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Anyone think Jones' suspension conditions are a bit ridiculous


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paragraphs are your friend and increase the likelyhood or people reading what you wrote. I gave up 1/2 way thru it.

to answer your question, yes it IS ok to fire someone for actions that put a bd light on the company.

just say NO to thugs

Its ok to do so, but to use rules that have not been implemented yet in order to so that's not ok.

So its do as I say not as I do.

They should let teams handle it first. If the teams don't deal with it in a timely manner then the league should let the teams know they are about to step in. Don't step in first and then tell the team your going to fined if you don't handle things.

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So its ok to suspend Sean Taylor now right? Or how about Ray Lewis? Or even Smooter. Lets just suspend everyone who ever had a run in with the law even if their case hasn't closed yet. That sounds fair to me.

If these guys didn't get paid an absurd amount of money would anybody really care about their stupidity? Would the NFL care about its image as much?

If these guys weren't NFL players they would be incarcerated and held over for trial.

As one other person put it, you're simply an enabler. It almost sounds like you look up to this kind of behavior. It sickens me to think there are actually grown people who think this is nothing more than the "man" coming down on poor innocent-until-proven-guilty Pacman. The message being sent is clear. Your playng in the NFL is a privilege. Walk the straight path, and you can continue to make millions to play a game. Walk off the path, act like a criminal, and the privilege will be taken away.

The NFL is completely within it's right as an employer to suspend or even throw him out of the league for his conduct. The NFL SHOULD care about it's image, simply because their product appeals to a large number of people. When you appeal to so many, the best thing to do is keep your image clean, make it inviting for fans of all ages.

Pacman may be popular in the thug circles for his behavior, but the rest of us who live in civilized society find it reprehensible. He's lucky he can come back next year.

Now, I would be interested to hear the tune you whistle when he does get convicted on one or more of these charges.


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If these guys weren't NFL players they would be incarcerated and held over for trial.

As one other person put it, you're simply an enabler. It almost sounds like you look up to this kind of behavior. It sickens me to think there are actually grown people who think this is nothing more than the "man" coming down on poor innocent-until-proven-guilty Pacman. The message being sent is clear. Your playng in the NFL is a privilege. Walk the straight path, and you can continue to make millions to play a game. Walk off the path, act like a criminal, and the privilege will be taken away.

The NFL is completely within it's right as an employer to suspend or even throw him out of the league for his conduct. The NFL SHOULD care about it's image, simply because their product appeals to a large number of people. When you appeal to so many, the best thing to do is keep your image clean, make it inviting for fans of all ages.

Pacman may be popular in the thug circles for his behavior, but the rest of us who live in civilized society find it reprehensible. He's lucky he can come back next year.

Now, I would be interested to hear the tune you whistle when he does get convicted on one or more of these charges.


What Bang said!

We need to be supporting this decision by the NFL. This is a positive step not just for the league but for our whole society.

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My son is starting to look up to these kind of guys and if they want to act "thug" then I dont want them in my NFL.:2cents: Arested at least 4 times that they know of in a 9 month period....they should have ban him from the NFL period!!!

Not trying to be a smartass but you as the parent have to explain to your son how dumb these guys are and they shouldn't be looked up to. Try to get him on the L.T. wagon. Great player to emulate.

I do understand what you mean though, my son is still to young to understand. But when he can and he starts looking up to jackasses like them I will explain to him why he shouldn't emulate players like them.

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There is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty here.

This is where the fans get it wrong.

The NFL is a company, not the govrnment. It is a private employer and can fire its employees for any reason it needs.

The only stipulations are what is written in their contract, and the the labor contract.

I would not have this man as one of my employees. Even the implied issues in his life would make me shy away.

Screw the million dollar baby. Ban him for life.

He can come to work for us. We'll see how long he lasts at my job.

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Should have gotten more and would have if we weren't in the OJ Simpson Era of Legality were everything is ridiculously brushed through with a fine tooth comb ,especially when dealing with an African American athlete, and especially if the hammer (Goodell in this case) that is coming down on said player is Caucasian. I applaude Goodell and the Player's Union (ultimately) for putting this policy into place b/c too often we create doubt or exception b/c of fear of the consequence (whether it is race or status driven) when the evidence is right there for all to see. Jones is a douchebag and it was the right "message" to send to he and the rest of the league. Remember, he is working for a "private establishment" (T.Kornheiser) and the NFL does not have to wait for due process. :2cents:

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If these guys weren't NFL players they would be incarcerated and held over for trial.

As one other person put it, you're simply an enabler. It almost sounds like you look up to this kind of behavior. It sickens me to think there are actually grown people who think this is nothing more than the "man" coming down on poor innocent-until-proven-guilty Pacman. The message being sent is clear. Your playng in the NFL is a privilege. Walk the straight path, and you can continue to make millions to play a game. Walk off the path, act like a criminal, and the privilege will be taken away.

The NFL is completely within it's right as an employer to suspend or even throw him out of the league for his conduct. The NFL SHOULD care about it's image, simply because their product appeals to a large number of people. When you appeal to so many, the best thing to do is keep your image clean, make it inviting for fans of all ages.

Pacman may be popular in the thug circles for his behavior, but the rest of us who live in civilized society find it reprehensible. He's lucky he can come back next year.

Now, I would be interested to hear the tune you whistle when he does get convicted on one or more of these charges.


How am I enabling him? I've already said he should be suspended. If it were up to me I'd suspend him 12 games with no play and let him play the last 4 with no pay. If they make the playoffs he can't play either. Then I would tell him one more run in with the law even a suspended license violation he would be banned for 5yrs if not for good. Money talks period.

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if you can point me to where i've trashed mike vick or made comments insinuating that ron mexico or the mystery bottle somehow reflects on v-tech, i'll kindly shut up.

You have to admit these incidents made you smile and feel all warm inside though.

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People said Pacman needs better friends. No where in any of the arrests did they say his friends were the suspects. Heck, even the spitting incident at a club, the witnesses all said it was him. The woman didn't want to dance w/ him.

His crew is not the problem, it's him. He has no self control or just plain common sense.

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Should have gotten more and would have if we weren't in the OJ Simpson Era of Legality were everything is ridiculously brushed through with a fine tooth comb ,especially when dealing with an African American athlete, and especially if the hammer (Goodell in this case) that is coming down on said player is Caucasian. I applaude Goodell and the Player's Union (ultimately) for putting this policy into place b/c too often we create doubt or exception b/c of fear of the consequence (whether it is race or status driven) when the evidence is right there for all to see. Jones is a douchebag and it was the right "message" to send to he and the rest of the league. Remember, he is working for a "private establishment" (T.Kornheiser) and the NFL does not have to wait for due process. :2cents:

Where in the HELL does race even come into this equation at all. Race is far from the issue. So why even bring it in?

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I understand the commish is making an example out of someone who has made it very easy to have that example carried out on them (both Henry & Jones). However, neither to my knowledge have been convicted of the first felony as of yet and some charges are still pending even. I'm not in any way taking up for the players on their conduct but more so critiquing the conditions of his (pacman's) suspension.

• He must have no more run-ins with law enforcement.

How can this be guaranteed? or even fair? now that he has the label of the trouble maker even if he does straighten up then who is to say someone doesn't just accuse him of something and have him arrested? not exactly fair there. IMO what about a speeding ticket? or seatbelt violation? how far does it go?

• He must comply with all required counseling, education and treatment assigned by the NFL or the judicial system.

I have no problems here

• He must obey the restrictions that have been agreed to by him and the Titans.

Well if he agrees then of course, no problems here

• He may not be at the Titans' facility through May 31 and may not participate in any practices or workouts during his suspension. Starting June 1, he must visit the team facility once per week to meet with the team's player development director. Also, beginning June 1, he is permitted to spend one day a week at the team facility for conditioning, film study and other activities. No problems here either that would be fair only with the suspension since it is for a year

• In conjunction with the Titans, Jones must develop a structured program of community service or other activity. This program must be submitted to the NFL for approval.

This I don't understand really, if he is to return with an adjusted attitude towards life you may say then what has he done to actually warrant further punishment to do a community service. I'd actually think if he was to "change" his ways then he'd take it upon himself to attempt to adjust his own image for the NFL and do some community serivice on his own terms or something of that nature.

I dunno I'm just an advocate of innocent until proven guilty. Now I know people get away with things because they have money or are famous but sometimes you have to swallow the bad with our system.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Get arrested once, bum luck. Twice, you have to start to wonder. Well Pacman has been arrested how many times in his very brief career? He obviously is an out of control thug with access to millions, bad combo.!

Same deal with Henry, just not as magnified.

Why is it so much to ask for the man to to have zero run ins from the law? Get real. He should be expected to function in society just as we are expected to function in society. I give props to the commish. I wouldnt have waited for convictions either. The damage has been done, whether he's convicted or not. By the way, he'll end up getting off more charges than you or myself would simply because of his status and financial situation.

As far as the community service, Id give him tons of it. The idea being 1) It will change the people he hangs with, where he hangs and what he's doing when he's hanging. Im not so naive to think it will change who he hangs with, but the less he does what he's been doing, the less chance to find trouble. 2) Maybe he'll discover theres more to life than strippers, guns and boozing. 3) Maybe, just maybe... he wont take his job for granted when he's shoveling refried beens onto cafeteria plates for homeless people.

Obviously I love what the commish. has done here. Its already insane that these guys make the money that they do. Its already insane that they can literally get away with murder because of their social status.

Good job commish., keep up the good work. :applause:

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There is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty here.

This is where the fans get it wrong.

The NFL is a company, not the govrnment. It is a private employer and can fire its employees for any reason it needs.

The only stipulations are what is written in their contract, and the the labor contract.

And that is the issue I have. Where is the commish's authority in the contract to do this?

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If these guys weren't NFL players they would be incarcerated and held over for trial.

As one other person put it, you're simply an enabler. It almost sounds like you look up to this kind of behavior. It sickens me to think there are actually grown people who think this is nothing more than the "man" coming down on poor innocent-until-proven-guilty Pacman. The message being sent is clear. Your playng in the NFL is a privilege. Walk the straight path, and you can continue to make millions to play a game. Walk off the path, act like a criminal, and the privilege will be taken away.

The NFL is completely within it's right as an employer to suspend or even throw him out of the league for his conduct. The NFL SHOULD care about it's image, simply because their product appeals to a large number of people. When you appeal to so many, the best thing to do is keep your image clean, make it inviting for fans of all ages.

Pacman may be popular in the thug circles for his behavior, but the rest of us who live in civilized society find it reprehensible. He's lucky he can come back next year.

Now, I would be interested to hear the tune you whistle when he does get convicted on one or more of these charges.


Look, I would not pee on PacMan Jones if his chest was on fire. I could care less what happens to him.

What I find fascinating is that the NFLPA simply seems to be giving the commissioner finally authority on who can and cannot play football. That is a remarkable power to give one person outside of the union. Kennesah Mountain Landis thinks it's a great idea.

There two contracts at play here. There is the CBA agreement and there is PacMan's individual contract with the Titans.

I just want to know where in either Goddell gets this authority.

And I simply can't believe that Upshaw is happily going along with this. More and more, I have to believe that Bryant Gumbel was right about him.

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Since we have variations of the suspension deal, regardless of how long it is and timing of it. Does anyone think either Pacman or Henry will change their ways or will they just stay stupid and work on getting banned for life?

I think PacMan was well on his way out of the leauge before this. I doubt he ever plays again. And I really don't care.

As I've said before, I will enjoy the NFL more without Jones and Henry in it.

However, what really concerns me is what happens if the commish decides that Clinton Portis' costumes are bad for the league? Or if Sean Taylor gets arrested for some damn thing? Can he just suspend people willy-nilly now?

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Troublemakers like this should recieve lifetime bans, BUT not until CONVICTED of a particular offense. If they are suspended after only being accused of something, the comissioner should be thrown out of the league and have his US citizenship revoked. Ban someone for what they are found to have done, not for what they are accused of doing. It is how we do things in America. If you don't like it, leave the country and burn your passport.

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Troublemakers like this should recieve lifetime bans, BUT not until CONVICTED of a particular offense. If they are suspended after only being accused of something, the comissioner should be thrown out of the league and have his US citizenship revoked. Ban someone for what they are found to have done, not for what they are accused of doing. It is how we do things in America. If you don't like it, leave the country and burn your passport.

I disagree. Anyone knows that $$$ will get the charges dropped. You will almost never get to trial, let alone a conviction. I think that's why Goodell went ahead w/ it now, because 10 arrests and no charges? Damn good lawyers. I hope Pacman thinks about it when mid-way during the season and his lawyer is asking for the last payments, along w/ girlfriend for child support, friends want the car payments paid, etc..... Hope he invested his $$ well.

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And that is the issue I have. Where is the commish's authority in the contract to do this?

Have you read the CBA cover to cover? I have not but I am guessing that there reporters out there who have and don't you think they would be slamming this if Goodell were out of bounds?

I seem to remember reading a number of places when Tags was in office that the commissioner had the ultimate authority and power to hand out punishments and that he did not need the approval or agreement of anyone else to do so.

Not to mention the small fact that Upshaw is quoted all over the place as being in favor of this action... Just because he leads a labor union does not mean has to act like the typical labor union boss and always support his members right or wrong. Frankly, I think it is refreshing that he is in favor of this sort of action. So different from the norm...

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