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Sylar has shown to possess several powers. They cannot all be attributed to telekinesis. He clearly displayed a healing factor when shot by Matt. He clearly displayed super strength when he punched out the back window of Chandra's cab and a healing factor which would explain why his hand wasn't cut up. He has also shown flight and cryokinesis. I applaud people for trying to say all that was tk, but it is unrealistic. And, since Peter is the only one who has shown that he can possess multiple powers ...

I found it intresting how Sylar used the lockers to keep Peter away from him. I was hoping he'd get close and be able to reveal Sylar's power.

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I love this show and this episode.

I am, now, pretty sure that HRG is one of the good guys. Did you see how easily Eden subdued Sylar? I don't think she is as good as she is pretending to be. I think she's with Sylar. I think there is somebody higher up than Sylar. I think He's only a henchman for somebody much more powerful. Maybe Nathan?

I loved the scene when Claire punched Jackie. I've been waiting to see that for a while.

I am really getting to like Peter's character. He showed a lot of guts and determination with trying to save the cheerleader. Even with the possibility that he might get killed. I was sad to see him get blamed for Jackie's death. Hopefully, Claire comes to his rescue. I know she is going to want to know, if he knows, how they are able to do what they do.

So, now Niki is the one that is stuck in the mirror. How did Micah know that Jessica was the name of his Mom's alter ego? That kid knows a lot more about what's going on than he's letting on. IMO, D.L., isn't the bad guy, and still loves Niki, but how is he going to convince Jessica of that? She is determined to kill him. Hopefully she didn't succeed with the sniper rifle.

Next weeks episode looks AWESOME!!!

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I love this show and this episode.

I am, now, pretty sure that HRG is one of the good guys. Did you see how easily Eden subdued Sylar? I don't think she is as good as she is pretending to be. I think she's with Sylar. I think there is somebody higher up than Sylar. I think He's only a henchman for somebody much more powerful. Maybe Nathan?

I loved the scene when Claire punched Jackie. I've been waiting to see that for a while.

I am really getting to like Peter's character. He showed a lot of guts and determination with trying to save the cheerleader. Even with the possibility that he might get killed. I was sad to see him get blamed for Jackie's death. Hopefully, Claire comes to his rescue. I know she is going to want to know, if he knows, how they are able to do what they do.

So, now Niki is the one that is stuck in the mirror. How did Micah know that Jessica was the name of his Mom's alter ego? That kid knows a lot more about what's going on than he's letting on. IMO, D.L., isn't the bad guy, and still loves Niki, but how is he going to convince Jessica of that? She is determined to kill him. Hopefully she didn't succeed with the sniper rifle.

Next weeks episode looks AWESOME!!!

damn it? when the hell did all that happen? i missed the last i-don't-know-how-many-minutes of the show and it was appearantly the most important. what happened with clair and jackie in the lockerroom and the shadow came? that's where i left.

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damn it? when the hell did all that happen? i missed the last i-don't-know-how-many-minutes of the show and it was appearantly the most important. what happened with clair and jackie in the lockerroom and the shadow came? that's where i left.

Jackie got her head sliced open since Sylar thought it was Claire.

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Here's the theory in a bit more detail:

1. Peter and Niki meet

2. Peter absorbs Niki's power and it turns Peter evil (the evil alter ego inside him takes control for one reason or another; my guess is it has something to do with losing Simone, like she may want to go back to Isaac or something)

3. A battle probably ensues in which Evil Peter most likely gets his a#$ kicked quite thoroughly, however he absorbs atleast the following people's powers: Hiro, Claire, Nathan

4. Evil Peter travels back in time with Hiro's power to steal powers from as many superpowered people as he can before they learn to use them properly or band together to defend themselves. His ultimate goal is to: A) get revenge on the heroes that kicked his a#$ in the future, which is why he waits so long to attack Claire ('cause he first had to upgrade his powers) and B) become the most powerful person on the planet so people cannot run all over him anymore (ie. atleast Nathan, Simone, and Isaac would've contributed to this mentality)

5. Evil Peter kills a man named Sylar who has the power of shapeshifting

6. Evil Peter steals this man's identity and appearance, through the shapeshifting power, to use to befriend Chandra

7. Evil Peter volunteers for Chandra's experiments to allow Chandra to complete his research

8. Evil Peter then steals Chandra's research and kills him so he now has possession of the locations of all the superpowered individuals

9. Evil Peter teleports around the country absorbing powers and then killing his victims

10. The heroes will eventually take Evil Peter out and the event with Niki and Peter meeting will be prevented, thus allowing Peter to continue being a character for future seasons. I am basing this off the time travel theory where if someone goes back in time then they are immune to the effects of a changing future. If the show uses that whole 'impossible to kill your father in the past' version of time travel then the Evil Peter/Sylar theory wouldn't work, obviously. The Niki/Peter event can be prevented by HRG teaching Niki/Peter how to use her/his power better so that the alter ego doesn't control her/him if s/he doesn't want it to.

Sylar has shown to possess several powers. They cannot all be attributed to telekinesis. He clearly displayed a healing factor when shot by Matt. He clearly displayed super strength when he punched out the back window of Chandra's cab and a healing factor which would explain why his hand wasn't cut up. He has also shown flight and cryokinesis. I applaud people for trying to say all that was tk, but it is unrealistic. And, since Peter is the only one who has shown that he can possess multiple powers ...

Obviously, for this theory to be accurate, it would have to be explained why Peter can now keep the powers he mimics. It can either be explained by him learning to control his ability better or it could have something to do with why he steals the brains.

That doesn't sound half-bad, actually. There are some holes to be sure, but that's pretty interesting stuff, and would certainly advance the story and characters.

BTW, when does Sylar demonstrate cryokinesis?

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That doesn't sound half-bad, actually. There are some holes to be sure, but that's pretty interesting stuff, and would certainly advance the story and characters.

BTW, when does Sylar demonstrate cryokinesis?

Remember the frozen corpse and swimming pool from episode 2 I think?

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This was a great episode. I'm guesing that DL bites it, since we saw Nikki pull the trigger, but that might be too easy, or just a gimmick to get us to come back and watch.

What if Nikki kills her son instead????

I am thinking he sees her.. and uses his ability to have bullet pass through him.

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Yeah I know, thats why it would work, we'd expect him to let the bullet pass. Having the kid jump out and take the bullet would be a good twist, in that he wouldn't know his dad could survive it.

Then there's Issac, he's pretty useless with Hiro around. I mean he could be killed off and TPTB could write Hiro for any future tense the show needs.

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This was a great episode. I'm guesing that DL bites it, since we saw Nikki pull the trigger, but that might be too easy, or just a gimmick to get us to come back and watch.

What if Nikki kills her son instead????

that is totally the massive twist this show loves, like the other guy says at the last second dl phases and the bullet goes through him and hits the boy. Thats an awesome twist, they told us who and the kids the least obvious.

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Yeah I know, thats why it would work, we'd expect him to let the bullet pass. Having the kid jump out and take the bullet would be a good twist, in that he wouldn't know his dad could survive it.

Then there's Issac, he's pretty useless with Hiro around. I mean he could be killed off and TPTB could write Hiro for any future tense the show needs.

If I was Hiro your post would be behind mine :(

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Actually, I have another theory on the hero that bites the dust. Not as interesting as the others, but I figure that the cop (can't remember his name) will off himself. They show someone loading a gun, and he has a lot going against him (wife cheating, can't control what he hears, etc). Maybe the pressure becomes too much and he kills himself? A strange theory, admittedly, and just a hunch. The Micah theory sounds a lot more plausible though, and sets up a continuing storyline between DL and Nikki/Jessica.

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seriously, they can blame each other for his death

Not only each other, but it would do the same for the internal Nikki/Jessica struggle. Lots of direction to go, I'd just be surprised to see them off the kid this early, especially since his power hasn't really been made clear - though I guess that's the point.

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The nerd in me was a little disappointed last night

Disapppointed that Sylar was just some dude that no one had met before this. I guess the future Petrelli thing would have been too much for some to follow

And disappointed that Hiro couldn't save the girl. His future self came back and gave Peter a hint as to how to make things proceed. I guess maybe his powers aren't that developed yet

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Ok my question is Sylar apparantly had no powers when he was talking with Suresh Chandra and then after he got the name of another hero and saw his power he killed him. He said he knew how to fix him? How did he obtain the dead guy's power?

By eating his brain. His remark on spiders eating their own alluded to that.

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Sylar's power is that he sees abnormalities and is really good at fixing things. Clearly, hearing a watch and knowing just from the second hand tick from several feet away that it is two seconds off indicates some kind of power. He then, rebuilds things based on how they should be in his mind.

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