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Russell Wilson was Seattle's leading rusher today, they got shut down. And without that, Russell was unable to put it all together when the entire offense hinges on his arm....as usual. If we end matched up against them, this needs to be the week we sellout against the run, make Russell beat us with his arm, and sit Blackmon's ass on the bench. 

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I feel there's a blatant agenda against Carolina or Cam for "dancing" or "showboating" or "talking ****" or "being classless" 




Showboating is what DeSean Jackson does. Cam Newton just rips apart his shirt playfully and grins. And some people think he is "showing up the opposition" or "rubbing it in". So tired of the Cam and Panther hate. And I don't care much for the Panthers



Considering they called 3 penalties on the Falcons when they were up by 4, all three stopping the clock.....and basically giving the Panthers the ball back with a chance to tie and a min 30 sec left, I'd say no.  


If there were some hidden agenda, then why call those penalties and stop the clock for them?  Which would help the Panthers out.  They burned their last TO on the 1st and 15 after a 2 yard run.  Calling those penalties on the Falcons on 2nd and 3rd down stopped the clock and only 10 seconds or so ran off.  


Panthers had a horrible day.  Nothing more, nothing less.

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Of course Tony Dungy agrees with Belichick's decision to kick in overtime. Of ****ing course. And of course his headline of the day is Arizona stomping Green Bay. Because 13-2 Arizona is underrated and sneaky good (according to NOBODY). Just fire him already NBC. Please.

And Bob Costas is insufferable.

I like the Panthers.

I'll feel bad when the Redskins curb stomp that ass.

My philosophy: I hate anything and everything that isn't me and mines. I might root for somebody to lose but if it's not the Redskins I'm never going to root for anyone to win.

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Al Michaels: "Hail to the Redskins"

I think New York just wants Coughlin to retire. They are appreciative of the 2 Superbowls, and don't want to fire him out of respect, yet still really want to move on. They might convince him to resign, but I doubt it, and I hope he stays.

Who would've thought that Jay Gruden would ever have the best job security in the division?

By security

1. Jay

2. Garrett

3. Chip

4. Coughlin

2-4 are all at risk (though I think Garrett and Chip are almost definitely getting at least one more year)

The Eagles and Chip both ****ed up royally when he got GM duties. They're never going to know if he's a good coach because he sucks as a GM and on the flipside he's never going to be able to prove himself. If he was smart he'd relinquish GM duties. But his ego made him take it and his ego is going to make him keep it (all the way back to the NCAA)

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I'd say Garrett is 1 and Jay 2.  Jerry Jones is on his, 'I'm right mission" defending his head coach and QB.  And the fact they pretty much played the entire season without their starting QB along with their best player (Dez), his job is not in danger.  Not to mention, Romo was 3-1 as the starter this season.


Jay, even with ****ty play calling the majority of the season, he stuck by Kirk the entire time.  The cards fell into our favor this time, so his job is safe for now.  

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I'd say Garrett is 1 and Jay 2. Jerry Jones is on his, 'I'm right mission" defending his head coach and QB. And the fact they pretty much played the entire season without their starting QB along with their best player (Dez), his job is not in danger. Not to mention, romoSUCKS was 3-1 as the starter this season.

Jay, even with ****ty play calling the majority of the season, he stuck by Kirk the entire time. The cards fell into our favor this time, so his job is safe for now.

Eh I can imagine scenarios this year where Garrett gets fired. Can't say that about Jay.

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Didn't Holmgrem relinquish his GM duties in Seattle? I know someone did, think it was him. As far as I remember though, he wasn't forced into it. It was his choice, his decision. And yeah Chip the Blip doesn't seem like the kind of guy to willingly give up power.


I think they took the GM duties away from him after a few years.  But in doing so, they made it to the Super Bowl not long after.

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Eh I can imagine scenarios this year where Garrett gets fired. Can't say that about Jay.

You don't fire a head coach that took you to a 12-4 record the year before.  And you as GM/owner get rid of the league's leading rusher, the starting QB gets hurt and plays only 4 games and you are without one of the best WR in the league for almost half the season due to injury.  


Garrett is just as secure as Jay this year and probably more so looking long term, should the Cowboys be healthy next year and perform like they did in 2014.  

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I don't know why I get a chuckle out of the way some people cook. I think it is funny she appears to be afraid to touch the meat.

Gotta be able to handle the meat.

Lmao at Giants' Thomas getting ejected. Refs got put on notice. And of course Coughlin, the guy who didn't say a word to ODB during his meltdown, gets all red disputing it. I think the game has passed Coughlin by

Guy is like in his 70's and he's been their coach since I was like in 11th grade. Time to let go.

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I think they took the GM duties away from him after a few years. But in doing so, they made it to the Super Bowl not long after.

Yeah you're right. They asked him to and he willingly did so


No effin clue why Lurie thought Chip, a college coach, could succeed as HC/GM when so many high profile HOF and SB coaches couldn't over the years. Hell they had front row seats to our last FUBAR attempt (Shanahan) and the meh success of the one before (Gibbs). They ****ed up. Bad. And it's awesome.

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Yeah you're right. They asked him to and he willingly did so


No effin clue why Lurie thought Chip, a college coach, could succeed as HC/GM when so many high profile HOF and SB coaches couldn't over the years. Hell they had front row seats to our last FUBAR attempt (Shanahan) and the meh success of the one before (Gibbs). They ****ed up. Bad. And it's awesome.


I've never understood giving GM duties to any head coach.  It's just too much.  if they are doing just the head coaching job right, they have no life and no time to play GM.

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Aaaand apart from those miracle runs, they've largely been mediocre at best. Any other coach would have long been fired


Gibbs II, Shanny, now Gruden all took miracle runs really.  Gruden got the advantage of a horrible NFC East to make the run less miracle.

Just saying, it's hard to win a Super Bowl and they beat the Golden Child to win it.

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God I can't stand this fat white garbage dump of a woman I work with. Black sheep of the place. Everyone is so damn cool besides her. So pretentious and loud.

It's been raining HARD here for 48 hours straight. Localized flooding is insane. My phone popped out of my pocket when I was walking an energetic German Shepherd. Phone was laying in the yard for 45 minutes getting soaked. It's fine besides the speakers. Can't hear a damn thing on it.

Shoes and socks are soaked too. Shoes are in the dog dryer. Have an extra pair of socks. For now, I'm working barefoot. Dog dryer will have the shoes dry in about 15 minutes.

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