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Point3 : Who the F was supposed to be watching Micah when they went to the money launderers? Did they just stick him in the glove compartment?

His grandmother was supposedly watching him. When Nikki blanks out for a second while looking for his backpack, she tells him to get dressed cuz he's heading there.

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Guys help me out -

What was the cop's wife thinking that got him all ticked off last night? I'm guessing by what happened later it was something like "he knows about the affair" or something like that, but I missed the exact wording.

Am I right in thinking that the elder Petrelli actually DID get Linderman to ship the painting to some gallery? Why did he then lie to Peter about it?

Why does Hiro sit around and wait before stopping time? Why not just do it to begin with? (Ok, that's just a rhetorical question)

That weasel Miles from 24 is loathesome in any role he plays...

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Guys help me out -

What was the cop's wife thinking that got him all ticked off last night? I'm guessing by what happened later it was something like "he knows about the affair" or something like that, but I missed the exact wording.

Am I right in thinking that the elder Petrelli actually DID get Linderman to ship the painting to some gallery? Why did he then lie to Peter about it?

Why does Hiro sit around and wait before stopping time? Why not just do it to begin with? (Ok, that's just a rhetorical question)

That weasel Miles from 24 is loathesome in any role he plays...

The cops wife said something like...

"I thought I had been careful" and "Oh my god he knows". Later on the cop overheard his old partner talk about him being a "loser" and how he was "banging his hot wife".

Not sure on weasel Petrelli's dealings with the artwork. I hope they kill his character off soon - he does nothing for the show.

Hiro doesn't use his powers, I am guessing, until they are needed (at the last second). Probably doesn't want to use them unless its actually needed.

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Guys help me out -

What was the cop's wife thinking that got him all ticked off last night? I'm guessing by what happened later it was something like "he knows about the affair" or something like that, but I missed the exact wording.

Yes. He heard her worrying that he knows.

Am I right in thinking that the elder Petrelli actually DID get Linderman to ship the painting to some gallery? Why did he then lie to Peter about it?

That's the way I heard it. My guess is that the painting showed the two of them flying and it is therefore something he wants to be hidden.

Why does Hiro sit around and wait before stopping time? Why not just do it to begin with? (Ok, that's just a rhetorical question)

Drama, man. Drama. It would be boring if there were no explosions at all.

That weasel Miles from 24 is loathesome in any role he plays...

Never got into 24.

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Thanks for the responses.

Anyone else feel like the characters are slowly gravitating into two camps, ala X-Men and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants?

You've got Peter, Claire, Micah, Hiro, the Cop, the Junkie on one side...

And then there's the elder Petrelli, Nikki, Sylar, and now the Burning Man on the other...

Who knows where Nikki's husband fits in...or HRG and his cronies.

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Thanks for the responses.

Anyone else feel like the characters are slowly gravitating into two camps, ala X-Men and the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants?

You've got Peter, Claire, Micah, Hiro, the Cop, the Junkie on one side...

And then there's the elder Petrelli, Nikki, Sylar, and now the Burning Man on the other...

Who knows where Nikki's husband fits in...or HRG and his cronies.

I think that if HRG is not revealed as being Linderman or a cohort he's going to be labeled as being one of the good guys. As for DL(I'm sorry that's just a funny name), I think he's a good guy but he'll more than likely be killed off sooner or later.

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I'm lost...

The bomb that goes off on November 8th in NYC, per Hiro's futurecast, is likely set off by Nuclear man, or his power, that we saw in last nights episode. Since he is nuclear and all...

Having said that, it is basically now known that Peter takes on the power of the hero he is around, so it is possible that he is the one that blows up NY, perhaps both of them together could put off a few megatons.

And it is theorized that Sylar steals the power of hero's from taking their brain, and some say eating it. So if Sylar were to get this guys power, it would be concievable that he would blow up NY.

So that takes us full circle with Save the cheerleader, save the world.

If Sylar were to detonate that way, he wouldn't live. What's the point? However, if he has the cheerleaders power of regeneration, he wouldn't die. So if he can't get the cheerleaders power, he can't blow up the world.

Wow, I just figured it out. :cheers:

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Man, next week's episode looks like it's going to be garnered with plot twists and revelations! As for the heroes, I have this feeling that they're all actually the good guys. I still say that Niki's good, it's just that her alter-ego (Jessica) is the type of person where the end justify the means. I think eventually, this alter-ego and Niki are going to come to terms with each other, and will work together towards defeating Sylar or whatever.

Or I could be completely wrong and she just goes psycho on the others! :silly:

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I'm starting to wonder if Niki is one of the Heroes or one of the villains. I think she might be half and half. I have changed my opinion on HRG. I think he is one of the good guys. He just seems to be overly, protective of his daughter. I think he has known for a long time that she's special. It could be that he knows that if Sylar ever found where she's at, that he would be determined to transfer her power to him.

It looks to me like Radiation man might be the one that causes the nuke to go off in NYC on Nov. 8th. Maybe Sylar kills radiation Man and transfers that power to himself. Sylar needs the cheerleaders power to be able to withstand the nucular blast and that's why Hiro told Peter to... save the cheerleader, save the world

I'm lost...

That's Wednesday night. :D

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If Sylar were to detonate that way, he wouldn't live. What's the point? However, if he has the cheerleaders power of regeneration, he wouldn't die. So if he can't get the cheerleaders power, he can't blow up the world.

Wow, I just figured it out. :cheers:

The problem with that is that going off like a nuke should completely vaporize Sylar (or whoever).

There shouldn't be anything left to regenerate.

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The problem with that is that going off like a nuke should completely vaporize Sylar (or whoever).

There shouldn't be anything left to regenerate.

And keep in mind, Claire stayed dead when she fell on that stick until the woman doing the autopsy removed it.

Although to this point, that explanation does seem to make more sense than any of the others.

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I am severely addicted to this show. It is now my second favorite show just behind Battlestar Galactica and in front of Lost. It's nice to see a superhero story on film that actually shows the characters learning about their powers and BECOMING heroes or villains. This show is basically a comic book series put on TV, with all the character development that those of us who enjoy(ed) comics have all loved.

Hopefully it has a good run of 4-5 years with good writing.

Oh...I forgot about 24....I guess Heroes may have to settle for a 2nd place tie....Jack Bauer kicks a$S!!.

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