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Anyone think Jones' suspension conditions are a bit ridiculous


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They should have banned him for a year and then dragged their feet next year in deciding whether to let him play again.

This guy needs a wake up call, so do many others and this kind of punishment isn't going to stop anyone from doing anything.

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The Titan's and the Bengal's knew of the character challenge's of the two,they gambled with high draft picks.With alot invested in a player with problems the team leaders should have some kind of counciling or coaching of how to control a player who just has become a millionare,sometimes giving them enough rope to hang themselves works,but it can also hang their organization.

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They should have banned him for a year and then dragged their feet next year in deciding whether to let him play again.

This guy needs a wake up call, so do many others and this kind of punishment isn't going to stop anyone from doing anything.

I'm betting that Pacman will be in trouble/arrested again within 2 months!! He can't stay out of trouble. Good for the NFL !!

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So all of ya'll are telling me that its ok to fire or suspend some without full closure of the legal proceedings? You do know that what ever happens in the pro's trickles down to us the non famous regular Joe's. Yes he messed up multiple times but a whole year just because of IMAGE control. Who here will stop watching or going to games because someone makes an a** of THEMSELVES? Suspend him sure but a whole year NO. What has he been convicted of? What are all his charges? I know its been 10 different incidents that's alot, but what were they all for? Police do profile people and people can make up stuff just because they know you have a history(not saying that's the case here)with the law. Just being there or being a part of the problem? Its not worthy of a full year suspension. 8 games or even 12 (Pacman) 4 or 6 (Henry). Be real how many people (besides drivers) lost weeks of work for driving violations? I don't in anyway condone their actions, but this is ridiculous. I know the NFL is not a court but why act like one? I would agree for half a year for Pacman and 4 to 6 games for Henry. I think the NFL should deal with the media blowing things up more then they really are. Just so that the NFL has to feel they need to make an example out of players is crazy, they need to tell ESPN and others don't make it bigger than it is and report all the facts before trying to make it a big deal. A seatbelt ticket and an illegal U-turn are you freakin kidding me. Who hasn't done it, just doesn't get caught. This is nuts and shouldn't be as big a deal as it is. Suspentions are warrented but like this no way. Pacman 8-12, Henry 4-6. So when ever some player gets pulled over now they get suspended for 8 games. You have got to be kidding me. Some of the charges I seen were for fighting and spitting at or on someone. Now keep an eye out for your job if you get pulled over or be in the wrong place at the wrong time (not saying Pacman was) cause your job will soon be on the line. We don't live in a dictator country this is AMERICA, Innocent before proven guilty. If that's the case Michael Irvin shouldn't be in the HOF. Joey Porter should be suspended 6 games then for him and his boys jumping the Bengals player in Vegas. Lets stop and think about how it affects us and players. Cause these rules will be at a job near you.

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well unfortuately, only a handful of people in the world are better at doing his job then he is (such as other starting cornbacks in the league) and for that, this is the "special" treatment that people especially good at their professions are allowed.

the average man is just that, average. if the job he does is average enough then on average, he's replaceable. these people are special in that they can do what they do so especially good (however horrible they are as people is irrelevent in the real world)

put it another way: if one of the top 20 accountants in the world was arrested for crimes like this, it would most likely unfold the same. it's all about lawyers and money; the power of exceptional talent affords both.

I agree with this...

Any other Joe would likely be residing in a courthouse jail somewhere waiting for trial. What really bothers me is that Adam is not dumb. He's a bright kid and it is truly vexing as to why he chooses to repeatedly conduct himself in this manner.

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Hopefully, for his sake, he takes the Cris Carter approach to life after an intended wake up call and not the Lawrence Phillips one.

In some ways, it's not fair to the NFL and coaches that they have to deal with these issues. Many of these athletes have just been coddled since they were in high school due to their superior athletic skills. Be it a lack of discipline at home or by their coach in high school/college, it's hard to know, but it's an example of how it's easier to train a child than fix an adult. I'll be shocked if he straightens out, being as his isn't a case of a few bad individual decisions. He's aligned himself with a "bad" crowd and for some people it's hard to divorce theirself from that crowd. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Edit: Meant to add that it seemed like most players wanted this kind of reaction as well as it was making them all look bad. I read a quote by Sheldon Brown, CB Eagles, who said something to the effect that if the NFL doesn't hit a player where it really hurts (Big $$), there won't be change for the better. Seems like Goodell had the same thinking.

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• He must have no more run-ins with law enforcement.

How can this be guaranteed? or even fair? now that he has the label of the trouble maker even if he does straighten up then who is to say someone doesn't just accuse him of something and have him arrested? not exactly fair there. IMO what about a speeding ticket? or seatbelt violation? how far does it go?

I agree, and the thought entered my head, pacman and chris henry have not even been indicted on anything yet, and they are being suspended. Mark my words if this goes to trial and Pac Man is acquitted you'll have a lawsuit against the NFL.

• He must comply with all required counseling, education and treatment assigned by the NFL or the judicial system.

I have no problems here

Doesn't the NFL already have this stuff, it seems to me the teams and players need get their heads out of whereever they have been.

• He must obey the restrictions that have been agreed to by him and the Titans.

Well if he agrees then of course, no problems here

Ah but what if he doesn't?

• He may not be at the Titans' facility through May 31 and may not participate in any practices or workouts during his suspension. Starting June 1, he must visit the team facility once per week to meet with the team's player development director. Also, beginning June 1, he is permitted to spend one day a week at the team facility for conditioning, film study and other activities. No problems here either that would be fair only with the suspension since it is for a year

• In conjunction with the Titans, Jones must develop a structured program of community service or other activity. This program must be submitted to the NFL for approval.

This I don't understand really, if he is to return with an adjusted attitude towards life you may say then what has he done to actually warrant further punishment to do a community service. I'd actually think if he was to "change" his ways then he'd take it upon himself to attempt to adjust his own image for the NFL and do some community serivice on his own terms or something of that nature.

I dunno I'm just an advocate of innocent until proven guilty. Now I know people get away with things because they have money or are famous but sometimes you have to swallow the bad with our system.

I have to agree, that it does look like PacMan has been getting in a LOT of trouble I don't thing 16 games is warranted when nothing has been proven. yet. At least not that I have read.

I don't care if it is a code of conduct the only way an employer should have a say in something I did away from the office is if it has a direct impact on the work I would be doing, I just don't see it here.

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There is always another way Pacman can go. He can go find a real job. One that doesn't pay him 5-10million/year and he can act anyway he wants...at least until he is fired. Goodell also said "playing in the NFL is a priveledge, not a right." These guys are representing something larger than themselves and are role models whether they want to be or not. There should be large penalties for behavior. I'm in the military and his actions would warrant a cut in rank, partial pay garnishment, and possible time in the brig.

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Here's the real question....with Pacman being out of football for the 07' season, do you all think that he will stay out of trouble? I think this is the beginning of the end for Pacman in the NFL...I honestly wouldn't be shocked to not see him play another down in the NFL again.

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There is always another way Pacman can go. He can go find a real job. One that doesn't pay him 5-10million/year and he can act anyway he wants...at least until he is fired. Goodell also said "playing in the NFL is a priveledge, not a right." These guys are representing something larger than themselves and are role models whether they want to be or not. There should be large penalties for behavior. I'm in the military and his actions would warrant a cut in rank, partial pay garnishment, and possible time in the brig.


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My only real issue with the whole thing is that the punishment for some of these guys is being applied retroactively.

This code of conduct thing was never as clearly defined as it is now...and yet they're punishing guys based on deeds committed before the policy was really in place.

That certainely seems unfair, and legally questionable at best.

That said, I like the new policy and I'm not defending the actions of the individuals....

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i think he should have been suspended for the season. what bothers me is that henry wasnt. henry had i think the same if not more run-ins with the law than pacman

I would agree with you but Henry never hid any of his incidents from the Bengals or the league. Pacman, Namco should sue him for defamation BTW :laugh:, never reported a few of his incidents to the league. Thats why I think he got a whole year instead of 8 games like Henry.

Also for the posters that think Pacman's punishment should be stiffer, there is no guarantee that he gets reinstated next year. He has to meet those conditions so that he can apply to be reinstated. Same with Henry, his suspension is at least 8 games. Certain conditions have to be meet for him as well. :2cents:

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I dunno I'm just an advocate of innocent until proven guilty. Now I know people get away with things because they have money or are famous but sometimes you have to swallow the bad with our system.

To coin another cliche, theres no smoke without fire.

I think he deserves all he gets. Ask the guy who is wheeling around in a wheelchair how he feels about it. Sure I know that Pacman didnt pull the trigger but word is he started the fight which caused it. If it had been the one incident then I'd say yeah he needs to choose his friends better but come on, like how many separate incidents has he been involved in.

In a word no, i dont think its unfair.

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I understand the commish is making an example out of someone who has made it very easy to have that example carried out on them (both Henry & Jones). However, neither to my knowledge have been convicted of the first felony as of yet and some charges are still pending even. I'm not in any way taking up for the players on their conduct but more so critiquing the conditions of his (pacman's) suspension.

• He must have no more run-ins with law enforcement.

How can this be guaranteed? or even fair? now that he has the label of the trouble maker even if he does straighten up then who is to say someone doesn't just accuse him of something and have him arrested? not exactly fair there. IMO what about a speeding ticket? or seatbelt violation? how far does it go?

• He must comply with all required counseling, education and treatment assigned by the NFL or the judicial system.

I have no problems here

• He must obey the restrictions that have been agreed to by him and the Titans.

Well if he agrees then of course, no problems here

• He may not be at the Titans' facility through May 31 and may not participate in any practices or workouts during his suspension. Starting June 1, he must visit the team facility once per week to meet with the team's player development director. Also, beginning June 1, he is permitted to spend one day a week at the team facility for conditioning, film study and other activities. No problems here either that would be fair only with the suspension since it is for a year

• In conjunction with the Titans, Jones must develop a structured program of community service or other activity. This program must be submitted to the NFL for approval.

This I don't understand really, if he is to return with an adjusted attitude towards life you may say then what has he done to actually warrant further punishment to do a community service. I'd actually think if he was to "change" his ways then he'd take it upon himself to attempt to adjust his own image for the NFL and do some community serivice on his own terms or something of that nature.

I dunno I'm just an advocate of innocent until proven guilty. Now I know people get away with things because they have money or are famous but sometimes you have to swallow the bad with our system.

Do you think the NFL should be paying someone who is a trouble maker millions of dollars? I for one don't. The actions may seem harsh, but in reality, staying out of trouble isn't hard to do. If he gets his act straightened out maybe he will be an even better player...and hopefully better person for it.

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The last time I looked ... PacMan had not been convicted of any crime and until he is he is entitled to the presumption of innocence. The ALLEGED offenses relate to matters that have nothing to do with his job performance ... which I believe he executes very well. Any issues he has off the field is and will be handled under the justice system. Is arrogant and illegal for the NFL to deprive a man of his livelihood for violating a "conduct code" after the fact. The suspension is way too draconian ... and the NFL clearly is violating PacMan's constituional rights. If he sued ... he would win. I would be happy to take his case.

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So all of ya'll are telling me that its ok to fire or suspend some without full closure of the legal proceedings? You do know that what ever happens in the pro's trickles down to us the non famous regular Joe's. Yes he messed up multiple times but a whole year just because of IMAGE control. Who here will stop watching or going to games because someone makes an a** of THEMSELVES? Suspend him sure but a whole year NO. What has he been convicted of? What are all his charges? I know its been 10 different incidents that's alot, but what were they all for? Police do profile people and people can make up stuff just because they know you have a history(not saying that's the case here)with the law. Just being there or being a part of the problem? Its not worthy of a full year suspension. 8 games or even 12 (Pacman) 4 or 6 (Henry). Be real how many people (besides drivers) lost weeks of work for driving violations? I don't in anyway condone their actions, but this is ridiculous. I know the NFL is not a court but why act like one? I would agree for half a year for Pacman and 4 to 6 games for Henry. I think the NFL should deal with the media blowing things up more then they really are. Just so that the NFL has to feel they need to make an example out of players is crazy, they need to tell ESPN and others don't make it bigger than it is and report all the facts before trying to make it a big deal. A seatbelt ticket and an illegal U-turn are you freakin kidding me. Who hasn't done it, just doesn't get caught. This is nuts and shouldn't be as big a deal as it is. Suspentions are warrented but like this no way. Pacman 8-12, Henry 4-6. So when ever some player gets pulled over now they get suspended for 8 games. You have got to be kidding me. Some of the charges I seen were for fighting and spitting at or on someone. Now keep an eye out for your job if you get pulled over or be in the wrong place at the wrong time (not saying Pacman was) cause your job will soon be on the line. We don't live in a dictator country this is AMERICA, Innocent before proven guilty. If that's the case Michael Irvin shouldn't be in the HOF. Joey Porter should be suspended 6 games then for him and his boys jumping the Bengals player in Vegas. Lets stop and think about how it affects us and players. Cause these rules will be at a job near you.
Let us examine their records before we decide what is fair and not:
1) December 15, 2005 - pulled over in Kentucky for speeding and marijuana was found in his shoes. He was also driving without a valid drivers license, and without auto insurance. 2) On January 30, 2006 - arrested in Orlando for multiple gun charges including concealment and aggravated assault with a firearm. He was reported to have been wearing his Number 15 Bengals jersey at the time of his arrest. Henry pleaded guilty in both cases and avoided jail time in both cases. 3) June 3, 2006 - pulled over outside on I-275 at 1:18 a.m by Ohio Highway Trooper Michael Shimko. At 2:06 a.m. Henry voluntarily submitted to a breathalyzer test at Milford Police Department and registered a .092 blood-alcohol level, .012 above the level permitted by Ohio law. 4) January 25, 2007 - pleaded guilty to charges of providing alcohol to minors, an incident that occurred at a hotel in the spring on 2006. He was sentenced to 90 days in jail, with all but two of those days being suspended.
Now, any employer that has an employee who stacks arrests like this is going to rid themselves of this employee, even if none of the charges stick he has pleaded guilty to multiple offenses to avoid jailtime. That to me sounds like an admission of guilt and grounds for termination, not just suspension.

Now, for Pacman:

1) July 13, 2005 - arrested on charges of assault and felony vandalism stemming from a nightclub altercation. 2) October 2005 - violated probation by not contacting his probation office often enough. 3) August 25, 2006 - cited for misdemeanor assault for allegedly spitting in the face of a female student from Tenn State U. 4) November 12, 2006 - arrested for sucker-punching Latino fans after the Tennessee Titans game in Oakland. 5) March 26, 2007 - Las Vegas Police recommended to the city's district attorney that Jones be charged with one count of felony coercion and also a misdemeanor count of battery and a misdemeanor count of threat to life.
This is only half of his run ins woth the police. This man has done enough to warrant 5 years in the pen, and you are saying it is unfair he be suspended for a year? You or I would be in prison. Not jail, prison. You claim that what happens to the rich trickles down to the regular Joe? No, if it did, street thugs would be allowed to commit multiple felonies without ever having to pay for their crimes. What happens to regular Joes trickles up to the rich. The public gets sick of seeing these people get away with murder, sometimes literally, and their is a public backlash. Politicians know who is really in control and will spearhead public outrage (see Congressional hearings on steroids in baseball and MLB all of a sudden enforcing harsh rules). This is what you are seeing now. And if Henry and Jones want to appeal, I hope the NFL rescinds their punishments, and banishes them for life as is their right. Making millions playing a game is not a right. These men can get a 9-5 like the rest of us to "feed their families". And there is also the lesson my momma taught me:
If you can't do the time, don't do the crime! followed by a smack to the back of my head
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The last time I looked ... PacMan had not been convicted of any crime and until he is he is entitled to the presumption of innocence. The ALLEGED offenses relate to matters that have nothing to do with his job performance ... which I believe he executes very well. Any issues he has off the field is and will be handled under the justice system. Is arrogant and illegal for the NFL to deprive a man of his livelihood for violating a "conduct code" after the fact. The suspension is way too draconian ... and the NFL clearly is violating PacMan's constituional rights. If he sued ... he would win. I would be happy to take his case.
You, my friend, are wrong. There are morality clauses in the contracts these players sign. That is the CYA clause to rid yourself of players with legal issues. Neither of these "men" are having their "livlihood" deprived by not being allowed to play a game. This is not a right, it is a priviledge. They can go out and use the education they received for free to land a real job that pays, and will fire your ass for doing the same things they already did.
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