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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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I didn't want to see that. I wouldn't, however, give a flying **** if my daughter saw it - there are WAY worse thinks for her to see... most of which are done by heterosexuals.

By the way - what does this have to do with gays in the military?

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By the way - what does this have to do with gays in the military?

Don't you know? If gays are allowed in the military, then your children will be forced to participate in those activities, during basic training!

Either you are turning your back on a problem that you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster represented by the presence of a pool table, in your community.

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Don't you know? If gays are allowed in the military, then your children will be forced to participate in those activities, during basic training!

Either you are turning your back on a problem that you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster represented by the presence of a pool table, in your community.

Good. I've been trying to get in shape and those dudes are ripped.

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I can't see how this has anything to do with gays in the military.

I'm sure the vast majority of gays in the military (like straight people in the military) are able to separate business from pleasure.

For the record, no, I didn't particularly want to see any of that.

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Don't you know? If gays are allowed in the military, then your children will be forced to participate in those activities, during basic training!

Either you are turning your back on a problem that you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster represented by the presence of a pool table, in your community.

Nope, why should any self respecting stand up American be subjected to crap like this?

On the gay's in the military bit, how is any self respecting gay man suppose to earn any respect from the majority of our country when we have idiots like the ones in the pics being what I would say is borderline vulgar in public places?

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I think he's about to make an entertaining balloon animal for your young kids.

Which is absolutely disgusting. We shouldn't have to talk to our 5 year olds about why the big black guy wearing a white mini skirt is playing with a huge pink balloon.

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I am sure my kids will see all sorts of things during their lifetimes and I will not shelter them and lay down puritianical law. I want them to be well rounded individuals and to form their own opinions. Go to Key West or Mardi Gras...this type of thing happens on occasion. The world is a strange and interesting place. ..yawnnnn:yawnee:

I think he's about to make an entertaining balloon animal for your young kids.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Nope, why should any self respecting stand up American be subjected to crap like this?

On the gay's in the military bit, how is any self respecting gay man suppose to earn any respect from the majority of our country when we have idiots like the ones in the pics being what I would say is borderline vulgar in public places?

561 - do Mardi Gras and spring break parties bother you this much too? If so, we better not allow anymore 18-24 heterosexuals in the military either. :rolleyes:

(Don't know why I think you deserve to be taken seriously enough for a response. But somebody else already wrote one.)

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Which is absolutely disgusting. We shouldn't have to talk to our 5 year olds about why the big black guy wearing a white mini skirt is playing with a huge pink balloon.

Why would you take your kids to this kind of event - any more than you would take them to Mardi Gras or Spring Break?

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Nope, why should any self respecting stand up American be subjected to crap like this?

On the gay's in the military bit, how is any self respecting gay man suppose to earn any respect from the majority of our country when we have idiots like the ones in the pics being what I would say is borderline vulgar in public places?

Yup, 'cause ALL gays are just like that.

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On the gay's in the military bit, how is any self respecting gay man suppose to earn any respect from the majority of our country when we have idiots like the ones in the pics being what I would say is borderline vulgar in public places?
How is any self respecting American soldier supposed to earn any respect from the majority of our country when we have idiots like the ones in these pics being what I would say is clearly vulgar while on duty?



...Just because some people in a group behave badly does not mean that we should think all people in the group behave that way...

P.S. I'm not a parent, I don't think kids should see those pictures, but I'm not personally offended. How should I vote in the poll?

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561 - do Mardi Gras and spring break parties bother you this much too? If so, we better not allow anymore 18-24 heterosexuals in the military either. :rolleyes:

Do you have kids and would you take them to Mardi Gras?

Stupid question.

These are pics from cities from around the country, not New Orleans during Mardi Gras or Spring Break.

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