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How do you feel about gays in the military?


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BTW, disagreeing with having to take a shower with a gay man doesn't make you a bigot.

No, thinking that your dislikes are so important that the government needs to keep people you don't like separated from you, because their presence hurts your feelings, makes you a bigot.

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And it's the guy they attacked's fault, for being there.

Im sorry if some dude grabs my ass, I am punching him in the face, natural reaction. The gay dude should have been charged with sexual assault the same way a man would be charged for grabbing a woman.

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No, thinking that your dislikes are so important that the government needs to keep people you don't like separated from you, because their presence hurts your feelings, makes you a bigot.

Doesn't hurt my feelings, when it comes to the military I am putting myself in their shoes and I completely understand why they would not want to take a shower with someone who is openly gay. "Don't ask, don't tell" seems to be working just fine, allowing gays to be openly gay, opens a whole new can of worms.

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Im sorry if some dude grabs my ass, I am punching him in the face, natural reaction. The gay dude should have been charged with sexual assault the same way a man would be charged for grabbing a woman.

Agreed. (Bet you weren't expecting that, were you?)

But that isn't what happened. What happened was the unit's commander ordered his subordinates (in a deniable manner. Wouldn't want to actually take responsibility) to commit multiple crimes. So that they could feel better about themselves.

And it worked.

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I have a couple of questions.

1. Why should anyone who is not gay and disagrees with the whole gay bit, be subjected to uncomfortabe showers with a gay man?

2. For those of you who voted yes, would you feel uncomfortable if you were showering and one of your gay platoon mates was showering next to you with an erection?

bump, I want to see some honest answers

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Yeah, I certainly wouldn't want bigots to feel uncomfortable. That's clearly a higher priority for our nation than treating citizens equally is.....

Not wanting gay guys checking you out in the shower makes you a Biggot?


If we treated people equaly...wouldn't we have co-gender, co-sexual preference "Fun Zone" showers?

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Agreed. (Bet you weren't expecting that, were you?) .

To clarify, you are saying it would be different if "mark" knew the guy who grabbed his ass was gay?

Also if Mark would have turned around and punched the guy, would that have been different?

Is this something our brave men and women should have to deal with? (my guess the grab ass bit could happen on a daily basis.)

But that isn't what happened. What happened was the unit's commander ordered his subordinates (in a deniable manner. Wouldn't want to actually take responsibility) to commit multiple crimes. So that they could feel better about themselves.

And it worked.

It did work, the guy who disrespectfully grabbed another mans ass was forced to leave the military. Good for them.

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I have a couple of questions.

1. Why should anyone who is not gay and disagrees with the whole gay bit, be subjected to uncomfortabe showers with a gay man?

2. For those of you who voted yes, would you feel uncomfortable if you were showering and one of your gay platoon mates was showering next to you with an erection?

bump, I want to see some honest answers

Dude, I don't know about you, but I don't stare at other guys' junk in the shower. :paranoid:
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Dude, I don't know about you, but I don't stare at other guys' junk in the shower. :paranoid:

LOL, i am not saying stare, and I have never noticed one of my former team mates with an erection while showering.

That doesn't mean in locker room b.s'ing we were not cracking jokes about who was hung like a gnat and who was hung like a horse.

BTW answer the questions, please.

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Dude, I don't know about you, but I don't stare at other guys' junk in the shower. :paranoid:

Lets put a heterosexual male in the Shower with....oh.........10 Naked Women

If the guy DIDN'T check out the women....he would be called.....GAY :laugh:

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I have a couple of questions.

1. Why should anyone who is not gay and disagrees with the whole gay bit, be subjected to uncomfortabe showers with a gay man?

2. For those of you who voted yes, would you feel uncomfortable if you were showering and one of your gay platoon mates was showering next to you with an erection?

bump, I want to see some honest answers

Are straight men really that comfortable in the shower with other straight men?

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I have a couple of questions.

1. Why should anyone who is not gay and disagrees with the whole gay bit, be subjected to uncomfortabe showers with a gay man?

2. For those of you who voted yes, would you feel uncomfortable if you were showering and one of your gay platoon mates was showering next to you with an erection?

bump, I want to see some honest answers

I've already given them to you. You didn't like them.

It's the same as the answer to the question "why should people who don't like showering with blacks be subjected to uncomfortable showers with blacks?"

The answer is "Because this is the US military. And the US military doesn't allow you to pick who's in your unit. They assign people to your unit, and your job is to work with them to accomplish your unit's missions. You don't have to like the people you're assigned with, but you do have to work with the people you're assigned with. And the military is not going to promise you that you will never have to work with someone that you don't like."

"When you entered the military, some of you were jocks. Some were geeks. Some were even Texans. But when you come out of Basic, then all of you will be soldiers. (Or sailors. Or Marines. Or whatever people in the Air Force are. :) ) And that's what we do. We do whatever it takes, to accomplish the mission."

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Are straight men really that comfortable in the shower with other straight men?

It's not comfortable, you want to get in and get out. If I understand it correctly, Military showers only last a couple of minutes. Throw a gay dude into the mix with an erection and I have no doubts there are major problems.

If you voted yes, would you mind answering the questions.

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LOL, i am not saying stare, and I have never noticed one of my former team mates with an erection while showering.

That doesn't mean in locker room b.s'ing we were not cracking jokes about who was hung like a gnat and who was hung like a horse.

BTW answer the questions, please.

Seriously though, I'm sure there have been gay guys in gym showers with me at some point, but I never spent much time looking around to see if anyone had an erection. If I KNEW someone was gay, I would probably avoid looking that way even more.

Would it be uncomfortable? Sure, showering with a bunch of guys is ALWAYS uncomfortable. From what I know, being in the military isn't supposed to be comfortable. Why is this kind of discomfort any worse than making people run up hills or carry heavy loads or being yelled at all day?

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To clarify, you are saying it would be different if "mark" knew the guy who grabbed his ass was gay?

Uh, I never said anything of the kind.

And I suspect that he was pretty certain that the ass-grabber was gay.

Also if Mark would have turned around and punched the guy, would that have been different?

Uh, if I recall the story, that's what he did do.

And are you really asking me whether there's a difference between a physical blow struck as an act of self-defense, in response to a lesser but similar assault, is the same thing as a premeditated assault, conducted by 30 people?

Is this something our brave men and women should have to deal with? (my guess the grab ass bit could happen on a daily basis.)

Did you miss the part where I said I agreed with you, that physical sexual assault isn't acceptable behavior?

It did work, the guy who disrespectfully grabbed another mans ass was forced to leave the military. Good for them.

It did work.

A crime was committed.

And 30 more crimes were committed. Under orders from a superior.

And the people who committed the worse crime, are proud of it.

Which was the intent.

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Let me elaborate on the question since you found a loop hole.

Would you feel uncomfortable If you noticed your gay platoon mate who was taking a shower next to you had an erection?

I wouldn't care.

I'd be ashamed that I noticed.

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Seriously though, I'm sure there have been gay guys in gym showers with me at some point, but I never spent much time looking around to see if anyone had an erection. If I KNEW someone was gay, I would probably avoid looking that way even more.?

Our military units are suppose to be teams of brothers/sisters with an unbreakable bond. If your not comfortable showering with someone, IMO there is a major difference between a gay dude in the shower at a public gym VS openly gay dudes/gals in your outfit. Throw a couple of gay dudes into the mix and I can see it possibly being out of control. Something our military doesn't need.

Have you ever been to a gay bar?

Would it be uncomfortable? Sure, showering with a bunch of guys is ALWAYS uncomfortable. From what I know, being in the military isn't supposed to be uncomfortable. Why is this kind of discomfort any worse than making people run up hills or carry heavy loads or being yelled at all day?

People who join the military know they are going to be toughened up almost over night. Now we are going to force them to subject themselves to the possibility of taking an uncomfortable shower with a gay person?

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Let's be even more specific.

I was a member of a volunteer rescue squad in Chesapeake. On numerous occasions, I slept at the fire station with the ambulance. About half the time, there was a female EMT sleeping there, too.

At the time, I slept in my "tighty whities". When the alarm went off, I was out of the bed, wearing nothing but my underwear, in a single bedroom with several guys and a woman or two.

To this day, I don't know if anybody else slept in their clothes or not. I never looked. Not even once. Not at the guys, not at the women. I don't even know if they slept clothed or not. (And none of them ever once said anything about how I was or wasn't dressed.)

My only concern when the alarm went off, was to see to it that they didn't have to wait on me.

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People who join the military know they are going to be toughened up almost over night. Now we are going to force them to subject themselves to the possibility of taking an uncomfortable shower with a gay person?
They are toughened up so they can be calm under enemy fire, and you're telling me that they can't handle an uncomfortable shower? You make it sound like taking a shower next to a gay guy is worse than being in combat.
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Let's be even more specific.

I was a member of a volunteer rescue squad in Chesapeake. On numerous occasions, I slept at the fire station with the ambulance. About half the time, there was a female EMT sleeping there, too.

At the time, I slept in my "tighty whities". When the alarm went off, I was out of the bed, wearing nothing but my underwear, in a single bedroom with several guys and a woman or two.

To this day, I don't know if anybody else slept in their clothes or not. I never looked. Not even once. Not at the guys, not at the women. I don't even know if they slept clothed or not. (And none of them ever once said anything about how I was or wasn't dressed.)

My only concern when the alarm went off, was to see to it that they didn't have to wait on me.

And then you went home on the weekends and got.............a beer

People in the Military don't get weekends.....very often

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