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I'm posting now at commercial, so I'm not reading any current posts to avoid spoilers, and its been a long time sicne I've even read the thread...but just a few minutes ago I recognozed that this is following some main themes in Dean Koontz's book "Strangers". I'll check after the show and see if anyone else thought this (probably many).

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Muskrat, you have good taste. Those are my Top 3 as well.

Jumbo, care to elaborate? All I know of Koontz are those dreadful "Watcher" movies.

There was another odd continuity/script error last night.

When Firestorm the Nuclear Man is talking to the Psychic cop, they relate their experiences about recent lost time. However, they're actually talking about two different things. Nuke Boy relates how he passed out in a bar and then woke up two weeks later in AZ with his strange powers. The cop then relates his story about getting slipped a mickey in the bar, but that incident WAS AFTER HIS POWERS HAD ALREADY MANIFESTED. In any earlier episode, his wife alludes to his being MIA for nearly two weeks. Either he is mixing up the 2 occurences or his wife is. WhenHRG and "The Haitian" captured him, that was NOT to give him the powers in the first place, which seems to be the conclusion they are both jumping to.

I didn't explain that very well, but did anyone else wonder about this?

It's like last week when Nathan told Peter Linderman wouldn't give up the painting, when the phone conversation clearly implied otherwise.

Great episode last night though...excellent "Shining" ending. The girl's death was pretty chilling too. Very Hitch****ian. Almost scarier with what you didn't see.

How did Sylar not know Hiro was a Hero too? Or did he just not care?

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At first I thought Sylar was the hatian but now it seems that is not the case. Who is the Hatian and why is he working with the cheerleaders father. Is he trying to find Sylar and the Haitian can read/erase minds? Or is the Haitian able to make people's ability stronger?

I think I need to find a real Hero's website with the geeky guys who spend all day researching and theorizing this stuff. But if anyone else knows please post.

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I didn't explain that very well, but did anyone else wonder about this?

How did Sylar not know Hiro was a Hero too? Or did he just not care?

I was wondering about that too! I think the cop was remembering wrongly...or the writers just got lazy. :silly:

I think Sylar knew that Hiro was talented...that's why he waited for Hiro to go to the bathroom before he acted.

Any chance that one of the Petrelli's is Sylar?

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I was wondering about that too! I think the cop was remembering wrongly...or the writers just got lazy. :silly:

I think Sylar knew that Hiro was talented...that's why he waited for Hiro to go to the bathroom before he acted.

Any chance that one of the Petrelli's is Sylar?

I don't think Sylar knew that Hiro was a hero.

I think there is a theory that Nathan or Peter Petrelli could be Sylar, but I dont buy it.

I'm more curious about the young Indian (I'm assuming) kid and why he keeps popping up in Mohinder's dreams.

He also found that file at the end of the show with the kid's picture in it and I swear it said "S. Ilar" Or something like that on the file. Anyone else notice that?

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I'm not sure about the Cheerleader's father. I can't figure out if he's friend or foe to the heroes.

He has a dark mysteriousness to him that just matches well to the classic case of personal conflict in comics like dad vs son/daughter...or a villian heping heroes for something of his own interest. Such as...him helping heroes save his daughter, just to go back to the villainous side of things. Similar to Magneto helping the Xmen to protect the mutant race...and then turning back to a villain.

Also, what are the markings. Are the two slashes on the neck different from the half helix that the psycho-dual-personality woman has?... Or are there some super heroes that were given the gift versus some who have it naturally?

I've never done this before...but I am pretty sure I'll buy the DVD set of this season when it is out. Wonderful show.

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He also found that file at the end of the show with the kid's picture in it and I swear it said "S. Ilar" Or something like that on the file. Anyone else notice that?

Sanjog, Iyler was name on the file

I think the the dad is really neither good or bad, he's just working for gov't or 3rd party reasearching these people. Kind of like Xmen, you have 3 sides.. good, bad, and humans...

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I love this show! I thought it was the best episode of the season.

I'm still wondering whether HRG is a bad guy or a good guy. I think he is really sincere about his love for his daughter.

I am wondering why Sylar wanted the waitress' power. It doesn't seem like a really important power. The only thing I can think of, is that there is so many Heroes popping up that he needs her power to remember where they are all at. I liked her character and hope Hiro is able to save her. I think she is the one that teaches Hiro how to speak english. I was so happy that the show finally showed what it looks like to others, when Hiro teleports thru time.

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. I liked her character and hope Hiro is able to save her. I think she is the one that teaches Hiro how to speak english. I was so happy that the show finally showed what it looks like to others, when Hiro teleports thru time.

Things always get dicey in movies/shows when people start traveling through time. For example, if Hiro decided that he was going to alter her life, shouldn't his friend have been transformed into a completely different circumstance the moment Hiro left, considering that Hiro just altered the course of the time?

It was like the episodes of Quantum Leap where Sam instinctively knows what is supposed to happen in history and guides these people towards what he knows is supposed to happen, despite the fact that if he KNEW what happened, then it didn't need altering in the first place because it already actually happened.

(BTW- Quantum Leap > Heroes or any other modern show loL)

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At first I thought Sylar was the hatian but now it seems that is not the case. Who is the Hatian and why is he working with the cheerleaders father. Is he trying to find Sylar and the Haitian can read/erase minds? Or is the Haitian able to make people's ability stronger?

I think I need to find a real Hero's website with the geeky guys who spend all day researching and theorizing this stuff. But if anyone else knows please post.

Sylar and the Haitian are definately different people. The Haitian works for Claire's father. It seems like his ability is wiping people's minds. Sylar is the guy who never shows his face (not yet anyway) He wears a trenchcoat and his ability seems to be telekenesis. I dont think we are really suppose to know Mr. Bennett/ Haitian guy/ Eden's real objective, but it seems at this point they are just monitoring the "heroes" in order to try to save Claire.

By the way you can tell for sure that Sylar is a different character because if you go to IMDB they have listed who plays him. And its very interesting...

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By the way you can tell for sure that Sylar is a different character because if you go to IMDB they have listed who plays him. And its very interesting...

Lmao. As many times as I've checked out that listing on IMDB I never picked that up.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor"


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By the way you can tell for sure that Sylar is a different character because if you go to IMDB they have listed who plays him. And its very interesting...

If you mean Sean Bean that's wrong. A post on IMDB has already admitted to submitting that information to stop the "who is Sylar?" talk. Zachary Quinto was credited as playing Sylar in this last episode but I still believe it's going to turn out to be Peter.

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Things always get dicey in movies/shows when people start traveling through time. For example, if Hiro decided that he was going to alter her life, shouldn't his friend have been transformed into a completely different circumstance the moment Hiro left, considering that Hiro just altered the course of the time?

It was like the episodes of Quantum Leap where Sam instinctively knows what is supposed to happen in history and guides these people towards what he knows is supposed to happen, despite the fact that if he KNEW what happened, then it didn't need altering in the first place because it already actually happened.

(BTW- Quantum Leap > Heroes or any other modern show loL)

Quatum Leap.. now that was a great show...

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George Takei (Sulu) will play time-traveler Hiro's father on NBC's hit series Heroes.

E! Online has reported that Takei will play the father of Hiro Nakamura, the young Japanese Star Trek fan who can move through time and space using only his will.

"This is absolutely brilliant," said Masi Oka, who plays the enthusiastic young time traveler bent on saving the world. "Hiro's father is this big honcho who shows up in America with his bodyguard. He has this whole elaborate scheme to...take him back to Japan."

"I just hope I get to say, 'Dad! Sulu is my hero, not you!'" added Oka. "The sci-fi fans would love it!"

Last Monday, E! Online's Kristin Veitch said that a face familiar to genre fans would be joining Heroes, where the ninth Doctor Who, Christopher Eccleston, will be be joining the cast as well.

The 69-year-old Takei will first appear in the January 29th cliffhanger episode.

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