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Anyone think Jones' suspension conditions are a bit ridiculous


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This discussion is raging in the other forum.

My position is this: I could give a damn about PacMan Jones and Chris Henry. If neither of them ever played again, I wouldn't care.

However, I don't understand how the NFLPA is allow the commissioner to unilaterally change the rules after the fact. Under the CBA as it is written, I don't see how he gets the authority to suspend players who simply are offensive to him.

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These guys are paid millions by the nfl. They are a representation of the league not some gang. And I dont think the no run ins with the law includes traffic tickets. We only get a summary. Heres a million dollars, dont go to thug clubs, and carry 80,000 dollars on your person, or how about dont be stupid. What came first the chicken or the nfl.

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I dunno I'm just an advocate of innocent until proven guilty. Now I know people get away with things because they have money or are famous but sometimes you have to swallow the bad with our system.


As Goodall said, it is a privilege to play in the NFL, not a right. PAC man can go get a job tomorrow or start a company doing just about anything he pleases and tell the NFL he won't be told what to do by them.

There is a tendency among people who do wrong to know every last right they have. There is also a parallel lack of understanding, or even interest, of ones responsibilities.

At the end of the day, the NFL's audience is more people who are tiring of these childish millionaire man/children and their immaturity than it is people who think he and others aren't doing anything worth bothering about.

So, he is free to tell the NFL they can't tell him what to do. Or, he can do as told and be part of it. He brought this on himself.

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in the case of pacman and henry, I think they should not suspend the guys, but rather cut their pay down to veteran minimum and make them sit out the 1st quarter or half of each game. That way they still have to go through training, and they have to do so knowing they can't start for a whole season. I think that would be a better punishment than banning for whole games.

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put it another way: if one of the top 20 accountants in the world was arrested for crimes like this, it would most likely unfold the same. it's all about lawyers and money; the power of exceptional talent affords both.

...ever hear of a company called Arthur Anderson?

Enron ring any bells?

Justice may not be perfect, but, we are all responsible for our actions.

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I personally believe this is a consipiracy to try and root out WVU football players to be honest with everyone here.

I graduated from WVU and bleed blue and gold. But these two thugs got everything they deserved. These guys get paid millions to work a part time job that they love. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. Hopefully their time off, and the large loss of pay, will make these guys grow up. Makes you wonder about Rodriguez's recruiting though.

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Let us examine their records before we decide what is fair and not:Now, any employer that has an employee who stacks arrests like this is going to rid themselves of this employee, even if none of the charges stick he has pleaded guilty to multiple offenses to avoid jailtime. That to me sounds like an admission of guilt and grounds for termination, not just suspension.

Now, for Pacman:This is only half of his run ins woth the police. This man has done enough to warrant 5 years in the pen, and you are saying it is unfair he be suspended for a year? You or I would be in prison. Not jail, prison. You claim that what happens to the rich trickles down to the regular Joe? No, if it did, street thugs would be allowed to commit multiple felonies without ever having to pay for their crimes. What happens to regular Joes trickles up to the rich. The public gets sick of seeing these people get away with murder, sometimes literally, and their is a public backlash. Politicians know who is really in control and will spearhead public outrage (see Congressional hearings on steroids in baseball and MLB all of a sudden enforcing harsh rules). This is what you are seeing now. And if Henry and Jones want to appeal, I hope the NFL rescinds their punishments, and banishes them for life as is their right. Making millions playing a game is not a right. These men can get a 9-5 like the rest of us to "feed their families". And there is also the lesson my momma taught me: [/size]

What trickles down to the regular Joe's are the rules they put in these leagues, example Drug tests, now almost every job you go to has drug test and alcohol tests. That is invasion of privacy. What I do at home and is not my jobs business. If I do it on the job that's a different story.

Pacmans just seems like he likes to fight a lot. The felony charges were for obviously breaking tables and such in the club. So the guy fights to much what else has he done. No gun charges that I have seen or heard.

Henry he should have been suspended the year based off of his rap sheet. What's he doing in Kentucky anyway. So Henry likes to drink and drive. He's dumb for that. Did he have a gun license? Chances he didn't.

All in all one likes to fight one likes to drink and drive and occasionally brandish a gun. If Henry had a substantial amount of weed on him he would have been in jail and on probation. Then everything there after would have landed him in prison. He pled guilty not because of guilt so much but because his lawyer told him to do so cause if it went to trial he would have served time had he lost. Pacman should have called his probation officer more and he would only have 9 charges LOL

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I graduated from WVU and bleed blue and gold. But these two thugs got everything they deserved. These guys get paid millions to work a part time job that they love. Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not a right. Hopefully their time off, and the large loss of pay, will make these guys grow up. Makes you wonder about Rodriguez's recruiting though.

a guy that's been a head coach for 7 years, has 2 guys that act the fool after leaving school, and it makes you wonder?

this in no way reflects on rodriguez, any more than ron mexico reflects on beamer.

bear in mind, pac man got in a fight at wvu his first semester. he was set straight and you never heard a peep after that while he was in mo'town.

chris henry, rich rod took a chance on. every coach takes chances here and there. but rodriguez kicked him off the team for flippin off fans and showing up late for meetings.

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Now i'm really confused. About posting threads. Wouldn't this thread, Non-Redskin related , normally be in the tailgate or the around forum. I'm not a person who cares where people put things, but for education purposes. I'm in the Stadium right?

Pacman got what he deserved. NFL might help save his life. He needs to chill, now.

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The first thing I thought about when I saw this PacMan ruling go down was Sean Taylor. This could have been him if Goodell was commish last year at this time. I hope Taylor is watching very closely to what happened to Pacman and Henry. Taylor already has a strike against him from what I can remember. Any more brushes with the law for him and he's going to risk a suspension himself. Goodell has the backing of the players union to start enforcing the rules of proper behavior.

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What trickles down to the regular Joe's are the rules they put in these leagues, example Drug tests, now almost every job you go to has drug test and alcohol tests. That is invasion of privacy. What I do at home and is not my jobs business. If I do it on the job that's a different story.
It is not an invasion of your privacy. If they come to your home and testthat would be. But they require you to take the test to be employed (read: paid, provided discounted benefits, retirement plan, educational assist) by them. You do not HAVE to take the test. You can decline and go work for someone else. Drugs are illegal. Alcohol, as long as you are not drunk on duty, is not against the law.
Pacmans just seems like he likes to fight a lot. The felony charges were for obviously breaking tables and such in the club. So the guy fights to much what else has he done. No gun charges that I have seen or heard.
And fighting is called assault and battery. Do it enough , you go to jail.
Henry he should have been suspended the year based off of his rap sheet. What's he doing in Kentucky anyway. So Henry likes to drink and drive. He's dumb for that. Did he have a gun license? Chances he didn't.
And drinking and driving is against the law. I bet you would be singing a different tune if a member of your family was killed while Henry was enjoying "just drinking and driving".
All in all one likes to fight one likes to drink and drive and occasionally brandish a gun. If Henry had a substantial amount of weed on him he would have been in jail and on probation. Then everything there after would have landed him in prison. He pled guilty not because of guilt so much but because his lawyer told him to do so cause if it went to trial he would have served time had he lost. Pacman should have called his probation officer more and he would only have 9 charges LOL
So all in all, both are multiple offenders of the penal code. Why don't you conduct a social experiment where you commit all the offenses that these two have and see whether your employer would can your ass? Of course they would! You would be serving 10-20 in a state correctional facility!
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The man is too stupid to realize the privilage he has to play PRO FOOTBALL.I don't care about how he was raised, his background or whatever. He's a grown man and a fool. He got what he deserved and I predict he will mess up again.


What a dumbass!:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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I have no problem with any of the restrictions. This isn't a court of law - this isn't innocent until proven guilty. His conduct up to this point, irrespective of his culpability on the night in question, warrants disciplinary action. The NFL is a private entity with a reputation to protect and standards to uphold. They have every right to do what they are doing. Pacman will get no sympathy from me. The NFL is telling him he can't play a game for a year - if that is the worst that happens to him given what his behavior led to, he should consider himself lucky. Still, the legal process has yet to play out, he should be a lot more worried about that right now - although I don't know any details about the charges/potential charges.

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The last time I looked ... PacMan had not been convicted of any crime and until he is he is entitled to the presumption of innocence. The ALLEGED offenses relate to matters that have nothing to do with his job performance ... which I believe he executes very well. Any issues he has off the field is and will be handled under the justice system. Is arrogant and illegal for the NFL to deprive a man of his livelihood for violating a "conduct code" after the fact. The suspension is way too draconian ... and the NFL clearly is violating PacMan's constituional rights. If he sued ... he would win. I would be happy to take his case.

It's enablers like you that make this necessary. The guy is a criminal plain and simple you clown.This suspension is for the "whole" list of offenses, and the NFL gave this criminal his chance to earn his livelyhood. It's a privilege to play in the NFL, not a constitutional right. If he sues...he will lose! You're a lawyer???


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So all of ya'll are telling me that its ok to fire or suspend some without full closure of the legal proceedings? You do know that what ever happens in the pro's trickles down to us the non famous regular Joe's. Yes he messed up multiple times but a whole year just because of IMAGE control. Who here will stop watching or going to games because someone makes an a** of THEMSELVES? Suspend him sure but a whole year NO. What has he been convicted of? What are all his charges? I know its been 10 different incidents that's alot, but what were they all for? Police do profile people and people can make up stuff just because they know you have a history(not saying that's the case here)with the law. Just being there or being a part of the problem? Its not worthy of a full year suspension. 8 games or even 12 (Pacman) 4 or 6 (Henry). Be real how many people (besides drivers) lost weeks of work for driving violations? I don't in anyway condone their actions, but this is ridiculous. I know the NFL is not a court but why act like one? I would agree for half a year for Pacman and 4 to 6 games for Henry. I think the NFL should deal with the media blowing things up more then they really are. Just so that the NFL has to feel they need to make an example out of players is crazy, they need to tell ESPN and others don't make it bigger than it is and report all the facts before trying to make it a big deal. A seatbelt ticket and an illegal U-turn are you freakin kidding me. Who hasn't done it, just doesn't get caught. This is nuts and shouldn't be as big a deal as it is. Suspentions are warrented but like this no way. Pacman 8-12, Henry 4-6. So when ever some player gets pulled over now they get suspended for 8 games. You have got to be kidding me. Some of the charges I seen were for fighting and spitting at or on someone. Now keep an eye out for your job if you get pulled over or be in the wrong place at the wrong time (not saying Pacman was) cause your job will soon be on the line. We don't live in a dictator country this is AMERICA, Innocent before proven guilty. If that's the case Michael Irvin shouldn't be in the HOF. Joey Porter should be suspended 6 games then for him and his boys jumping the Bengals player in Vegas. Lets stop and think about how it affects us and players. Cause these rules will be at a job near you.

paragraphs are your friend and increase the likelyhood or people reading what you wrote. I gave up 1/2 way thru it.

to answer your question, yes it IS ok to fire someone for actions that put a bd light on the company.

just say NO to thugs

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This discussion is raging in the other forum.

My position is this: I could give a damn about PacMan Jones and Chris Henry. If neither of them ever played again' date=' I wouldn't care.

However, I don't understand how the NFLPA is allow the commissioner to unilaterally change the rules after the fact. Under the CBA as it is written, I don't see how he gets the authority to suspend players who simply are offensive to him.[/quote']

I tend to agree with you. But I guess to help you understand why the NFLPA is allowing this is because Goodel is a DICTATOR plain and simple. He tells the players they can't do what they want(I understand on many occasions) but in the mean time he is gonna do what he wants. Apply rules that aren't active, what's next fans can't yell at players or they get suspended from games. He tells NFL teams they will be fined for players actions. But how can they do anything if he beats them to it. I'm sure Tennessee would have acted on Pacman just like they did with Stompy (Haynesworth). They probably were waiting on the legal proceedings to conclude. They would have handled it properly and accordingly.

With the Dictator doing what he wants, will he now suspend Joey Porter for his incident, Fred Smoot and the other Vikings for the boat ride, Sean Taylor for his prior legal trouble, Mike Vick for the airport incident, or take Michael Irvin out of the HOF? What's next with this guy.

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It is not an invasion of your privacy. If they come to your home and testthat would be. But they require you to take the test to be employed (read: paid, provided discounted benefits, retirement plan, educational assist) by them. You do not HAVE to take the test. You can decline and go work for someone else. Drugs are illegal. Alcohol, as long as you are not drunk on duty, is not against the law.And fighting is called assault and battery. Do it enough , you go to jail.And drinking and driving is against the law. I bet you would be singing a different tune if a member of your family was killed while Henry was enjoying "just drinking and driving".So all in all, both are multiple offenders of the penal code. Why don't you conduct a social experiment where you commit all the offenses that these two have and see whether your employer would can your ass? Of course they would! You would be serving 10-20 in a state correctional facility!

Its an invasion of privacy to me because what I do at home legal or not is my bosses business. I would glady take a test to show if I'm drunk or high when I come to work or during and after my shift is done. Fighting can be labeled whatever its not that serious unless one man can't defend himself anymore.

How would I be singing a different tune if he hit and killed anyone in my family or anybody else for that matter? I wasn't defending his actions, its stupid period, he should have been locked up and on probation a while ago.

I've been in that social experiment twice already. Once at a very popular restaraunt and a linen company. Everything these guys have done excluding the gun incident. They never got fired! The guys who lost there licenses were able to still work just not drive the trucks. Fights in the parking lot in which the manager was involved in many times he was NEVER fired. I was on probation (and I learned from it)when I was hired at the linen company. I've seen all the things they've done and not seen ONE person get there ass canned! Fighting while working throwing hot as soup on each other (that's a real assault and battery) they were sent home but not fired. I didn't do any of these things cause I try to think before I act, so I don't end up in that situation.

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My son is starting to look up to these kind of guys and if they want to act "thug" then I dont want them in my NFL.:2cents: Arested at least 4 times that they know of in a 9 month period....they should have ban him from the NFL period!!!

Well, if it is for the children, then yea it's a no-brainer.

They should ban tattoos as well.

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So its ok to suspend Sean Taylor now right? Or how about Ray Lewis? Or even Smooter. Lets just suspend everyone who ever had a run in with the law even if their case hasn't closed yet. That sounds fair to me.

If these guys didn't get paid an absurd amount of money would anybody really care about their stupidity? Would the NFL care about its image as much?

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