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Not sure but in the Congrats to the Packers thread they are arguing about Aaron Rodgers being gay.   ES keeping it classy.


Personally, I could care less if A-Rod is gay or not, but I do remember reading some article a year or so ago that speculated he was gay and in a relationship with his ex personal assistant/roommate.  


What I don't like is starting a Congrats to the Packers thread on our boards right after they knocked us out of the playoffs, **** that ****.  Go do that with their fans on a Packers forum board if you want to.  I don't hate the Packers, I don't have any reason to other than just getting beat by them, which is not long term hate.

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There needs to be a way coaches can call timeouts and get them recognized when events like last night occurred when Jay was trying to get the TO called cause he knew there were too many players on the field and the Packers would get a free play.


I don't blame the officials, when a team is doing a hurry up pace, they have to run to get in their positions for the play to be able to make calls.  But it's 2016, there is zero reason something better isn't in place than the coach having to run after an official screaming and doing the TO signal with his hands.


It doesn't even have to be anything more than they get a TO flag, say a blue or white flag just for TOs.  If they can't get the officials attention they just throw it on the field like they do the challenge flags before the next play starts.  The replay booth can confirm the coach tossed it prior to the snap and signal that down to the head official.


I'm not blaming that play and saying it cost us the game, because it didn't.  It's one of those things that can be improved on though, imo.  

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There needs to be a way coaches can call timeouts and get them recognized when events like last night occurred when Jay was trying to get the TO called cause he knew there were too many players on the field and the Packers would get a free play.


I don't blame the officials, when a team is doing a hurry up pace, they have to run to get in their positions for the play to be able to make calls.  But it's 2016, there is zero reason something better isn't in place than the coach having to run after an official screaming and doing the TO signal with his hands.


It doesn't even have to be anything more than they get a TO flag, say a blue or white flag just for TOs.  If they can't get the officials attention they just throw it on the field like they do the challenge flags before the next play starts.  The replay booth can confirm the coach tossed it prior to the snap and signal that down to the head official.


I'm not blaming that play and saying it cost us the game, because it didn't.  It's one of those things that can be improved on though, imo.  


Outstanding post and idea. Although I suspect the feedback would be that coaches have both a red and blue flag to throw and might get confused.


Which is bull****. 


That said, it's not anyone's (other than the Skins) fault that the Skins kept running substitutions in at the last second of pre-snaps. Bravo to Rodgers and his offense for being able to catch teams week in and week out. 





Working on pre-qual letter for a new home loan (to go home shopping) and I realize that they need a **** load of info that really should be made electronic from all major employers these days (pay stubs, w-2's, etc.). 


At least I know we can qualify (and afford) the Bay Area homes we have been looking at so far. Speaking of which, anybody have a good recommendation (outside of contacting an agent) on ways to look at homes online? We've been using realtor and zillow mostly so far.



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Outstanding post and idea. Although I suspect the feedback would be that coaches have both a red and blue flag to throw and might get confused.


Which is bull****. 


That said, it's not anyone's (other than the Skins) fault that the Skins kept running substitutions in at the last second of pre-snaps. Bravo to Rodgers and his offense for being able to catch teams week in and week out. 


It's completely on the staff for thinking they can sub in, no doubt.  Props to ARod for doing what a vet QB does and exploit that.  Another thought I had instead of the flags, was allow communication from the booth to the replay booth, specifically only for TOs.  


The coaching staff on the sidelines is in constant communication with the staff in the booth.  This happens, head coach can tell whomever is in charge of that to call a TO, they can then signal the replay booth and they can relay it down to the head official, something like, "Washington is calling a TO now before the snap."


Even if the ball is snapped, they would have official word from the booth that a TO was called prior to the snap.  I just see little things like this during games and it baffles me that it hasn't been improved on, when it would be so easy to do so.  

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Personally, I could care less if A-Rod is gay or not, but I do remember reading some article a year or so ago that speculated he was gay and in a relationship with his ex personal assistant/roommate.  


What I don't like is starting a Congrats to the Packers thread on our boards right after they knocked us out of the playoffs, **** that ****.  Go do that with their fans on a Packers forum board if you want to.  I don't hate the Packers, I don't have any reason to other than just getting beat by them, which is not long term hate.


I can't say I mind it too bad. I stayed in the stadium (The real one) last night until the final whistle and shook a few Packer fans hands and wished them good luck next week. They beat us outright. I don't think we should be starting any fan clubs or anything. But I don't see an issue with a "Good game, go get em next week". Personally, I'm rooting for them to go all the way. Takes a bit of sting out, to me anyway, to have been beat by the eventual champ and not a one win and done team.

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Where my Shameless fans at?!  Season premiere last night was awesome.



We preferred Trulia over Zillow when we were hunting.  Redfin ain't bad either.  


I do appreciate how easy it is to look up the purchasing history of just about any house now a days.

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I can't say I mind it too bad. I stayed in the stadium (The real one) last night until the final whistle and shook a few Packer fans hands and wished them good luck next week. They beat us outright. I don't think we should be starting any fan clubs or anything. But I don't see an issue with a "Good game, go get em next week". Personally, I'm rooting for them to go all the way. Takes a bit of sting out, to me anyway, to have been beat by the eventual champ and not a one win and done team.


Being at the game, or out watching it say at a bar or with friends that are Packer fans, sure.  I'd be like congrats and good luck next week in Zona too.  I have no problem with that as most Packer fans are generally cool people, at least all the ones I've met or know personally.


But on a Redskins forum board, immediately after the loss......take that **** elsewhere, imo.  Sportsmanship between players and fans interacting is one thing.  


Starting a congrats thread to another team immediately after they gave you a second half ass whipping though, when there is only one Packer fan I know of that posts on the boards regularly (PokerPacker) is an overkill.  Talking to him directly, like we do almost daily, sure.



I'm already over the defeat, not even angry.  Disappointed, sure.  But happy because we are headed in the right direction.  We have a franchise QB while we continue to draft and build the team.  

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Chew -  it's a hell of a lot easier than 12 years ago when we bought our first house. I know now also what to look for since we were first time buyers last time.


hech yeah it is.  I couldn't imagine buying a house without the interwebs LOL.  Having been through the process before definitely helps as well.  


As stressful as buying a house can be, I also found it to be really fun.

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I'm looking forward to it (although not the selling of the current house or the move). That said, I hate that I'm losing my wife M-F until we can get a new house. At least we don't have any of those non-furry kids to take care of.


Plus..did I mention that we have to get our current house in a condition to sell at a decent price (and even that will only be 15-25k over what we paid for it in 2004)? Fun times. Maybe I should find a realtor and get their opinion on what needs to be replaced. 


At least we have some equity (about 150k or so) that will eventually either cover the new down payment or repay ourselves for covering the new down payment. Can't imagine the housing market being in the toilet and making this move. 

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hech yeah it is.  I couldn't imagine buying a house without the interwebs LOL.  Having been through the process before definitely helps as well.  


As stressful as buying a house can be, I also found it to be really fun.

I can't imagine doing anything without the interwebs. Like how did people live before c.1995? Did they know anything other than what they studied in school? In truth though, my dad got us a modem in the mid 80s (and we weren't even living in this country) and I remember being on some rudimentary bulletin boards. Even then I quickly learned it was a good place to find "photos" of chicks like Elle Macpherson. No, Doc has no idea who that is or what a modem is or a monochromatic display is. 


I was alive before then, but not really sure how. 

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I think I read online somewhere that folks used to get their information from these solid hunks of leather filled with paper with a bunch of ink on them. Apparently you couldn't even download updates and had to buy new ones every time the information changed. They didn't even have backlighting. I also heard that in order to watch a movie or tv show you apparently had to actually be at your TV at the time it was being aired or you couldn't see it.

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