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Brunell contract Looming - Frost Tendered


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Heck I wouldn't be surprised to see a mil salary with a 3 mil bonus,

That would save us around 3.5 mil

In that scenario, when we're looking for a new back-up QB next offseason (very likely), we'll have to burn $5 mil+ in dead cap on Brunell.

Would have been so much smarter to find the new back-up now and move on from Brunell.

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Theres not many better veteran backups out there than MB. If he takes a cut he will always have a spot on this team....at least for another year or two.

Glad Frost got tendered...he was showing signs of a real strong leg...just a couple clutch kicks he blew. Lets hope he continues ot improve.

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Originally Posted by D-Day

Heck I wouldn't be surprised to see a mil salary with a 3 mil bonus,

That would save us around 3.5 mil

In that scenario, when we're looking for a new back-up QB next offseason (very likely), we'll have to burn $5 mil+ in dead cap on Brunell.

Would have been so much smarter to find the new back-up now and move on from Brunell.


I know, read the bold Italics.

JG likes MB and appreciates his contributions. I have and will always question JG's ability to make a hard tough decision. Hence I think that MB will take a paycut but he will not be "disrespected" enough to be told to take a cut down to what he is worth.

I think he should take a pay cut down to 1 mil Salary with maybe a mil as a thank you gesture. Tell him take it or pack up your locker.

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Frost is fine. Better worry about the place kicker position. As for MB, he is already earning his $$$ by tutoring Campbell.

Suisham actually did pretty well IMO. I'm sure the coaching staff will bring in some competition for him, but I wouldn't have a problem with him being our kicker. He only missed one kick for us and that was a 50 yarder if I remember correctly.

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There's no way MB is taking a pay cut. Why give back money when it could be his last chance to make NFL money. It's probably just restructuring the contract to save cap room.

yeah way ... what other teams around the league are looking for a 37 year old QB right now? There are plenty of young backups out there.

Brunell will take a paycut, or we would have cut him. His value is what it is, the skins know how much that is, and Brunell knows how much that is ... on the open market. He 'd be lucky to be someone's 3rd QB on another team. In this scenario, he knows our offense, and (worst case) should Campbell go down with an injury ... the skins provide the best chance for Brunell to ever see the field again.

This will be his last year in the league, and I believe he would rather spend it in a system he is somewhat conmfortable with, and with a team he is comfortable with ... and can reamin a #2 QB.

At this point it is not about the money, he got his 8 million signing bonus with us when he came here. Everythign else is icing on the cake. I appreicate what he did for our team, though I would have liked to seen us try to develop Ramsey a bit more. He's a classy guy.

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I am not down on MB as a backup qb, he knows the offense and more importantly the receivers. Remember guys he was hurt last year as well and he played rather well the one week where he didn't throw until like Friday. He will get plenty of rest this year and should be healthy and strong if called upon.

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Agreed, we need to keep Mb.

There are 3 types of backup QB's

1) The young bucks competing for playing time

(you get these via draft or trade, if you trade for them they can be pricey and offer little to the development your starter except more competition)

2) The never was.

These are failed experiments (ie Todd Collins?) After 4+ years in the league they've shown that they don't quite have "it." You get what you pay for. Offer little to development of the team except insurance.

3) the Has been.

Once was a starter but has aged. Usually ego and money don't let you keep him for long before retirement. Can bring leadership and aid in the development of his replacement if he has character.

We have a young QB at the helm now, which of the above choices is the obvious fit?

Forget your hater motives and admit we need MB to stay another year at reduced salary.

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As long as this pay-cut is an actual pay-cut, and doesn't involve the amount "returned" in guaranteed money down the line, then I am OK with it. He better be forfeiting a lot of $$$ or I'd rather see him cut outright.

How can it be anything but a paycut? And from Brunell's position, it's a lot better than nothing, which is how much *extra* money he'd get if he were cut.

The original signing bonus is done. Money's in Brunell's pocket.

All that matters now is how it gets counted against cap space, right? I'm not sure if that signing bonus' penalty can be changed, but my impression is that if Brunell restructures -- that is, takes less money than his initial contract said he'd get for this year, but lots more money than what he'd get if he were cut -- the initial signing bonus would continue to count off at $X per year rather than have the years remaining on Brunell's contract hit the Skins all at once.

Make sense? Brunell's worth more to the Skins than any other team b/c, by signing him, they don't get an accelerated cap hit from the bonus. The Skins are also worth more to Brunell than any other team because they'll pay him to stick around and partially dodge the hit of cutting him. Nobody else has that incentive.

Win-win, if you don't mind Brunell as the Skins' #2. Neither Gibbs nor I do. ;)

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good news so far...brunell will be a good back-up...you need to look at the garbage out there, young guys who couldn't make it as a starter(Feeley, Griese, Weinke,etc)...at least brunell has proven he can win and just as important doesn't throw alot of int..i didn't have any problems with frost last year, he was much better than in 05'...now on to the important business- Dockery and the 31st ranked defense in the league..

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i would rather sign up Frost now, he won't ask for much. If he does well next year, which I think he will being young and about to enter his prime, he will leave via free agency cause no punter is worth much money and Frost will want more money. Sign him up now for 5-6 years or something for a 5 million contract total.

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frost is good, nobody gives the guy credit. most of his punts were solid, plus he plays with passion.

I agree. He only shanked a few compared to his first year (and all punters shank some now and then), his Average went up, his pooch punts were getting downed and he does show good passion (see St. Louis game). I'm satisfied with him a Suisham as our kickers going into TC.

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He was kinda shakey early on I thought, but he looked more consistent down the stretch. I know his average wasnt great, but he did land alot of balls inside the 20 and kept them from going into the endzone. I'm pretty happy with his play, especially the 2nd half of the season. You didnt hear anything about him then, which was a good thing. ;)

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As long as this pay-cut is an actual pay-cut, and doesn't involve the amount "returned" in guaranteed money down the line, then I am OK with it. He better be forfeiting a lot of $$$ or I'd rather see him cut outright.

I certainly hope the same. It's no mystery that Brunell's open market value right now is vet backup pay (minimum). he can either stay here for a pay reduction or try the open market and get squat. He already got 8 mil up front, what else could be possibly want besides playing time?

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