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How do you feel about gays in the military?


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Let's be even more specific.

I was a member of a volunteer rescue squad in Chesapeake. On numerous occasions, I slept at the fire station with the ambulance. About half the time, there was a female EMT sleeping there, too.

At the time, I slept in my "tighty whities". When the alarm went off, I was out of the bed, wearing nothing but my underwear, in a single bedroom with several guys and a woman or two.

To this day, I don't know if anybody else slept in their clothes or not. I never looked. Not even once. Not at the guys, not at the women. I don't even know if they slept clothed or not. (And none of them ever once said anything about how I was or wasn't dressed.)

My only concern when the alarm went off, was to see to it that they didn't have to wait on me.

Fair enough, however you expect for others to act the same way?

I am not sure how many gay people you have been around, from what I have seen after living in Mount Vernon - Baltimore(one of the largest gay population on the east coast) , for a year and a half the majority of them are openly sexual/ horny people.

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I am not sure how many gay people you have been around, from what I have seen after living in Mount Vernon - B ,more for a year and a half the majority of them are openly sexual/ horny people.

And they're all after you, you hunk, you.

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Fair enough, however you expect for others to act the same way?

I am not sure how many gay people you have been around, from what I have seen after living in Mount Vernon - Baltimore(one of the largest gay population on the east coast) , for a year and a half the majority of them are openly sexual/ horny people.

Do you think that any of the openly sexual/horny gay people would volunteer for the military? I imagine that the gay people who would want to join the army aren't the flamboyant type, and are probably the ones that can take a shower without creating a scene. And if someone like that did volunteer, I doubt they would last very long if they didn't change their behavior, gay or not. :2cents:
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And they're all after you, you hunk, you.

Not patting myself on the back, however there were several instances that were way past my comfort level.

One of the worse being, when our gay landlord came by to check out an issue in our kitchen and said "I bet you drive all of the guys in the neighborhood nuts".

It was uncomfortable because my girlfreind, now wife was not home, two, this guy is my land lord and he is kind of making a pass at me. I can't imagine what would happen if I were a landlord and walked into a hot females condo and said the same.

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Do you think that any of the openly sexual/horny gay people would volunteer for the military? I imagine that the gay people who would want to join the army aren't the flamboyant type, and are probably the ones that can take a shower without creating a scene. And if someone like that did volunteer, I doubt they would last very long if they didn't change their behavior, gay or not. :2cents:

I suppose you could be right, however suppose the lispy type did join? or should we put a clause in that states, flamboyants need not apply?

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Let Uncle Sarge tell you a story

my friend is standing over this kid and yelled "If you ever grab me in the ass again mother ****er, I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Marks says "That guy grabbed me in the ass" (And he told me later it wasn't a goof around grab, but a grab a chicks ass grab).

Wow...all of that after someone SAID someone grabbed their ass. People never cease to amaze me.

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I suppose you could be right, however suppose the lispy type did join? or should we put a clause in that states, flamboyants need not apply?
Is there a clause saying that cowards and weaklings need not apply? The military will weed them out ... they have been pretty good at that for a long time.
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Do you think that any of the openly sexual/horny gay people would volunteer for the military? I imagine that the gay people who would want to join the army aren't the flamboyant type, and are probably the ones that can take a shower without creating a scene.

Exactly. If there were any gay guys in my Company or Platoon they must have been the Rock Hudson types...the kind of guys that you would say :wtf: if you found out they were gay. As you say, the flamboyant queen types aren't running down to their recruiters.

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I am currently serving now, and I think that as long as they're not open about it im fine. One of my best friends is a lesbian. Now shes not open about it whatsoever in fact now she is probably considered bi at this point. :evil: But it doesnt bother me, I also know a couple guys that are gay as well. As long as they leave me alone and dont bother me they can do whatever they like.

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Ok, having served in the Navy onboard a small ship, ddg, i must say at first I didnt' like the idea of having gay dudes onboard. Once you get onboard for a while and you get around to meeting everyone, you realize there are a couple of gay guys around.

Its a situation where, I knew the guy first and we were friends. Then you find something out about them and how does that affect how you feel about them?

In my personal experience, I understand how anyone who serves would not want to allow openly gay units, because more than likely thats how they would do it. History has proven it starts as a trial unit, and then spreads out into regular fashion.

That all being said, I cannot change my feelings toward friends who I found out were gay. They were my friends first. Gay second.

Finally, they never tried anything with any other guy on the ship that I was aware of. Meaning they didn't act out, which is what proffesionalism is all about, and why in the end it wouldn't matter.

If someone really wants to serve, then let them. If they want the honor, they accept the responsibility of acting like a soldier, sailor, airman, or marine.

Great post and I agree with it.

I also agree with don't ask, don't tell.

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Do you think that any of the openly sexual/horny gay people would volunteer for the military? I imagine that the gay people who would want to join the army aren't the flamboyant type, and are probably the ones that can take a shower without creating a scene. And if someone like that did volunteer, I doubt they would last very long if they didn't change their behavior, gay or not. :2cents:

thats dont ask dont tell, thats what has been working. There is no reason that any of our warriors should be allowed to say "hey Im gay". He should be a warrior and a warrior only, not a gay warrior. If hes a pole smoker she should keep that to themselves.

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Exactly. If there were any gay guys in my Company or Platoon they must have been the Rock Hudson types...the kind of guys that you would say :wtf: if you found out they were gay. As you say, the flamboyant queen types aren't running down to their recruiters.

Maybe that's because of "don't ask don't tell". If you opened the doors to "hi everyone Im gay", there might be a surge in enlispments and a decline in hetero military enrollment.

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i remember the spring of 89 when i when through the recruitment process.....

i about fell on the floor laughing whent they asked my if i was gay......

my first response was .....huh?

he said......... do you like girls or guys?

i said..... does it matter?

he said .... yes..... if you are a f$g

i said well...... no im not gay i like chicks........

to this day i still dont undertsand why being gay would affect ones ability to serve.........

i was in the navy, but im thinkin..... if i was a marine or army...... would i care when im runnin for my life if the guy providing cover fire is gay or not?

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2. For those of you who voted yes, would you feel uncomfortable if you were showering and one of your gay platoon mates was showering next to you with an erection?

bump, I want to see some honest answers

The shower in my dorm my sophomore year was just a room with a pole in the middle with 4 shower heads coming off it.

First...when I showered I didn't notice anything about the others that were there...I took my shower and left. Second, the thought of "oh what if so and so is gay?" never even crossed my mind and there was one on our floor who could have been gay...but again...never gave it much thought.

My freshman year our bathrooms were co-ed after midnight so many times I would be coming out of the shower or at the urinal when a girl would walk in...didn't phase me at all. We also that same year had a girl who would use the mens showers in the morning occasionally. Out of respect not one of us ever tried to sneak a peak.

As for the story Sarge told....so it was confirmed the guy was gay, and not just screwing around? Or was this just the classic paranoia again?

Personally, I don't agree with openly gay in the military because there are too many "closed-minded", paranoid, schitzophrenic people in the world who can't accept someone for whatever choice they make with their lives.

The "don't ask, don't tell" works fine and should be kept that way.

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Not patting myself on the back, however there were several instances that were way past my comfort level.

One of the worse being, when our gay landlord came by to check out an issue in our kitchen and said "I bet you drive all of the guys in the neighborhood nuts".

It was uncomfortable because my girlfreind, now wife was not home, two, this guy is my land lord and he is kind of making a pass at me. I can't imagine what would happen if I were a landlord and walked into a hot females condo and said the same.

Obviously we need to prohibit gays from owning property. To keep the horny queers who are after your body from making you feel uncomfortable.

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Wow, Sarge.

Your story of the good old days when 30 people would commit an unprovoked assault on a fellow soldier, under specific instructions from a superior, and the feeling of pride you have in proving what a great, manly, man you are, has really convinced me that you are morally superior to me, and therefore I should trust you to decide issues of morality for me.

You can miss a point, can't you? That particular story was nothing about being "morally superior". But I will help you with moral decisions if you need it, since your moral compass appears to be missing it's magnet

Nah, I got his point.

He and his squad mates committed what I suspect was a felony, under orders from their superior. As part of a team-building exercise that was deliberately planned to make the criminals prove how superior they were.

And to this day, he's proud of it. So much so that he feels obligated to brag about his participation.

And it's the guy they attacked's fault, for being there.

No planned team building exercise here. Got enough of that during the rest of boot camp. And again, the story wasn't told to build a sense of moral superiority, it was told to emphasis the point that had the gay kid not lied to get into the military, a whole flights training would not have been disrupted for three days because he just had to grab someone's ass

No, thinking that your dislikes are so important that the government needs to keep people you don't like separated from you, because their presence hurts your feelings, makes you a bigot.

A new line to the lib definition of "bigot" eh?

But that isn't what happened. What happened was the unit's commander ordered his subordinates (in a deniable manner. Wouldn't want to actually take responsibility) to commit multiple crimes. So that they could feel better about themselves.

And it worked.

I'll clear your ignorance of all things military up. It wasn't the squadron commander, it was the TI, the mid level NCO that is responsible for your training. And again, it wasn't a "Team building exercise" or to make ourselves

"Feel better". It was to help get rid of a pervert that assaulted another member of the flight.

Yeah, I certainly wouldn't want bigots to feel uncomfortable. That's clearly a higher priority for our nation than treating citizens equally is.

I wouldn't even be aware of it.

I don't check out other guy's dicks in the shower.

You may not. Would you check out a set of gleaming wet hooties? Careful, your answer may tell a lot about your true persuasion. If you answer "yes", then it's the instinct only reversed with homo's. You're going ot look at what you're attracted to.

ANd as for comfort, that's right, it is. There were about 50 people in our flight, with one homo. Gee, that's about the same percentage of the American public that's gay, huh? And most of the American public thinks the act of gay sex is perverted as well. But guess what? The American public doesn't put up with the close quarters like that I described in my little war story, or anywhere else for that matter.

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Obviously we need to prohibit gays from owning property. To keep the horny queers who are after your body from making you feel uncomfortable.

So your saying it is okay for heterosexual male property owners to make comments on how attractive female renters are?

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So, pretty much everyone can agree that gays currently are in the military and have been for a long time, BUT somehow if it's well known that an individual is gay, that gay man will then begin sporting wood in the showers and making passes at every man in the unit.

Got it.

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Personally, I don't agree with openly gay in the military because there are too many "closed-minded", paranoid, schitzophrenic people in the world who can't accept someone for whatever choice they make with their lives.

I have one problem with this statement, since when did Americans have to start accepting what the majority thinks is morally unacceptable behavior?

The "don't ask, don't tell" works fine and should be kept that way.

I agree.

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I served in the Marine Corps for 5 years. I personally couldn't care less what someone's sexual orientation is....as long as they don't hit on me. It is in my opinion that people shouldn't include their sex life on the job weather you are straight or gay.....that is a closed doors personal matter that has no business in the work place.

With this said.....this day in age is what it is....people have opinions....some people hate other people for reason of color, sexual preference, gender etc.....

I'm a firm believer that not only gays....but also women shouldn't be in the military.....I'm not prejudice against women or gay people.....but they both cause tension....and when your occupation evolves what the service does, their is no room for the tension that both bring.

I've seen too many bad situations surrounding special treatment towards women for being women and many bad situations evolving mistreatment of gays.

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So, pretty much everyone can agree that gays currently are in the military and have been for a long time, BUT somehow if it's well known that an individual is gay, that gay man will then begin sporting wood in the showers and making passes at every man in the unit.

Got it.

You have to assume this kind of thing will happen, after all penis and hairy butt cheeks are what gay men find attractive. You also have to assume the person with the erection will more than likely be harrassed and possibly even punched in the throat at minimum.

I am not sure of your sexual preference, Ill assume you are hetero, could you take a shower with 20 women without getting an erection?

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I'd just like to add that my above statement goes both ways....I'm sure in the past...more so 20 years ago and prior to that women weren't treated as well as men in the military....I'm sure they were even sexual harassed.

Now days (from what observed in the Military) Higher ranked men give lower ranked women special treatment in the military. I've seen many less deserving women get promotions that other peers (who happened to be men) were more deserving.

I believe now days higher ranked men give the women special treatment to avoid being accused of not giving them the same opportunities as the men.

I know I'm going to get slammed for both of my posts on this topic...but it is what it is....I saw it with my own eyes for 5 years. I'm sure there are many commands that this doesn't happen and everyone is treated equally as well (or equally bad...depending on the way you look at it) but anyone who has actually been in the service knows what i'm talking about....whether they want to admit it or not.

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You have to assume this kind of thing will happen, after all penis and hairy butt cheeks are what gay men find attractive. You also have to assume the person with the erection will more than likely be harrassed and possibly even punched in the throat at minimum.

I am not sure of your sexual preference, Ill assume you are hetero, could you take a shower with 20 women without getting an erection?


If it's widely believed that gays are currently in the Military, don't you think it would be a common occurance for the gay men to be in the showers with erections?

To answer your second paragraph, if it meant I was going to get an ass-whooping, you better believe I'd shower and not get a hard-on.

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