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I don't even know what swag is.


I was joking around there, but it is subjective in some ways,  in terms of what you call it (swag, debonaire, mojo, game, gravitas,), and when it is exhibited. I just call it confidence. Confidence in yourself and what you do. It can also convey a sense of style/fashion.

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Going back to spider bites, Fort Hood, dude in my unit got bit by a brown recluse. **** that ****.

Couple years later, post Army, living in Vegas. Share a room with a friend there. Mattress on the floor and a couch. Couch was mine. So after a year I was finally able to escape Vegas (seriously, never go for more than a few days, week tops. And make sure you have a solid exit plan. Otherwise you risk Vegas eating you alive.) and make my way back to the DMV. My friend stayed behind (sadly. I think he's back in LA now but he's never been the same) and after about a week I call him up to see what's cooking. Turns out he just got out of the hospital. Why? Black widow bit him in our room. After me got back they searched the room. Found 11 black widows underneath/inside the couch. So for a year I had been shacking it up with, literally, at least a dozen black widows. ****in a'.

About two years ago, back here, in Gainesville to be exact, me and my brother are visiting mom. Night time, my brother is out back, basement, underneath a deck, smoking. I'm out there with him, just shooting the ****. That's when we notice the biggest black widow I've ever seen, set up in her Web on the outside side of the sliding glass door to get in the house. For some reason, her Web looks filthy. Like someone dropped a handful of dirt/sand on it and she's too lazy to clean it or make a new Web. But whatever. So normally I don't kill spiders, especially outside, but this is my mom's house, I have little baby cousins that come visit and this is a black widow. Its gots to go. So I go and grab the bug spray. Give it a little spray to start and...that's when it happens. The dirt her Web was covered in? Yeah they were actually baby black widows and that spray got them moving now. No lie, maybe a thousand of them. My lit brother starts screaming like a girl, the black widows make a dash for it, including toward the open sliding door and I just go crazy with the bug spray. Probably put a new whole in the ozone layer right them and there because damn if I didn't use that entire bottle of bug spray. I think I got all of them though. Hopefully.

But yeah, I got a ton of spider stories. **** spiders. Period.

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Never heard of it. Downloaded to see how it worked.

I, myself, can get in some trouble with that app. I can imagine what somebody who doesn't care about hurting people's could do with that. Smh

That is a shady app man lol

That's some Law and Order SVU ****.  I remember an episode where there was a hook-up app on peoples cell phones and when someone complied, it would GPS map them together for a quickie.  


That's some crazy stuff though.

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I was joking around there, but it is subjective in some ways, in terms of what you call it (swag, debonaire, mojo, game, gravitas,), and when it is exhibited. I just call it confidence. Confidence in yourself and what you do. It can also convey a sense of style/fashion.

ah, that. I use to have that, but having 5 jobs and no off days has killed it.
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I was joking around there, but it is subjective in some ways,  in terms of what you call it (swag, debonaire, mojo, game, gravitas,), and when it is exhibited. I just call it confidence. Confidence in yourself and what you do. It can also convey a sense of style/fashion.

Gravitas is a weird word for that considering the standard meaning of the word.

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Gravitas is a weird word for that considering the standard meaning of the word.


Okay, Webster.  ;)

Yeah, at first I was about to say men could dog women, but then I thought about all the women who dogged their men. Like you said, women are just as bad. Lol


Tis true.


It is the mot confounding thing when you see assholes end up with good women, and good men end up with conniving women. Guess certain personalities kind of attract each other

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Wtf man....only two types of women on Tinder: freak sluts, or scorned chicks. Either way, a cove is a cove, ya dig?

Gotta be cold blooded out here in the streets if you're looking for that kind of action. Leave your FEELS at home.

I'm talking metro bathrooms, Belk dressing rooms, passenger side encounters. Gotta have thick skin if you wanna dabble in the hidden sex world.

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Wtf man....only two types of women on Tinder: freak sluts, or scorned chicks. Either way, a cove is a cove, ya dig?

Gotta be cold blooded out here in the streets if you're looking for that kind of action. Leave your FEELS at home.

I'm talking metro bathrooms, Belk dressing rooms, passenger side encounters. Gotta have thick skin if you wanna dabble in the hidden sex world.



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Going back to spider bites, Fort Hood, dude in my unit got bit by a brown recluse. **** that ****.

Couple years later, post Army, living in Vegas. Share a room with a friend there. Mattress on the floor and a couch. Couch was mine. So after a year I was finally able to escape Vegas (seriously, never go for more than a few days, week tops. And make sure you have a solid exit plan. Otherwise you risk Vegas eating you alive.) and make my way back to the DMV. My friend stayed behind (sadly. I think he's back in LA now but he's never been the same) and after about a week I call him up to see what's cooking. Turns out he just got out of the hospital. Why? Black widow bit him in our room. After me got back they searched the room. Found 11 black widows underneath/inside the couch. So for a year I had been shacking it up with, literally, at least a dozen black widows. ****in a'.

About two years ago, back here, in Gainesville to be exact, me and my brother are visiting mom. Night time, my brother is out back, basement, underneath a deck, smoking. I'm out there with him, just shooting the ****. That's when we notice the biggest black widow I've ever seen, set up in her Web on the outside side of the sliding glass door to get in the house. For some reason, her Web looks filthy. Like someone dropped a handful of dirt/sand on it and she's too lazy to clean it or make a new Web. But whatever. So normally I don't kill spiders, especially outside, but this is my mom's house, I have little baby cousins that come visit and this is a black widow. Its gots to go. So I go and grab the bug spray. Give it a little spray to start and...that's when it happens. The dirt her Web was covered in? Yeah they were actually baby black widows and that spray got them moving now. No lie, maybe a thousand of them. My lit brother starts screaming like a girl, the black widows make a dash for it, including toward the open sliding door and I just go crazy with the bug spray. Probably put a new whole in the ozone layer right them and there because damn if I didn't use that entire bottle of bug spray. I think I got all of them though. Hopefully.

But yeah, I got a ton of spider stories. **** spiders. Period.


Death to arachnids

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I have gained 10-15 lbs in the 7 months since I quit smoking.

I was just above 170 (with my sight set at 165) when I quit. Now I'm at 180-185 on any given day. It feels so much harder to lose weight now. I feel like I'm in better shape physically, playing better hockey. My waist size is close to the same but a little larger and a 36 is more comfortable than a 34 (which I'd prefer).

I've been starting on working out my upper body lately. Abs almost every day, bicep curls every other day, push ups every other day. Hockey has my lower body in pretty great shape so I don't really need to work that out.

It's rough though. I feel like my limited diet isn't cutting it anymore and only maintains my current weight. Cutting calories even more would suck.

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I have gained 10-15 lbs in the 7 months since I quit smoking.

I was just above 170 (with my sight set at 165) when I quit. Now I'm at 180-185 on any given day. It feels so much harder to lose weight now. I feel like I'm in better shape physically, playing better hockey. My waist size is close to the same but a little larger and a 36 is more comfortable than a 34 (which I'd prefer).

I've been starting on working out my upper body lately. Abs almost every day, bicep curls every other day, push ups every other day. Hockey has my lower body in pretty great shape so I don't really need to work that out.

It's rough though. I feel like my limited diet isn't cutting it anymore and only maintains my current weight. Cutting calories even more would suck.


Try more cardio/weights?

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There are different types of swag there is 3 basic levels of swag. You got da swag where u only got one pair of js swag and they only lime green and u got on blue basketball shorts and a collar shirt doe.

Then you got like swag where you jus be wit a Gucci bag but u taking your carry on luggage up in like a black trash bag with clothes in it doe.

Then you got the yoloswag kush drake 420 aye kill em drop it like it hot g unit in da club swag talking about eating mayo out da jar talking bout being a dwarf and fighting another dwarf on donkeys with bats swag talking bout still getting some even after u be looking like a hobbit battle took place doe

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I have gained 10-15 lbs in the 7 months since I quit smoking.

I was just above 170 (with my sight set at 165) when I quit. Now I'm at 180-185 on any given day. It feels so much harder to lose weight now. I feel like I'm in better shape physically, playing better hockey. My waist size is close to the same but a little larger and a 36 is more comfortable than a 34 (which I'd prefer).

I've been starting on working out my upper body lately. Abs almost every day, bicep curls every other day, push ups every other day. Hockey has my lower body in pretty great shape so I don't really need to work that out.

It's rough though. I feel like my limited diet isn't cutting it anymore and only maintains my current weight. Cutting calories even more would suck.

Not sure how old you are man, but wait until you hit your 30s, I started putting on weight like a freight train.  And just diet alone I could control it, but now, I eat less and still gain weight.  Be glad you are 185. Depending on how tall you are, its a healthy weight.

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There are different types of swag there is 3 basic levels of swag. You got da swag where u only got one pair of js swag and they only lime green and u got on blue basketball shorts and a collar shirt doe.

Then you got like swag where you jus be wit a Gucci bag but u taking your carry on luggage up in like a black trash bag with clothes in it doe.

Then you got the yoloswag kush drake 420 aye kill em drop it like it hot g unit in da club swag talking about eating mayo out da jar talking bout being a dwarf and fighting another dwarf on donkeys with bats swag talking bout still getting some even after u be looking like a hobbit battle took place doe


I am too white trash to understand this.

Can someone help me out?

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I have gained 10-15 lbs in the 7 months since I quit smoking.

I was just above 170 (with my sight set at 165) when I quit. Now I'm at 180-185 on any given day. It feels so much harder to lose weight now. I feel like I'm in better shape physically, playing better hockey. My waist size is close to the same but a little larger and a 36 is more comfortable than a 34 (which I'd prefer).

I've been starting on working out my upper body lately. Abs almost every day, bicep curls every other day, push ups every other day. Hockey has my lower body in pretty great shape so I don't really need to work that out.

It's rough though. I feel like my limited diet isn't cutting it anymore and only maintains my current weight. Cutting calories even more would suck.

Gotta cut more calories. 

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