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The Figure Four - ALL Things ECW-WWF-NJPW-TNA-ROH-AEW


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Just to recap. RAW IS JERICHO!


Even back in WCW, I thought he was the best.  Still do.


Anyway....I think the Euro-Divas should be in a faction with the Euro men. Paige, Becky, Shemus, Barrett. Who else? I like Layla. Think she's gone. She is British.


They are getting better with the whole faction thing. But its still not as good as DX 2.0 or the Nation.


As far as Snuka! Damn. I never heard that story before. Insane!

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For you Jericho fans, he's been added to the card for the October 3rd WWE Network live special from MSG. He'll be going up against Kevin Owens. That should be a stellar match, possibly the best of the entire card.


Jericho has really embraced the role of being the guy who comes in when the WWE doesn't want a guy to job but also doesn't want him to go over anyone important.

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I've noticed that. With Owens I've heard rumblings that the brass in charge doesn't see him as a main eventer. That's too bad. He may not have "the look" but he's super talented in the ring and over as hell with fans(especially for a heel). I was at RAW in Tampa Monday night. He got about as big a pop from the crowd as anyone when he entered. And I saw more KO shirts than any others.

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  • 2 weeks later...

At the risk of saying something dumb...

I think we may see a swerve Sunday...

Rollins is going to keep a belt and lose a belt... But he's going to keep the U.S. And lose the WWE to Sting.

Now, is a champion Sting the best thing for business? Probably not. But, it would cap Sting's wrestling career. The problem with that idea is the title run... Does it last months? Part time champ all Lesnar? Does he lose it the same night to Sheamus?

I'm tired of Rollins as champion. Sting may not be better but at least there's nostalgia.

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One idea for a swerve would be for Sting to Win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship with the Authoritys blessing. HHH could say that they decided it was best for  business that an icon and future hall of famer as the champion. They could say that when Rollins kept talking about statues and being the best ever that he was being delusional. 


Sting could then have his title match against Cena the franchise of the WWE against Sting the franchise of WCW.. Other posible matches would be against Rollins in a remtch or against Shemus.  

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My guess: Sting wins the title when Roman Raines interferes. Shaemus immediately cashes in his Money in the Bank and beats Sting.

Cena wins back the US title and Rollins and the authority goes back to square one.

My guess for Raines/Ambrose partner: The Rock. He's been making guest appearances here and there.

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I've heard Kane mentioned as the 3rd guy. Which is dumb. So I can totally see them doing it.

Also a title win by Sting would make him the oldest WWE World Champ ever. Even older then that time win Vince put the belt on himself. So many don't see that happening either.

Seems they've been steering Seth away from being the chicken**** heel & slowly building him into a more dominant heel. Only way I see Sting winning the strap is if Stupid Looking Shemus cashes in & wins. Then Rollins invokes his rematch clause.

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How about this. :)

Sting wins clean over Rollins. Sheamus runs out to cash in, Flair smacks him in the face with a chair as runs through Gorilla, steals the briefcase, cashes in & beats Sting for the title & is now the 17 time World Champ. Which puts another win buffer between him & Cena. And then makes Flair the oldest World Champ.

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How about this. :)

Sting wins clean over Rollins. Sheamus runs out to cash in, Flair smacks him in the face with a chair as runs through Gorilla, steals the briefcase, cashes in & beats Sting for the title & is now the 17 time World Champ. Which puts another win buffer between him & Cena. And then makes Flair the oldest World Champ.

Whatever you're smoking, keep smoking it because you're funny. lol
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And then Hulk Hogan comes out, buries him, calls everybody the N word and walks out with the belt to the sounds of Rick derringer playing in the background.

Only to get package power bombed on the ring apron by Kevin Owens.

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The paint probably helps hide how old he is.

But the Stinger Splash now where he gets a 6 inch vertical brings it all into focus.


I actually thought he was older than that.


I remember him in The Blade Runners 30+ years ago.


Gallen thinks he's just entering his prime.

Edited by Lombardi's_kid_brother
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