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January 2nd is on a Saturday though?


Yeah....whaddya mean?  shouldn't conflict with the skins at all, though I'm sure there is a Saturday night game again this week.  I'll probably DVR it just so I can fast forward to that moment after Morris sealed it with that 40 yard TD.  I remember NBC did NOT go to commercial, instead they panned around Fedex for a solid minute while 90,000 people sang HTTR.  Tears, man.  Niagara Falls.  Duck Fallas.

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Lol How will they re-air it on Wednesday 1/2 if there is no Wednesday 1/2?

Lol I'm very curious because I want to watch. I was at that game. It was amazing. One of the best sports memories of my entire life.


oooohhhhh, that's what you meant LOL.  

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Going to be a boring three days.  Wife dropped off Tazette at my parents this morning on her way to the mountains for a me-cation.  Won't be home until Thursday afternoon.  I have to work, but after 5:30 it's going to be boring as ****.


It's a well deserved get away for the wife, she works her ass off at her job along with parental duties.  She likes to chill out by herself, with nobody around to get away from everything.  I'm the opposite, I would go nuts if I took a vacation by myself.  


I like being able to take the day off and nobody be at home and get to chill and watch movies/tv until school gets out.  Or those Saturdays where the wife might take Tazette to see her mom or grandmother, shopping, etc.  But once it hits around 6-7pm, I start missing the chaos.

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Going to be a boring three days.  Wife dropped off Tazette at my parents this morning on her way to the mountains for a me-cation.  Won't be home until Thursday afternoon.  I have to work, but after 5:30 it's going to be boring as ****.


It's a well deserved get away for the wife, she works her ass off at her job along with parental duties.  She likes to chill out by herself, with nobody around to get away from everything.  I'm the opposite, I would go nuts if I took a vacation by myself.  


I like being able to take the day off and nobody be at home and get to chill and watch movies/tv until school gets out.  Or those Saturdays where the wife might take Tazette to see her mom or grandmother, shopping, etc.  But once it hits around 6-7pm, I start missing the chaos.


I'm kinda in between on that. I do very well by myself. Sure, I'm a pretty social dude. But I learned how to be comfortable hanging out alone when I was in my late teens because my parents moved us to a small town about 50 miles away from where I grew up so I knew virtually no one. So I still love my alone time and try to take it where I can. Hell, since virtually none of my friends are UVa fans and my wife is not into sports at all, when I go down to CVille to go to games it's by myself. I have a tailgate group I meet down there for football games. But I travel down alone.


But in regards to the day to day, sure, I love the little gaps of alone time I get between me getting home and the wife getting home. Usually throw on some tunes and start cooking or taking care of household stuff. But when there's an unexpected gap where my wife is gone for the night or something, it throws me off majorly lol. I always get kinda excited, like "Yeah, I'm gonna get stuff done, then I'm gonna knock back a couple beers, play video games, etc..." but honestly, when I'm out of chores, and a little while into video games I eventually start to just wait until she gets home.

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I like being able to take the day off and nobody be at home and get to chill and watch movies/tv until school gets out.  Or those Saturdays where the wife might take Tazette to see her mom or grandmother, shopping, etc.  But once it hits around 6-7pm, I start missing the chaos.

I'm the same way too.  I enjoy watching movies and whatnot/doing my own thing when my wife takes the little one out w/ her girlfriends/family or something...


But I couldn't do a vacation alone. I enjoy going away with the fam... Business travel alone, though, no problem with that.  I'll go to a local spot and have dinner, usually sit at the bar, and have some social interaction. And/or catch some touristy type thing if time allows.

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Man, so I was sitting here, eating dinner, watching the Hornets game.  Needed to heat up my food more, walk into the kitchen, come back and out of nowhere a small bird flies out from behind my desk scaring the **** out of me lol.


So I have spent the past hour trying to get it out of my house.  Shut all the doors to the rooms upstairs and downstairs, in hopes of tossing a towel on it and releasing it outside.  Little guy was fast as **** and hell bent on making me run around.  It kept flying from the chandelier across to a picture hanging on the opposite wall.  


Back and forth at least 20-30 times.  It would run past me, fly past me, let me get extremely close then fly off.  Finally, I got it to go into the spare room with nothing in it.  Shut the door.  Called the wife to declare victory!  The plan was to go back up there, open the windows, take out the screens and let it fly out on its own.  


Wife immediately said, if it was that small it can crawl out under the door to the room.  I'm like, nah.  Still talking to her, I go upstairs and in front of the door back in the open, that little son of a gun was looking at me lol.  


After another 10 mins or so I said **** it and took a break.  Out of the blue I get up to grab a beer, it's sitting right in front of the front door.  Managed to get the door open and when I walked towards him slowly, he ran under that door and flew out into the night.

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