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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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Why were you spending time in gay bars then? Good wings?

My fiancee now wife lived there while I was in College. She thought, if a female is going tolive in the city, why not be real safe and live around a bunch of gay men, not to mention they kept a really clean neighborhood. After I got out of college, I moved in with her.

Mt Vernon has tons of great restaurants, pretty much every Friday and Saturday night we would walk to get a bite to eat, have some drinks with dinner and sometimes hit the local bars after dinner just to go bar hopping instead of taking a cab to our the normal section of town.

We went to drag shows because they were fundraisers for aids awareness. I am not saying I had a blast and enjoyed the company, I will say I got a good laugh.

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Well, I still don't see what those pictures have to do with gays in the military, but I will say this.

If we went to war with Iran, and had a military parade on their streets with these guys, it would be a two fold victory and would shame Ahmejacantspellhisfreakingname to no end.

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They wouldn't make it past basic training acting flamboyant, etc. I've been through basic training and if there were any gay guys there you'd probably never know. The gays in those parades are not the types that run down to the recruiter and get excited about an MOS. Come on man....get real.

I was going to say the same thing. It's not like they just throw you into a combat situation without any idea of how you will do. They train you and test you. And if some flamboyantly gay guy can make it past that just to make the Military as a joke, the jokes on him because he just wasted a few months of his life.

So if they really want to join the Military, let them at least try.

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