinsDUKES, ldysknzfn1, LLandryistheshiz, rincewind

You keep asking that and I keep answering it - yes, I have a daughter (for the third time in this thread)... okay, maybe its only the second.

And ldysknzfn1 posted a whole story about her kid. You need to start reading more and posting less. ;)

edit: it is the third. I said I had a daughter in the FIRST reply to this thread. :doh:

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I don't really see the difference. The reason college kids go to Mardis Gras is to do crazy in your face type crap.

That's not what we're really talking about anyways. Most of the girls flashing crowds at Mardis Gras are not joining the military. Most of the gay guys dancing half-naked in the Gay Pride parade are not joining the military. We don't exclude all college girls from the military because of what some college girls do. Why should we exclude ALL gay men because of what SOME gay men do?

I think if you opened the doors to the gay community for them to openly join the military, some of the types in the pics would actually want to join just to join. Our military isn't a circus, it isn't a place for people to parade around and say "I am gay, I am in the military". Of course there are the other issues of showers and such, which some have a hard time understanding.

Hell, we might even be on the same page here.

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Nope, why should any self respecting stand up American be subjected to crap like this?

On the gay's in the military bit, how is any self respecting gay man suppose to earn any respect from the majority of our country when we have idiots like the ones in the pics being what I would say is borderline vulgar in public places?

Wow! Just wow. I've always considered you pretty darn ignorant 561, but you never seem to fail to surprise exactly how clueless someone could really be. I'm starting to think you might just be a liberal playing 'the conservative role' because you have a knack for pointing out the flaws in your own stance in such clear ways that you absolutely have to be acting.

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But those are illegal,not so with gay pride parades.

Fair enough.

I'm offended by the KKK, but they can protest.

Same with the WBC, Neo-Nazis...etc.

They can have a parade all they want. Its not even indecent exposure, there was a court case in MD where a woman took a man to court for mooning her and he said "I would have to put every woman at Ocean City in jail if that were indecent exposure"

You might see it differently when you have kids. Afterall you were a Repube 8 years ago(when you were 12). ;)

I won't.

I'll explain gay people to my kids, and I won't tell them its morally reprehensible because its NOT A CHOICE.

"And if my kid is gay, I'll give them a hug and teach them to fight because there are people in this world who will want to fight them for it."

(Credit to someone on ES for that quote...can't remember who)

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I think if you opened the doors to the gay community for them to openly join the military, some of the types in the pics would actually want to join just to join. Our military isn't a circus, it isn't a place for people to parade around and say "I am gay, I am in the military". Of course there are the other issues of showers and such, which some have a hard time understanding.

Hell, we might even be on the same page here.

You should read Catch 22. Some people in the military LOVE parades.

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The question you left off the poll was "Would you want your child to see heterosexual people in similar pictures?"

If you say yes, you are a liar.

Ultimately, you don't want your child seeing pictures depicting sex acts/nudity period, whether its gay or not.

IMO, the problem with those pictures isn't that they are gay, its that they are ghey... don't act like that in public. Sad thing is, do a google search, you can find plenty of examples of heterosexual couples acting like idiots too...

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Wow! Just wow. I've always considered you pretty darn ignorant 561, but you never seem to fail to surprise exactly how clueless someone could really be. I'm starting to think you might just be a liberal playing 'the conservative role' because you have a knack for pointing out the flaws in your own stance in such clear ways that you absolutely have to be acting.

There is a flaw in my stance because I think there are respectable gay people who are disgraced by the "flaming types"?

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I think if you opened the doors to the gay community for them to openly join the military, some of the types in the pics would actually want to join just to join. Our military isn't a circus, it isn't a place for people to parade around and say "I am gay, I am in the military". Of course there are the other issues of showers and such, which some have a hard time understanding.
Well, maybe some gay guys like that will join, just as I'm sure some skanky girls are joining right now, but if that's the only reason they are there, I'm sure they won't make it through basic training.

And even if some gay guys start out like that, if they make it through their training I'm sure they will have learned to tone down and fit in ... that's part of the point of military training - they can take a flamboyant and out-of-control kid and turn them into a soldier. It has worked for generations, and it will continue to work. Black soldiers didn't turn the army into a circus. Women didn't turn the army into a circus. Gays won't turn the army into a circus. The army is very good at what it does, and they will be just fine.

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The question you left off the poll was "Would you want your child to see heterosexual people in similar pictures?"...

If you say yes, you are a liar.

Absolutely not. Kids should be watching Disney and playing with footballs and legos. I agree I probably should have included that question, our countries morals are going down the tubes.

Ultimately, you don't want your child seeing pictures depicting sex acts/nudity period, whether its gay or not.


Kind of hard if you are letting your kids play in a park and a gay pride parade comes rolling by.

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