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About worstSeat

  • Birthday 04/01/1973

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    Jumpy Geathers,Smoot,Riggo,Ernest "Sega God" Byner
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  1. Nah, listen to Timmy Goodtimes on Keim's podcast. Not much from Harris with the media to date. https://overcast.fm/+RBUUHP8mo That's mostly good, and maybe he'll come out of his shell being in DC, but I'm worried that's also his weakness. There's been some complaint that he's overly into analytics and devalues team chemistry. That's a bigger deal in the NFL than NBA, but (see exhibits Hardin, Simmons, Harris, etc or counterexample Miami Heat) even in the NBA chemistry is king. If there's one thing Rivera has done, it's get good, smart, high-character guys on his team. The chemistry seems (imo) to be pretty good. I haven't felt that to this degree since Gibbs, but that's mostly made up, since you can't get much feel sitting on your couch watching games and listening to podcasts. Anyhow, looking forward to catching games reasonably guilt free now.
  2. Top 5? Is he even the best redhead free agent QB available this off-season?
  3. No, there are similar QBs at half the price. I hope I’m eating my words in the fall, but that’s not a good option.
  5. Decent update from the Haven. Sorry if I missed it earlier. https://www.hogshaven.com/2020/7/16/21327274/washington-hires-high-profile-attorney-to-look-at-the-organizations-culture includes
  6. Tell Rick nobody’s asking for that. We’re asking for someone on the fringes to report ANYTHING about the rumors. You know, like they all do when the news isn’t important. Is it really toxic culture and sex? Fraud? Bribes? Ponzi scheme? If everyone thinks they’re in the know, tell us. That’s YOUR scoop. That nobody says what the story’s about tells me they don’t really know what the story’s about. So get back in your bubble and stay quiet until you have actual news, not just more rumor and word vomit, Rick.
  7. But he’ll want to as an attempt to put his stamp the team’s future. Which means if he’s really out (would be nice to have ANY idea what this is about) whatever name gets picked now will quickly be replaced.
  8. Yep, either “report” what you got or, if you’re not sure what’s up, wait for the professionals. The teasing just... well, we see the result. Either tweet what you got, stay quiet, or turn in your press pass.
  9. Yeah but if it isn’t your story, why not report in at least vague terms what the story is about? Or stfu. The teases from people who aren’t on the story are, at best, unprofessional. At worst, they’re dodging their responsibility as journalists.
  10. How did the Bezos connection start in this thread? Just because of WaPo ownership (and he's insanely rich)? I don't get the Bezos stuff at all. The rest, however, is way too believable.
  11. This is all a reminder that if you want to be a continuous, long-term fan, you're going to be a fan of the owner. There's no "team" outside of that context. I think I'm slowly figuring out I'm a Joe Gibbs fan, full stop, and that's somehow tricked me into following the team in DC a little too long. I'd like to be a Rivera fan, but if I want to be a fan of the team, I'm really buying into being a fan of, in this case, Snyder. I know not everything about Cooke was great. But I don't think he's a maggot like Snyder (again, if the Cranky Guide wasn't enough of a warning, the NYT story about the cheerleaders from two years ago should be enough to convince you of that). If you don't like the owner, you should move on... before the other shoe drops. I'm afraid I might be learning that just a few hours before I wake up with the fleas.
  12. I keep thinking back to these stories and wondering what they left out. It was embarrassing enough to learn these. Guess I should've stopped caring about the team right about then, but this Rivera and name change stuff roped me back in. https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/nfl-cheerleaders-redskins-costa-rica-workplace-discrimination-photo-shoot-personal-escort/1173am421l70w1tszanltzqzaa
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