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How do you feel about gays in the military?


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There are a myriad of other agencies to go into that serve the country. THe CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA to name a few

Don't know if it's still the case, but up until recently, gays were prohibited from having a security clearance, which would make employment in those agencies rather limited.

(The explanation used to be that being gay was a moral defect. Then when people stopped buying that, they claimed it was gays were easily blackmailed, and therefore could be compromised by an enemy.)

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Then 95% or so of the military has a personal problem that they didn't have before. Like I said, serving is hard enough and filled with problems that civilains would never even dream of. Why add to the load?

You already have the problem and you already have the gays . . . so the difference is knowing that the guy next to you is gay as opposed to not knowing? I just don't see how it's so different.

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Don't know if it's still the case, but up until recently, gays were prohibited from having a security clearance, which would make employment in those agencies rather limited.

(The explanation used to be that being gay was a moral defect. Then when people stopped buying that, they claimed it was gays were easily blackmailed, and therefore could be compromised by an enemy.)

I don't know if that is stil in effect or not. I don't recall any orientation questions on my questionaire, or the interviews or polygraph. And, there is a guy in my division that's sets the GAYDAR off when you come within 20 ft or so. He will neither confirm nor deny ;) So that might be out the door

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You already have the problem and you already have the gays . . . so the difference is knowing that the guy next to you is gay as opposed to not knowing? I just don't see how it's so different.

I, and most of the military, don't have the problem. I'd say it's the civilian world that has lost it's sense of morality that has the problem

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Don't know if it's still the case, but up until recently, gays were prohibited from having a security clearance, which would make employment in those agencies rather limited.

(The explanation used to be that being gay was a moral defect. Then when people stopped buying that, they claimed it was gays were easily blackmailed, and therefore could be compromised by an enemy.)

Bull****...quit making up stuff. There is nothing in your clearence about being strait or gay. The only POSSIBLE way it would come up is during a lifestyle polygraph and the only way it would hurt you was if you were lying about it. There are people who are gay in those agencies. There is one that works with me, but they might end up loosing theirs since they just started coming to work as a woman and inisted on being called a female name.

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There is one that works with me, but they might end up loosing theirs since they just started coming to work as a woman and inisted on being called a female name.

But you know, they don't cause problems or anything :rolleyes:

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There are a myriad of other agencies to go into that serve the country. THe CIA, FBI, NSA, DEA to name a few

Join them. None of them requires that you be in close quarters with your peers.

In the military, you have no choice about close quarters, and having open gays in the military WILL cause problems.

The military is a hard enough life. Why do cake eating civilains want to make it even tougher?

OK first off...where did it sy anything about open gays? looks to me it just says gays in the military.

second cake eating civilians? yeah because I'm not in the military my life is soooo easy. Get rid of your victim mentality..sheesh.

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OK first off...where did it sy anything about open gays? looks to me it just says gays in the military.

second cake eating civilians? yeah because I'm not in the military my life is soooo easy. Get rid of your victim mentality..sheesh.

Says the person who hasn't served. Yes cake eating civilians. Guess what, the military makes fun of civilians all the time. Yes, it is instilled in us that we are better than civilians. A common comment is "your not back on the block". Victim mentality? Hardly, military members have everything to deal with that civilians do and more. Hell, I remember that commercial that we do more before 9am that most people do all day. When I was in basic, I realized how true that was. One thing you have to remember about people who serve is that they willingly take on the extra work and risk.

When do strait males get rights? Would you house a strait male with a female? Why would you house a gay male with a strait male? Everyone seems to want to avoid that question, someone step up and answer it.

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Says the person who hasn't served. Yes cake eating civilians. Guess what, the military makes fun of civilians all the time. Yes, it is instilled in us that we are better than civilians. A common comment is "your not back on the block". Victim mentality? Hardly, military members have everything to deal with that civilians do and more. Hell, I remember that commercial that we do more before 9am that most people do all day. When I was in basic, I realized how true that was. One thing you have to remember about people who serve is that they willingly take on the extra work and risk.

When do strait males get rights? Would you house a strait male with a female? Why would you house a gay male with a strait male? Everyone seems to want to avoid that question, someone step up and answer it.

You already do . . . in every branch of the military.

You just don't like to admit it.

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I figured Sarge would welcome openly gay soldiers, as it would really stick in the craw of the "Islamofascists." I mean, what would freak out terrorists than a unit of dudes in assless chaps kissing all over each other?

:laugh: Probably would

I'll stick to burying them with Slim Jim's and feeding them pepperoni pizza like I did the Saud controllers

"It's BEEF! HONEST!" :evil:

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I, and most of the military, don't have the problem. I'd say it's the civilian world that has lost it's sense of morality that has the problem

Hard to lose something that you've always had - considering there have always been homosexuals throughout human history that's a hard point to defend.

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I served and I say yes. I guess those who aren't comfortabe with their sexuality would be uncomfortable. Its no different than woman serving if you think about it. I don't want guys hitting on me. I also don't want someone who isn't willing to take a bullet, thats all I ask...

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I'll post what I posted in the the other thread.

I served in the Army as an 11C and though I doubt anyone in my platoon was gay, I wouldn't have given a rats ass if they were. I'm a secure heterosexual male. :chestram:

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Says the person who hasn't served. Yes cake eating civilians. Guess what, the military makes fun of civilians all the time. Yes, it is instilled in us that we are better than civilians. A common comment is "your not back on the block". Victim mentality? Hardly, military members have everything to deal with that civilians do and more. Hell, I remember that commercial that we do more before 9am that most people do all day. When I was in basic, I realized how true that was. One thing you have to remember about people who serve is that they willingly take on the extra work and risk.

When do strait males get rights? Would you house a strait male with a female? Why would you house a gay male with a strait male? Everyone seems to want to avoid that question, someone step up and answer it.

Housing a straight male with a gay male doesn't mean something will happen...it takes two to tango. A straight male and a straight female is another story.

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Housing a straight male with a gay male doesn't mean something will happen...it takes two to tango. A straight male and a straight female is another story.

How is it different? By your rational it takes two to tango.

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Bull****...quit making up stuff. There is nothing in your clearence about being strait or gay. The only POSSIBLE way it would come up is during a lifestyle polygraph and the only way it would hurt you was if you were lying about it. There are people who are gay in those agencies. There is one that works with me, but they might end up loosing theirs since they just started coming to work as a woman and inisted on being called a female name.

I was asked if I was gay as part of my applications for security clearances.

And like I said, "I don't know if this is still the case", but 60 Minutes did a story about a decade ago about a gay guy who was fired from Los Alamos because his clearance was revoked, because he was gay.

He'd been working there for over a decade, and he'd been openly gay the entire time. (Which, I'll admit, argues against 60 Minutes' claim that he was fired for being gay.)

Boss leaves the department. New boss comes in. New boss looks at gay gay says "OMG! He's gay!". Other workers are asked if guy's gay. They say "Yeah, everybody knows it. He admits it."

Guy's security clearance is yanked. He's fired because you can't work in his job without a clearance.

They say his clearance was yanked because he's gay. He asks what being gay has to do with a clearance.

They say his clearance was yanked because he lied on his application. Because his application, and his annual renewals, all asked if he was gay. He says "And I said 'yes', every time they asked."

They say his clearance was yanked because gays can be blackmailed (by people threatening to reveal that he's gay). He points out that "they" can't threaten to reveal that he's gay, because everybody already knows.

They say that he can be blackmailed, by someone threatening to reveal his gayness to his employers, thus threatening to get him fired. He points out the only way they can threaten him with that, is if the employer has a policy of firing gays for no other reason.

Eventually, the government falls back on "it's policy, and we won't say why."


Now, I wouldn't be at all surprised if that rule was no longer being enforced. In fact, I wouldn't be stunned if it was never a 100% rule, but was simply a case of gays getting turned down unless there was a good reason not to, or something similar.

But I'm pretty convinced that it was, in fact, the rule.

And BTW:

Bull****...quit making up stuff.
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I'm pretty sure rape is looked down upon by just about everyone - whether it's heterosexual or homosexual.

The good news is the vast majority of people aren't rapists - regardless of orientation, so it's not exactly like you're suddenly going to have all these gays just start making moves on everyone in the middle of the night.

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