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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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This thread is rediculous. Rediculous threads are my favorite kind.

How many of those flamer types decide to join the military anyway?

Answer: None

Seems to me, that would be the absolute last place they would want to be.

For the record: I would keep my kid from seeing a gay pride parade if I could help it. And we are talking about KID, meaning under 13.

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Absolutely not. Kids should be watching Disney and playing with footballs and legos. I agree I probably should have included that question, our countries morals are going down the tubes.

According to you. Whereas I think that you are close-minded. Its a matter of opinion.

Kind of hard if you are letting your kids play in a park and a gay pride parade comes rolling by.

Its not acceptable for children to see this behavior, I agree. But that has nothing to do with them being gay or not. Nor does it have ANYTHING to do with the military.

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Well, maybe some gay guys like that will join, just as I'm sure some skanky girls are joining right now, but if that's the only reason they are there, I'm sure they won't make it through basic training.

And even if some gay guys start out like that, if they make it through their training I'm sure they will have learned to tone down and fit in ... that's part of the point of military training - they can take a flamboyant and out-of-control kid and turn them into a soldier. It has worked for generations, and it will continue to work. Black soldiers didn't turn the army into a circus. Women didn't turn the army into a circus. Gays won't turn the army into a circus. The army is very good at what it does, and they will be just fine.

I would still make the argument that "the hetero males" are basically the females and would be subjected to crap they shouldn't have to put up with. When it is all said and done, maybe we should leave this decision up to those in the military.

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I think if you opened the doors to the gay community for them to openly join the military, some of the types in the pics would actually want to join just to join. Our military isn't a circus, it isn't a place for people to parade around and say "I am gay, I am in the military". Of course there are the other issues of showers and such, which some have a hard time understanding.

They wouldn't make it past basic training acting flamboyant, etc. I've been through basic training and if there were any gay guys there you'd probably never know. The gays in those parades are not the types that run down to the recruiter and get excited about an MOS. Come on man....get real.

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This thread is rediculous. Rediculous threads are my favorite kind though.

How many of those flamer types decide to join the military anyway?

Answer: None.

Prove it

Since we have such a great military, I don't think this is something you make assumptions about.

For the record: I would keep my kid from seeing a gay pride parade if I could help it. And we are talking about KID, meaning under 10.

IMO, If I had a 17 y/o I wouldn't want him/her seeing this type of stuff. It's pretty raw, they can make their own decisions on what they want to see when they leave my house.

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Prove it

Since we have such a great military, I don't think this is something you make assumptions about.

IMO, If I had a 17 y/o I wouldn't want him/her seeing this type of stuff. It's pretty raw, they can make their own decisions on what they want to see when they leave my house.

Are you under the impression that heterosexual people can be 'influenced' by gay behavior...as in do you believe gay people can turn straight people gay?

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81 and H_H would disagree with you on letting kids watch that anti-American and environmental extremist brainwashing.

Recycling bad; Sharks Anti-American. :doh: :laugh: I wonder if 81 is still ranting on that thread. Let me go check it out.

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Prove it

Since we have such a great military, I don't think this is something you make assumptions about.


Dude, you know that these types of people don't want to join the military (ok well they like the Navy). You show me one flamboyantly gay person in the military. The military is fair conservative and these gay pride people are as far left as it gets.

This is one of those things its definately safe to make assumptions about. If he joined he would be beatin, shunned, and embarrassed. I doubt they are that stupid.

IMO, If I had a 17 y/o I wouldn't want him/her seeing this type of stuff. It's pretty raw, they can make their own decisions on what they want to see when they leave my house.

I wouldn't either but its not like they don't know about gayness by age 12.

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Dude, you know that these types of people don't want to join the military (ok well they like the Navy). You show me one flamboyantly gay person in the military. The military is fair conservative and these gay pride people are as far left as it gets.

This is one of those things its definately safe to make assumptions about. If he joined he would be beatin, shunned, and embarrassed. I doubt they are that stupid.

Why risk ruining such a good thing? Look at it this way, suppose people that want to join now, stopped wanting to join because gay people were allowed to openly join the military?


I wouldn't either but its not like they don't know about gayness by age 12.

I agree, why not teach them to cuss at age 3 because they will learn it by age 6.?

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I would still make the argument that "the hetero males" are basically the females and would be subjected to crap they shouldn't have to put up with. When it is all said and done, maybe we should leave this decision up to those in the military.
Well, for better or worse, we are a democracy, and decisions are made by voters as well as the military.

I was kind of surprised that in KoolBlue's poll, it was close to 50/50 among those who served. I actually imagine that those in the military are not that different from the population at large on this issue. Voters are probably still a bit hesitant, and I think even Obama would be pretty cautious about it, but I have no doubt that it will happen eventually ... it's simply the direction of progress.

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The only thing I see in this thread is GoSkins561 joining the crowd of "no credibility" folks on ES. What the hell does any of this even have to do with gays in the military?

BTW - You normally frequent gayprideboyz.com?

You know how I know you're gay.... :laugh:

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The only thing I see in this thread is GoSkins561 joining the crowd of "no credibility" folks on ES. What the hell does any of this even have to do with gays in the military?

BTW - You normally frequent gayprideboyz.com?

You know how I know you're gay.... :laugh:


Where have you been?

GoSkins hasn't had credibility for a LONG time.

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