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How do you feel about gays in the military?


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I first want to say oops, I selected that I served and said no. I have not served, just wanted to clear that up.

Second, I think sometimes it is important for the gov to step in and make some social changes. I think the integration of blacks was a good one, but just cause one was good does not mean that all will be good.

The big problem is if gays are allowed to join openly, then we will get drama queen raging flamers in there. I dont have a problem with a gay person serving that is just like everyone else doing his job and wouldnt know he was gay unless you asked him, which is basically what dont ask dont tell is. When you open it up to "be as gay as you wanna be" is where I have a problem with it.

Now I would agree that most raging flamers wouldnt want to serve, but as with all attention whore drama queens some wouldnt be able to resist it. Again Im sure even those who do join would wash out in boot, its just not worth it to have over the top tell the world gays in the service.

The big arguement I hear from all the anti's on this issue is unit cohession, and that is all about controlling behavior. So I have zero problem with the military saying this is how we want our soldiers to act, and if that behavior includes them not disclosing their desire to smoke pole then so be it.

Dont ask dont tell seems to working just fine and shouldnt be changed.

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Point being..................you're ignorant

"Ignorant" being said in a nice way ;)

How many gays do you know personally and have spent some time hanging out or working with? I just want to know if you are basing your opinion on the "idea" of gays or on experience.

Being that there are two sides to this gays and military, and you're calling people ignorant I'm assuming you are familiar with both.

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And again, referring to the results of the polls so far........

We have a large majority that has never served (And they are probably libs) who think it would be a really swell idea to let gays in the military.

Problem is, you/they are the ones that are on the left and call Congressmen and Senators saying the exact same thing.

"Gee Mr Congressman, why do we still DISCRIMINATE? Just like we did the blacks.

And you know animals do it too, right? Why, by golly, if it's good enough for dogs it should be good enough for the armed services too!

And those gays have feelings. You wouldn't want to hurt them, would you?"

So a seeming majority of people are for it, based on ignorance alone. With lib media "Studies" thrown in to back them up.

Too bad a majority of Americans have never served nor would condensend to serve. Then they might know what they are talking about

First Sarge..I voted yes and did not serve, because if someone feels that strongly about OUR country that they are willing to die for it, they should be allowed to. I am NOT a liberal either. Maybe I am ignorant of it because I never served, or MAYBE I am not paranoid of being near a gay guy/girl.

If we are going to be painting pictures using broad strokes...then I guess you are one of those people that are afraid you will catch the ghey like a virus.

That being said, I have the utmost respect for our servicemen and women and thank you all for serving.

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Ok, having served in the Navy onboard a small ship, ddg, i must say at first I didnt' like the idea of having gay dudes onboard. Once you get onboard for a while and you get around to meeting everyone, you realize there are a couple of gay guys around.

Its a situation where, I knew the guy first and we were friends. Then you find something out about them and how does that affect how you feel about them?

In my personal experience, I understand how anyone who serves would not want to allow openly gay units, because more than likely thats how they would do it. History has proven it starts as a trial unit, and then spreads out into regular fashion.

That all being said, I cannot change my feelings toward friends who I found out were gay. They were my friends first. Gay second.

Finally, they never tried anything with any other guy on the ship that I was aware of. Meaning they didn't act out, which is what proffesionalism is all about, and why in the end it wouldn't matter.

If someone really wants to serve, then let them. If they want the honor, they accept the responsibility of acting like a soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

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Ok, having served in the Navy onboard a small ship, ddg, i must say at first I didnt' like the idea of having gay dudes onboard. Once you get onboard for a while and you get around to meeting everyone, you realize there are a couple of gay guys around.

Its a situation where, I knew the guy first and we were friends. Then you find something out about them and how does that affect how you feel about them?

In my personal experience, I understand how anyone who serves would not want to allow openly gay units, because more than likely thats how they would do it. History has proven it starts as a trial unit, and then spreads out into regular fashion.

That all being said, I cannot change my feelings toward friends who I found out were gay. They were my friends first. Gay second.

Finally, they never tried anything with any other guy on the ship that I was aware of. Meaning they didn't act out, which is what proffesionalism is all about, and why in the end it wouldn't matter.

If someone really wants to serve, then let them. If they want the honor, they accept the responsibility of acting like a soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

The first solid post in this thread, bravo :applause::)
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LOL it's always hilarious how Sarge's posts always somehow manage to exceed your expectations when you start to read them.

Basically anyone familiar with him could write his posts for him - post a little liberal bashing to go along with whatever the topic is and you have a Sarge post.

- I have not served and voted yes, however gays are currently allowed to serve and I don't have a HUGE problem with the current system. I'd like to think we lived in a world where it wouldn't really matter but obviously we don't, so it's basically like other work environments - I have no clue about the sex lives of most of my co-workers and it doesnt really matter to me.

I do find it hilarious to read people like Koolblue and Sarge act as if they probably didn't run into more homosexuals than they'd care to know about during their time in the military. Reading some of the posts you'd think they actually believed they probably didn't share these "confined spaces" and "****ters" with homosexuals - as if they would know a guy was gay because he'd inevitably make a pass at them in the middle of the night.

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I served and don't see any reason why sexual preference makes a difference. Does sexual preference make any difference for any other occupation? Why would the military be any different.

There has always been homosexuals in the military and there always will be. These people are not maniacal perverts that cant' contain sexual urges. If that were the case they would not be in the military, but most likely in prison or a mental health facility. Gays and Lesbians are people just like everyone else, they have the same hopes and dreams in life as straight people and share the same love of country.

Why would it make any difference?

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I almost served three times but ultimately never got on the bus.

I don't have a problem with this now but do understand how it could become uncomfortable. I know a lot of gay guys and those that flame should not be allowed to serve.

But if you're a normal dude that just prefers **** to puss, I say go ahead and serve just don't tell and I won't ask.

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I was in the army reserves a while back and a gay person in my unit wouldn't have bothered me but I know there were some guys in my unit that wouldn't have tolerated it and would probably have beaten the crap out of a guy if they found out he was gay.

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I first want to say oops, I selected that I served and said no. I have not served, just wanted to clear that up.

Second, I think sometimes it is important for the gov to step in and make some social changes. I think the integration of blacks was a good one, but just cause one was good does not mean that all will be good.

The big problem is if gays are allowed to join openly, then we will get drama queen raging flamers in there. I dont have a problem with a gay person serving that is just like everyone else doing his job and wouldnt know he was gay unless you asked him, which is basically what dont ask dont tell is. When you open it up to "be as gay as you wanna be" is where I have a problem with it.

Now I would agree that most raging flamers wouldnt want to serve, but as with all attention whore drama queens some wouldnt be able to resist it. Again Im sure even those who do join would wash out in boot, its just not worth it to have over the top tell the world gays in the service.

The big arguement I hear from all the anti's on this issue is unit cohession, and that is all about controlling behavior. So I have zero problem with the military saying this is how we want our soldiers to act, and if that behavior includes them not disclosing their desire to smoke pole then so be it.

Dont ask dont tell seems to working just fine and shouldnt be changed.

:laugh: great post

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Mongo and some ninja voted "served/say yes"

Speak up, I'd like to hear your opinion

I have no problem with it. As long as they do what is asked of them and they do it, I could care less about their sexual preference. There were a couple of guys in my division when I was in that were gay and they never flirted with the straight guys or anything like that. A gay person can stop a bullet just as well as a hetero person.

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I have no problem with it. As long as they do what is asked of them and they do it, I could care less about their sexual preference. There were a couple of guys in my division when I was in that were gay and they never flirted with the straight guys or anything like that. A gay person can stop a bullet just as well as a hetero person.


Good for you.

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First Sarge..I voted yes and did not serve, because if someone feels that strongly about OUR country that they are willing to die for it, they should be allowed to. I am NOT a liberal either. Maybe I am ignorant of it because I never served, or MAYBE I am not paranoid of being near a gay guy/girl.

If we are going to be painting pictures using broad strokes...then I guess you are one of those people that are afraid you will catch the ghey like a virus.

That being said, I have the utmost respect for our servicemen and women and thank you all for serving.

There are a myriad of other agencies to go into that serve the country. THe CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA to name a few

Join them. None of them requires that you be in close quarters with your peers.

In the military, you have no choice about close quarters, and having open gays in the military WILL cause problems.

The military is a hard enough life. Why do cake eating civilains want to make it even tougher?

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Seriously, if straight men are capable enough of keeping it in their pants when they serve with women, then why do people not expect the same of gay men serving with other men? If someone is uncomfortable at the mere presence of a gay person in their unit, that seems to be a personal problem.

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Seriously, if straight men are capable enough of keeping it in their pants when they serve with women, then why do people not expect the same of gay men serving with other men? If someone is uncomfortable at the mere presence of a gay person in their unit, that seems to be a personal problem.

Agreed, I don't see how it is any different.

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Seriously, if straight men are capable enough of keeping it in their pants when they serve with women, then why do people not expect the same of gay men serving with other men? If someone is uncomfortable at the mere presence of a gay person in their unit, that seems to be a personal problem.

Then 95% or so of the military has a personal problem that they didn't have before. Like I said, serving is hard enough and filled with problems that civilains would never even dream of. Why add to the load?

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