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Not sure how old you are man, but wait until you hit your 30s, I started putting on weight like a freight train.  And just diet alone I could control it, but now, I eat less and still gain weight.  Be glad you are 185. Depending on how tall you are, its a healthy weight.

32 and about 5'10".

Gotta cut more calories.

Not the answer I wanted to hear. I know it's probably the truth though.

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I have gained 10-15 lbs in the 7 months since I quit smoking.

We're quitting too, both of us...SnyderShrugged suggested a book, and I bought it, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr (I got the women's version...I haven't gotten to the weight-gain part yet, and I've noticed my jeans are a tad tighter, LOL.) We got e-cigs, they will keep you from wanting to kill someone or pull your hair out. Oodles of flavors out there, and you can pick your nicotine level (we use the lightest, 12 mg).

Of everything I've "quit" over the years, this is by far the hardest. No doubt about it!

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We're quitting too, both of us...SnyderShrugged suggested a book, and I bought it, "The Easy Way to Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr (I got the women's version...I haven't gotten to the weight-gain part yet, and I've noticed my jeans are a tad tighter, LOL.) We got e-cigs, they will keep you from wanting to kill someone or pull your hair out. Oodles of flavors out there, and you can pick your nicotine level (we use the lightest, 12 mg).

Of everything I've "quit" over the years, this is by far the hardest. No doubt about it!

For me it wasn't as hard as I expected. I was probably more of a dick than I should have been but I didn't have huge cravings for cigs.

Any time I'd think about it I would just tell myself that it would pass in 5 minutes and it would. Cravings are short lived. At least for me.

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You just reminded me of my NC granma's cookin', dammit...I can still smell her kitchen. Laawwwdyy...

Oh Mary....stop it! Im,so hungry.

I didn't much care for columbia, south Carolina when I lived there for two years, but MY GOD do they know how to eat.

Every Sunday we'd go to her grandma's house. Marinated turkey wings, mac and cheese, collard greens, scratch biscuits, green beans, scratch cornbread....lawd have mercy on my cholesterol.

The hype is real about the deep south, they throw down. I swear on my life that folks aint had no real macaroni and cheese until they been to the south

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I hear ya! Big giant clumps of cheese, a little burned on the top (like the biscuits, mmmmm)...and don't forget the potato salad...OK, now my stomach's making noise...LOL

Geez Louise....we're on the same wavelength lol

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For peeps in school, how did yall decide what to major in?

I went to school intending to major in engineering.  My dad and brother are both engineers and I was pretty sure I was going to be too.  Ended up changing to a double major in history and anthropology and now I'm teaching middle school math and science.  You never know where you'll end up.


Do you have any kind of inkling what kind of field you hope to get into?


Finished boot camp at 185 in 2001.

Now I'm 220. :(

I'm a big dude with broad shoulders so I can hide the gut, but man I need to drop 15 lbs

I feel the same way but in miniature.


I'm 5'6".  When I was playing football and rowing in high school I was 140 to 145, full of muscle.  After college I eventually got up to 195.  I started eating better and now I'm down to about 165.  To work off that last 10-15 pounds is going to take dedicated exercise.  People think I'm in shape, but that's just because I have a broad-shouldered, stocky build and don't wear tight clothes.


Edit: And for an actual random thought:

There is a sugar snap pea on one of our plants.  It's just chillin' and growin'.  Woohoo!  Success!

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Geez Louise....we're on the same wavelength lol

Yep...I just told hubby we're goin' to the soul food place for lunch :lol:probably won't need dinner ;)


edit:  if I'm gonna say that in true southern style, the first part would be dinner, and the second would be supper, right? :lol:

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Yep...I just told hubby we're goin' to the soul food place for lunch :lol:probably won't need dinner ;)


edit:  if I'm gonna say that in true southern style, the first part would be dinner, and the second would be supper, right? :lol:

That is correct!  I work from home now, and y'all just made me miss working at the office because there was a soul food restaurant less than a mile from it, I used to tear that **** up on lunch breaks (or dinner breaks :D).  Now I want fried chicken, mac n cheese, taters, cornbread and blackeyed peas.........and I haven't eaten lunch yet........thanks you two!

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I went to school intending to major in engineering. My dad and brother are both engineers and I was pretty sure I was going to be too. Ended up changing to a double major in history and anthropology and now I'm teaching middle school math and science. You never know where you'll end up.

Do you have any kind of inkling what kind of field you hope to get into?

I don't know what field. I was physics but quarter kicked my ass, switched to chemical engineering. It is going okay so far, but I'm worried about fall quarter. I do know it has to be a science related field. Right now programming has me interested, but I can't afford to keep switching majors.

32 and about 5'10".

Not the answer I wanted to hear. I know it's probably the truth though.

Do more compound work outs, like squats, deadlifts, and bench. I know you say legs get a pretty good workout, but squatting 2x a week should be doable.
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I don't know what field. I was physics but quarter kicked my ass, switched to chemical engineering. It is going okay so far, but I'm worried about fall quarter. I do know it has to be a science related field. Right now programming has me interested, but I can't afford to keep switching majors.

Stick with it man.  I was going to be a Civil Engineer, then changed my mind before I transferred to UNCC, ended up going Mechanical Engineering.  Got my BSME, couldn't find a job, continued working in retail for 4-5 more years, ended up getting hired on at a healthcare consulting firm, been there for 12 years and counting and love it.


A lot of places just want someone to have a 4 year degree, related to the field most of the time, but a lot of companies don't care because it shows discipline and the ability to learn/think.  They can train you on what you need to know.  


I can say that I never in a million years thought I'd be working in that industry.  Sometimes I think that I should have stayed with Civil Engineering, mainly because my wife's uncle was part owner of a CE firm, then a VP at one and had told her it was a shame I was ME because if I was CE, he could have hooked me up with a job making fat $$$.  Oh well, money isn't everything and it wasn't meant to be.

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So my wife just thumped my ass....and it felt great.

My parents told us about the "Thumper" last week, so we bought one. Deep tissue massager. Best purchase EVAR! You can do it yourself, but of course it's better having somebody else do it for you. I fell asleep last night while the wife thumped me. Please ES, make this investment, totally worth it.


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I don't know what field. I was physics but quarter kicked my ass, switched to chemical engineering. It is going okay so far, but I'm worried about fall quarter. I do know it has to be a science related field. Right now programming has me interested, but I can't afford to keep switching majors.

Do more compound work outs, like squats, deadlifts, and bench. I know you say legs get a pretty good workout, but squatting 2x a week should be doable.

I don't belong to a gym. All the workouts I do at home with limited space and 25 lb dumbells. Aside from playing hockey twice a week I also walk a mile to work everyday (by choice, I park a mile away). Perhaps I'll turn that into a jog instead of a walk.

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I'm so tired of hearing about how "passionate" European and south American fans are during this World Cup. As if they're better or more dedicated fans than us.

How about they're just overly dramatic?! I mean for god sake, they smoke underhand. A Spaniard could win $5 on a scratch off lottery ticket and they'd take their shirt off and run around the neighborhood.

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