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Parents - Would you want your kids to see this? (Gays in the military related)


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The only thing I see in this thread is GoSkins561 joining the crowd of "no credibility" folks on ES. What the hell does any of this even have to do with gays in the military?

BTW - You normally frequent gayprideboyz.com?

You know how I know you're gay.... :laugh:

Wow..I thought he had gotten those off google photo's but he actually went to a gay site (hadn't seen the web address there on the pic. ):laugh: Yeah I say he gets a NNT for saying this was military related.

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I am curious, how many of you have kids?

bcl05, blriesenbeck07, HogNose, JMUskinsDUKES, ldysknzfn1, LLandryistheshiz, rincewind

We have a 3 year old boy and we have one on the way. We aren't going to shelter them from the world. It's a motley world out there and if they have questions about certain things or people we will answer them in a way that's appropriate for they age.

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He laughs at dads silly out dated fears but continues to humor the old man.

I think that might be a little harsh but anyways...

My issue is that he said

I don't want my boy seeing that ****. He doesn't need to know some people act like that.

...I'll ignore the grammar mistakes but his point is, as far as I can tell, that he doesn't want his child to be aware that there are gay people (or at least flamboyantly gay people) out there.

This is foolish. Obviously you aren't going to have the "Birds and the Bees" conversation with your kid at three and tell them about gay people at 4, but you can't just let your kid go off into the real world without knowledge of these things.

Its the sort of thing that encourages bigotry, people fear what they don't know. Now he'll probably tell his child that homosexuality is wrong but hopefully he'll explain that its not a choice and that looking down on gay people is wrong.

I don't know how old his son is, but its better for the parents to educate the kids than it is for the kids to find out things from unreliable sources.

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This is foolish. Obviously you aren't going to have the "Birds and the Bees" conversation with your kid at three and tell them about gay people at 4, but you can't just let your kid go off into the real world without knowledge of these things.

Its the sort of thing that encourages bigotry, people fear what they don't know. Now he'll probably tell his child that homosexuality is wrong but hopefully he'll explain that its not a choice and that looking down on gay people is wrong.

I don't know how old his son is, but its better for the parents to educate the kids than it is for the kids to find out things from unreliable sources.

You will make a good Father....and this thread should end on what you said above. :applause: Well said.

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Suppose you lived on the parade route or you walked to the park and the "pink balloon parade" came marching by?

This is way different than avoiding Bourbon Street because there are people drinking.

Then you petition the government that is granting them the permit to not allow it.

And if they do allow it, keep your curtains closed for a day or go out.

This is how it works, they have to make public their request for a permit, and you then have the opportunity to voice your opinion about it and try to dissuade the board from giving them their permit.

But if they get their permit, then they have the right no matter if you live there or not.

As long as they don't break an obscenity law, there's nothing you can do about it.

But like i said, they don't ever seem to know where the line is. It's fine to be proud, to celebrate what you are, but jeez, have some class.


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What the hell does any of this even have to do with gays in the military? :

Ill explain it quickly, why would a hetero man want to serve in the military with Johnny tutu, Brett Butterfly and Dilderios?

I think my point is quite clear, and I have made it several times. For some reason the super liberal commies on the board like to only see their side and think every one is else is wrong, or lack credibility.

get over yourself already

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But like i said, they don't ever seem to know where the line is. It's fine to be proud, to celebrate what you are, but jeez, have some class.


Exactly, especially if you think you deserve special rights and you are depending on America(voters) to grant them to you.

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So when you don't tell him about them and then he gets into the real world and sees gay people...what happens?

He runs to an internet message board and complains that gay people are chasing him in the shower with erections?

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I think that might be a little harsh but anyways...

My issue is that he said "my boy doesn't need to see how some people act like that"...I'll ignore the grammar mistakes but his point is, as far as I can tell, that he doesn't want his child to be aware that there are gay people (or at least flamboyantly gay people) out there..

I will teach him to respect those that deserve respect. The guys in the pictures do not deserve respect.

This is foolish. Obviously you aren't going to have the "Birds and the Bees" conversation with your kid at three and tell them about gay people at 4, but you can't just let your kid go off into the real world without knowledge of these things..

Everyone learns about this regardless of where you live. We don't have to expose our kids to this type of crap just so they become more more accepting of it.

Its the sort of thing that encourages bigotry, people fear what they don't know. Now he'll probably tell his child that homosexuality is wrong but hopefully he'll explain that its not a choice and that looking down on gay people is wrong..

I will teach him that, yes you are correct homosexuality is wrong, I will also point out that real men don't act like fairies prancing around the streets with dresses on and tutu's on.

Again, we don't have to expose our kids to this type of crap just so they become more more accepting of it.

I don't know how old his son is, but its better for the parents to educate the kids than it is for the kids to find out things from unreliable sources.

My son is three, my second son will be here in my guess is 4 to 5 weeks. Unreliable sources don't exist when your trying to raise your kids to respect themselves and others(who deserve it).

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Homosexuals don't think that they deserve "Special Rights". They just want to be treated like everyone else.

Maybe they (not all of them but the bad apples) should start with acting respectful to others. Respect is something that is earned not granted.

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Ill explain it quickly, why would a hetero man want to serve in the military with Johnny tutu, Brett Butterfly and Dilderios?

I think my point is quite clear, and I have made it several times. For some reason the super liberal commies on the board like to only see their side and think every one is else is wrong, or lack credibility.

get over yourself already

Comments like that make you even less credible.

You want to call us super liberal commies?

Well I'll call a spade a spade then.

You're a close-minded and hateful bigot that uses sweeping generalizations to describe groups of people you don't like, hides them in a thread that you claim is 'about the military' and then fails to understand why people get upset.

If anyone needs to get over themselves, its you.

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I'm sure it's been brought up but I'm not digging through the thread...would you want your kids to see hetero people dressing/acting like this?

Depends on what age you define as kids.

Hell people attend concerts and watch TV shows with their kids that are no better...just hetero.

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Crap like this removes any validity from a conversation about gays anything.

First, gay pride celebrations are no different than Mardi Gras.

Second, just because you allow people to announce themselves as gay, doesn't mean a parade will ensue.

Gays, men and women, are almost always at least as professional as heterosexuals. If not more so.

This thread blows and I'm anti gay open in the military.

That's the thing. Nobody is suppose to be open about their sexuality in the military. Straight guys shoulldn't be talking about it, straight women, gay men or women, nobody.

It's not like all of a sudden you'll start seeing A-10s with guys in pink tutus painted on the nose.

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