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Today (Wilbur) Marshall, my cat, was put to sleep....


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....and Art is sad.

Marshall was my first pet.

In 1995 I was looking to buy a cat. I was living in Richmond on the seventh floor of an apartment building on Broad Street in the fan. I was inspired to get a cat. So I went and bought cat food, litter, play toys, a litter box and the rest of cat necessities, including a taste of the nip.

I informed my father of my master plan and in my father's wonderful way, "Art, you're a ****ing nutcase. You want a cat? Take one of our two cats for a month. You'll never get a cat." I said sure. Scooter and Murphy were our two, with Murphy my ornery little jerk cat. I was all set to drive home the following day.

It was my first day in the new apartment and the cable guy was hooking things up. He left my door open. I went to shut it and this tiny little gray kitten was just inside my door. I thought it was strange up seven floors. I picked the cat up and went around to a few homes, but no one had lost a kitten.

I took her back in my apartment and opened a can of food. She ate well. I poured a little litter in the box and she took a dump. I called my dad and told him I got a cat. I named her Marshall, for Wilbur. She was my first effort at responsibility in adult life. I loved that cat. She was ornery and mean to everyone but me. Just like I was :).

She moved with me from various places in Richmond, to D.C., to multiple places in Durham, to Minnesota.

I write this to remember Marshall, nor really so much to share, or converse. I've found when I feel bad writing it down makes me feel better. Maybe I do a little.

Bye Marsh. She was a good cat.

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Damn, it is amazing how attached we as humans get to "stupid" animals. I make fun of my dog all the time, but nothing brings me more joy then her greeting me when I get home.

Im sorry for your loss Art, but that was a great name for a cat!!

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sorry to hear it Art. I also got one of my cats in '95 she's doing pretty well. My 7 year old siamese keeps her in top shape, like a personal trainer. the little fooker is relentless lol. when you get over it, get a siamese cat, he'll kick your @$$ daily

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Sorry, Art. Marhsall sounds like a great cat. I had a great cat who dissapeared about 15 years ago. Big orange tiger-striped tom named Little Guy. Met him when I went to this house where a litter of kitties were playing in a corner. He stopped and made a bee-line for me and attacked my pant leg. I was just there for a minute and he wouldn't let go. Pulled him off, slipped out the door saying goodbye and this same really orange really little kitten darted out the crack with unusual agility for his age and resumed his assult on my Levis. So she says "looks like you have a cat now."

Real fighter--crows, racoons (they ended up eating dry food out of same outside bowl watching each other, but not at same time). Big freak snowstorm hit where I was living when I was away one weekend and he was outside. Thought about him the whole rest of the trip. Wasn't sure he'd be able to get to his little shelter spot where the food and water was and he'd be out of the weather. No neighbor places close by. Got back and sure enough, a huge snowdrift covered the entrance to his hidey-hole. The food was barely touched. He showed up an hour after I got home looking like he'd been on vacation the whole time--relaxed, large, and happy. I only got to have him a few years. He was a great cat.

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I know how you feel Art. Pets are like family members and when they pass it hurts really bad. The first time I saw my Dad cry was when he came home after putting our old Beagle to sleep. Man....I think we all cried more for our dog than we did when the Grandparents died. Anyway sorry for your loss.

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Marshall wasn't really all that mean.

She just liked to keep to himself.

She would just sit in the corner while we watched Skins games

I'd offer her a piece of my shrimp, something any other cat would kill for, and she'd just stare at me.

I'd walk up to her, and enter "Marshall's Space", stick the shrimp up close to her mouth, and all hell would break loose, and I still hold those scars until today. But I look upon those scars as a memorial to 'ol Marshall, who was just as tough as the football player she was named after. Pretty tough for a "she" cat.

That's my eulogy.

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Sorry Art. At least she had a good life. 13 years isn't bad.

We lost a cat a couple years ago. It was my favorite cat of all time. Then he suddenly got sick and died. I think it was from the poison the Chinese were putting in the Iam's cat food. Sam was only 2 years old when he died.

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One of the kittens I watched be born in my own bedroom disappeared just a couple weeks ago. I only knew her 7 months. Her personality had only started to come out fully.

I didn't have her nearly as long as you had Marshall, but I feel your pain, nonetheless.

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I am really not a cat person.......but I very much understand your anguish.

I had to put my poodle down 4 years ago. I still miss him. One of the smartest dogs I have ever known.

I did have a cat once.....a student's mom brought her to my office as a kitten and gave her to me. A manx. Gorgeous cat. Named her Monroe. Gave her away. Cats makes me sneeze.

Sorry for your loss.

How was she with your children?

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Interesting story man sound a lot like my first cat. She climbed into my dad's car in the winter when she was a kitten and we kept her. Same personality as yours. She made it to 22 years of age and passed on a few years ago.

Sorry for your loss man, losing that first pet is never easy. Hope this thread cheers you up.

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Sorry to hear of your cat... am not a cat person my self.

By the way, Wibur Marshall is actually spelt Wilber. Had the benefit of running into him and Fred Stokes at Booeymonger back in the day (1990) and he does spell his name Wilber Marshall but then again, people misspelt his name so many times he really does not give a hoot. :-)

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